Tratamento de cisto radicular de grande extensão: relato de caso clínico


To present the case of a large radicular cyst in the maxilla. Case report: Male patient, feoderma, 28 years old, at tended the stomatology service complaining of “a bubble in the tooth.” The patient reported the evolution of the injury for 15 days and has undergone previous endodontic treatment on the tooth 21. In intraoral physical examination it was observed a mild increase in the volume on anterior palate in the tooth 21 region. The anterior superior teeth responded negatively the pulp sensitivity test (PST). The panoramic radiography and den tal CT scan revealed a hypodense image expansive unilocular extending from the region of the tooth 16 to tooth 25 with par tially defined limits and move away of the right maxillary sinus floor and the nasal cavity. Treatment: Incisional biopsy was per formed and the result of the pathological examination suggested a radicular cyst. The initial therapeutic approach had been the endodontic treatment of teeth presented pulp necrosis prioritiz ing the use of calcium hydroxide as intracanal dressing. Histo pathological analysis showed a cystic lesion of inflammatory ori gin. After the endodontic treatment was made marsupialization of the lesion, aiming the cystic decompression. After 3 months of surgical decompression new imaging examination revealed a small regression of the lesion, however, is not satisfactory. We chose to realize curettage of the lesion under general anesthesia, reconfirming the diagnosis of radicular cyst. Conclusion: Cur rently, 10 months after surgery, new radiographs demonstrated the process of bone formation at the site of injury.



Cisto radicular, Descompressão cirúrgica, Diagnóstico bucal, Cirurgia bucal, Radicular cyst, Surgical decompression, Oral diagnosis, Oral surgery


SILVA, Ricardo Natã Fonseca  et al. Tratamento de cisto radicular de grande extensão: relato de caso clínico. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 27, n. 80, p. 52-56, 2018. DOI: 10.36065/robrac.v27i80.1172. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 dez. 2024.