Vivências artísticas de uma farmacêutica: a arte e suas interfaces
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The art is present in our daily lives in many ways and not always realized. In
order to discuss some arts and interfaces in our daily lives, the exhibition was held: “Artistic
Experience of a Pharmaceutical: the art and their interfaces,” which were presented
by tables that addressed the issues, ideas and discussions, were presented through
texts exposed along the boards, that compiled resulted in this article. Art performs interfaces
with several areas, such as education, can lead to both values, like the work and skills with the language, and the development of critical thinking. Which is necessary
to science, one relations that art has the potential to perform, and can also be presented
in a complementary way. In relation to the patient, the art has many ways of relating,
promoting wellness or even part of the healing process. In addition, one relation is to
being a tool to facilitate discussion or assist in the humanization practice of patient care.
Thus, it is observed that art is present in our daily lives, in different essential shapes.
Arte, Educação, Saúde, Humanização, Art, Education, Health, Humanization
DEWULF, Nathalie de Lourdes Souza. Vivências artísticas de uma farmacêutica: a arte e suas interfaces. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 15, dez. 2014. Disponível em: