O edentulismo no Brasil: epidemiologia, rede assistencial e produção de próteses pelo Sistema Único de Saúde
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar los aspectos epidemiológicos del
edentulismo, red de atención de salud y la producción de prótesis por el Sistema Único de Salud
de Brasil. Los datos fueron obtenidos de las siguientes fuentes: Encuesta Nacional de Salud Bucal
Brasil 2010, Centros de Atención Dental Especializados (CADEs), de los Laboratorios Regionales
de Prótesis Dental (LRPDs) y la productividad de tratamiento protésico por el sistema de salud
pública. Se realizaron análisis espacial, descriptiva y correlacional. La prevalencia de pérdida de
dientes fue alta, especialmente entre las mujeres, los ancianos, las personas con bajo nivel educativo
y de ingresos de la familia, y en la región Norte. Necesidades protésicas fueron mayores en las
regiones Norte y Nordeste. El número de CADEs por ciudad se correlaciona con el tamaño de la
población (p<0,001; r=0,473), índice de desarrollo humano local (p<0,001; r=0,165) y número
de Equipos de Salud Oral (p<0,001; r=0,403). Laboratorio y ambulatorios producciones fueron
mayores en las regiones Sur, Sudeste y Nordeste. A pesar de los avances obtenidos con la Política
Nacional de Salud Bucal en Brasil, el panorama de la pérdida de dientes continúa con una alta
prevalencia, necesidades de producción de prótesis, y desigualdades en la prestación de servicios.
This study aims to investigate epidemiologic aspects of edentulism, health care network, and prosthodontic production by the Brazilian Unified Health System. Data sets were taken from the following sources: 2010 Brazilian National Oral Health Survey (SBB10), Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCCs), Regional Dental Prosthesis Laboratories (RDPLs), and prosthodontic treatment productivity by the public health system. Spatial analysis and descriptive and correlational statistics were performed. The prevalence of tooth loss was high, especially among women, elderly, individuals with low educational level and family income, and in the North region. Prosthetic needs were higher in the North and Northeast regions. The number of SDCCs by city was correlated with population size (p<0.001; r=0.473), local Human Development Index (p<0.001; r=0.165) and number of Oral Health Teams (p<0.001; r=0.403). Laboratory and ambulatory productions were higher in the Southeast, South and Northeast regions. Despite the advances obtained with the Brazilian National Oral Health Policy, edentulism remains with high prevalence, prosthodontic treatment needs, and inequalities in service provision.
This study aims to investigate epidemiologic aspects of edentulism, health care network, and prosthodontic production by the Brazilian Unified Health System. Data sets were taken from the following sources: 2010 Brazilian National Oral Health Survey (SBB10), Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCCs), Regional Dental Prosthesis Laboratories (RDPLs), and prosthodontic treatment productivity by the public health system. Spatial analysis and descriptive and correlational statistics were performed. The prevalence of tooth loss was high, especially among women, elderly, individuals with low educational level and family income, and in the North region. Prosthetic needs were higher in the North and Northeast regions. The number of SDCCs by city was correlated with population size (p<0.001; r=0.473), local Human Development Index (p<0.001; r=0.165) and number of Oral Health Teams (p<0.001; r=0.403). Laboratory and ambulatory productions were higher in the Southeast, South and Northeast regions. Despite the advances obtained with the Brazilian National Oral Health Policy, edentulism remains with high prevalence, prosthodontic treatment needs, and inequalities in service provision.
Perda de dente, Sistema Único de Saúde, Prótese dentária, Serviços de saúde bucal, Tooth loss, Unified Health System, Dental prosthesis, Dental health services, Pérdida de diente, Sistema Único de Salud, Prótesis dental, Servicios de salud dental
SILVA, Erica Tatiane da; OLIVEIRA, Rommel Teodoro de; LELES, Cláudio Rodrigues. O edentulismo no Brasil: epidemiologia, rede assistencial e produção de próteses pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Tempus: actas de saúde coletiva, Brasília, v. 9, n. 3, p. 121-134, set. 2015.