Prevalence of vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis in patients with koilocytosis


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Empirical discussion regarding an association between koilocytosis and vulvovaginitis often occurs. Thus, the objec- tive of this study was to assess the prevalence of microorganisms associated with bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginitis in women with and without koilocytosis. DESIGN AND SETTING: Analytical cross-sectional study including two cohorts of women (with and without koilocytosis) who attended a cancer hos- pital in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás. METHODS: A total of 102 patients entered the study. The whiff test, Gram and Papanicolaou staining and bacterial and fungal culturing were performed. The results were observed using uni- variate analysis. The odds ratio and confi dence interval (CI) of the variables were calculated; P-values < 0.05 were considered signifi cant. RESULTS: The prevalence of bacterial coloniza- tion was similar in patients with and without koilocytosis. The odds ratio for candidiasis was 1.43 (CI 1.05-1.95) and the odds ratio for trichomoniasis was 1.78 (CI 1.49-2.12), in patients with koilocytosis. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of candidiasis and trichomoniasis seems to be higher in patients with koilocytosis.



Vulvovaginitis, Vaginosis, bacterial, Candidiasis, Trichomonas infections, Papil- lomaviridae


CAMPOS, Ana Claudia Camargo et al. Prevalence of vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis in patients with koilocytosis. São Paulo Medical Journal, São Paulo, v. 126, n. 6, p. 333-336, 2008.