Documentário experimental: reflexões sobre uma nova proposta de elaboração documentária

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Meet the "other" was an issue that has always troubled man. Unease leveraged with modernity, with the distance brought by the various lenses and screens around the world. This paper seeks to try new ways to make known the "other" through the lens as used by modernity, but without following the spectacular forms provided by it. Discover how you can know the "other" mediated by a video camera, through new paths and possibilities offered by Jean-Louis Comolli (2008) in experimental documentary. An offshoot of the documentary genre that does not bother to establish or tell a truth, for truth is endless. But want to awaken feelings, thoughts, and share new ways of looking at the common. Path that is based on a closer relationship with the "other" before the filming process, so that through this there is the possibility of not only know each other, but also try to be the other. Also investigate as a relationship mediated by a camera, and all the power relations involved in it, contribute to making this work than call the mise-en-scène.Not only discuss these issues or present, but experience them for the practice and theory contribute to enhancing learning and search for new paths. Looking to better understand the way of experimental documentary that work first understand what he flees, and the brief history of this genre with issues such as truth and act. It is also necessary to understand how some terms are seen within this proposal, so that the end is possible to understand the discussions about the process of drafting the document provides experimental documentary. The aim is a reflection on the weaknesses of these paths, as well as the knowledge acquired in the study of texts Comolli (2008), Deleuze (year), Guy Deborb (year) and others - through the same experiences, adopting the experimental film and device for manufacturing the same.



Documentário, Dispositivo mise-em-scène, Conhecer o outro


OLIVEIRA, Ágatha Bezerra de. Documentário experimental: reflexões sobre uma nova proposta de elaboração documentária. 2011. 70 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.