Anise essential oil as a sustainable substrate in the multicomponent double Povarov reaction for julolidine synthesis


The use of star anise oil from a natural source as a dienophile in the multicomponent double Povarov reaction (MCPRs) to produce highly substituted julolidines with diverse technological applications is described. Within the framework of green chemistry, these MCPRs have many advantages such as (i) use of water in the reaction, (ii) creation of up to six bonds in one sequence, (iii) water as a sole waste, (iv) 100% of carbon economy, (v) a metal-free process, and (vi) nontoxic and reusable organocatalysts. These advantages, along with a simple workup procedure, make this protocol greener for the synthesis of julolidines.




BRAGA, Ingredy Bastos et al. Anise essential oil as a sustainable substrate in the multicomponent double Povarov reaction for julolidine synthesis. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Washington, v. 85, p. 15622-15630, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c02459. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 nov. 2023.