Racionalismo e empirismo: o papel da imaginação no processo de conceptualização

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This paper aims to discuss the role of imagination in the formation of abstract concepts in the languages. Lakoff and Johnson ([1980] 2002) have the experientialist proposal. This proposal conceives a imaginative rationality. The paper studies how the philosophers of empiricist and rationalist orientation to see the place of the body, reason and imagination in the possibility of knowledge and naming of things in the world. Based on the book The body in the mind: the bodily bases of meaning, imagination, and reason, by Mark Johnson (1987), the notion of imagination in Kant is addressed in order to examine the philosophical explanation for the genesis of abstract metaphorical concepts.



Racionalismo, Imaginação, Empirismo, Corpo, Conceptualização, Rationalism, Empiricism, Body, Imagination, Conceptualization


SILVA, Leosmar Aparecido da. Racionalismo e empirismo: o papel da imaginação no processo de conceptualização. Via Litterae, Anápolis, v. 5, n. 1, p. 53-74, jan./jun. 2013.