Desenvolvimento de software destinado à análise de custos de energia elétrica em unidades consumidoras do grupo A e grupo B

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Understanding how charges related to the use of electrical energy in an installation are made is essential for good expense management of this resource, as it allows identifying ways to reduce the costs arising from its use. Although there are several energy distributors in Brazil, all of them are subject to the rules and resolutions established by ANEEL, which implies standardization of energy billing. This work aims to detail the development of a web application intended to assist in the study of costs related to the use of electrical energy in Brazilian consumer units. The program combines HTML and CSS elements with its main code written in Python. The unit's profile and simulation results are presented as numerical values and graphs in Excel spreadsheets. The software has two analysis models: load analysis, where the unit's weekly consumption profile is analyzed according to the installed loads and their usage times; and bill analysis, where the data present in the electricity bill for 12 months of the unit's operation are interpreted. The analyses aim to clearly present the unit's consumption profile and identify possible cost-saving opportunities through tariff reclassification or contracted demand alteration. In load analysis, the ideal tariff modality for the unit's profile is verified, and for Group A consumers, the presence of costs with reactive elements is studied, as there is no such charge for Group B consumers. In bill analysis, the program addresses only Group A units, recommending the ideal contracted demand, the appropriate tariff modality, and presenting the estimated savings if the consumer adopts the suggested measures. Five case studies were conducted to validate the results generated by the application: three focused on load analysis and two on bill analysis. The first four studies evaluated the results and identified the causes of any observed differences, while the last consisted of a practical study, applying the tool to analyze a consumer unit at the Federal University of Goiás. The software proved to be efficient, generating consistent results with small or no errors in most cases.



Análise tarifária, Modalidade tarifária, Python, Demanda contratada, Faturamento de energia elétrica, Tariff analysis, Tariff modality, Python, Contracted demand, Electricity billing


ESPERIDIÃO, Rodrigo Santana. Desenvolvimento de software destinado à análise de custos de energia elétrica em unidades consumidoras do grupo A e grupo B. 2024. 85 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.