Site contributions to phytoplankton beta diversity along two subtropical reservoirs
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Information about species diversity, integration of local data, and the dynamics of regional diversity is essential for understanding the mechanisms that maintain diversity in biological communities, especially in aquatic environments, which have
extensive connectivity. Here, we used phytoplankton community data from two subtropical reservoirs and evaluated the site
contributions to phytoplankton beta diversity. We partitioned beta diversity into two mechanisms, replacement and diferences
in species richness and abundance, and we related to environmental heterogeneity. We tested whether there is a predominance
of replacement or diferences in richness and abundance in beta diversity, and whether environmental heterogeneity predicts
beta diversity and its components. Our results indicated the temporal and spatial variation of the environmental conditions of
the reservoirs. The species replacement was prevalent in lentic sites, while diferences in richness and abundance contributed
to lotic sites. Dissolved oxygen, total phosphorus, euphotic zone light availability, orthophosphate, water fow, and total
dissolved solids were predictors of beta diversity and its components. Thus, studies that consider the local and regional variability of species in the function of environmental heterogeneity are essential in understanding ecological determinants and
should be considered for the conservation of aquatic biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services in reservoirs.
Dam, Replacement, Environmental heterogeneity, Phytoplankto, LCBD
MOURA, Weder Bernardes de et al. Site contributions to phytoplankton beta diversity along two subtropical reservoirs. Aquatic Sciences, Berlim, v. 84, e59, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-022-00890-3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2023.