Quem é o animal laborans de Hannah Arendt?

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I intend to examine in this paper a central question to the Arendt’s reflection on the political modernity: the victory of animal laborans. To accomplish this task, I will perform an analysis of the semantic variations of arendtian use of this term, whose understanding is central to her articulation between human condition, the emergence of society and the prevalence of a mindset tied to life through labor and consumption. We conclude that there are at least three main uses of the term animal laborans in Hannah Arendt’s work: as a fundamental dimension of existence conditioned by life; as a product of the atomized society; as mindset and "way of life" extracted from the conditions of mere living. We think that this is a fundamental step to understanding of the relationship between economy and politics in modern age. [#]



Animal laborans, Era moderna, Economia, Política, Animal laborans, Modern age, Economy, Politics


CORREIA, Adriano. Quem é o animal laborans de Hannah Arendt? Revista de Filosofia: Aurora, Curitiba, v. 25, n. 37, p. 199-222, jul./dez. 2013.