Determinação do melhor tratamento para a superação da dormência em guariroba – Syagrus ,oleracea (Mart) becc


The guariroba is a palm that splies a bitter palmetto. This species has low gennination and demands long time for it. This study aimed to detennine a treatment to increase gennination and to reduce lhe time expended by guariroba seeds for it. The trealments were: 1- fresh coroas with pulp, 2 - fresh cocoas without pulp, 3 - dry and fired cocoas and 4 - dry cocoas. The observations were made ai 20, 30, 40, and 50 days. The treatment 3 didn\ present gennination. The statistic tests results showed highly significant differences among olher treatments (1, 2 and 4 ) in gennination of seeds. The orthogonal displaying oftreatments effcts showed better gennination offresh and dispulped cocoas (1 % probability). Treatment 2 showed gennination increase since 20 days ( y = 0,05714 + 2,5 X - 0,0257X', wilh R' = 0,99••)



Guariroba, Gueroba, Genninação, Dormência, Syagrus, Gennination, Guariroba, Bitter palmetto


MATTEUCCI, Magda Beatriz de Almeida; GUIMARÃES, Noga Neve Ribeiro; DUARTE, João Batista; TIVERON FILHO, Domingos. Determinação do melhor tratamento para a superação da dormência em guariroba – Syagrus ,oleracea (Mart) becc. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 25, n. 2, p. 149-153, jul./dez. 1995. Disponível em: <>.