Eficácia da condensação lateral de guta-percha no selamento endodôntico


The effectiveness of the lateral condensation of gutta-percha in the endodontic sealing had been evaluated, by means of systematic review. It was used of sources of bibliographical catalogue identified electronically for MEDLINE, from 1966 up to January 14th 2008. As search strategy were used the terms – Root Filling, Condensation Lateral, Condensation Vertical line, McSpadden, Thermafil, System B, Thermal Compaction, Tagger – as key-words, in different combinations. The search presented 372 related articles, 29 studies were in vivo studies (human or animal), theses, no one satisfied the inclusion criteria. Considering the success of clinical behaviors, the technique of lateral condensation is the most used by the endodontist, the most studied and with higher rate of success.



Obturação do canal radicular, Selamento endodôntico, Condensação lateral, Root canal filling, Lateral condensation, Endodontic sealing


ESTRELA, Carlos et al. Eficácia da condensação lateral de guta-percha no selamento endodôntico. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 17, n. 43, p. 56-64, 2008.