Fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas: vigilância por meio de inquérito telefônico, VIGITEL, Brasil, 2007


This article describes the prevalence of risk and protective factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in Brazil, using data collected in 2007 through the telephone disease surveillance system (VIGITEL). We evaluated 54,252 adults residing in Brazil’s State capitals and Federal District. Men showed higher rates of smoking, overweight, consumption of soft drinks and fatty meat, sufficient leisure-time physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and binge drinking; women showed higher consumption of fruits and vegetables. For men with more schooling, the probability of smoking decreased by 42% and consumption of fatty meat decreased by 31%; overweight increased 86%, sedentary lifestyle 42%, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables 89%, and leisure-time physical activity 78%. For women with more schooling, the probability of smoking decreased 31%, overweight 26%, and consumption of fatty meat 35%; sedentary lifestyle increased 76%, leisure-time physical activity 77%, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables 48%, and recommended consumption of fruits and vegetables 75%.



Surveillance, Chronic disease, Adult, Vigilância, Doença crônica, Adulto


MOURA, Erly Catarina et al. Fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas: vigilância por meio de inquérito telefônico, VIGITEL, Brasil, 2007. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, n. 3, p. 486-496, 2011.