Rede de coautoria da Universidade Federal de Goiás: o impacto de publicações internacionais

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Introduction: proposes to demonstrate the construction of co-authoring within the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the possible impact of this internationalization production Method: a data extraction (concerning the temporal arch of 1999 to 2015) was performed at Web of Science (WoS) database in order to retrieve UFG publications. The items retrieved were treated - meanly the co-authors names - to build the network of co-authorship using social network analysis methodology (SNA). Results: the co-authorship network showed the international impact of UFG which answered the question about the existence of such network and its characteristics, as well as perceptions and characteristics of internationalization and the development of the network . Conclusions: The creation of co-authorship network demonstrates cluster divisions and related features that compose it, thus introducing contexts beyond the co-author realm, such as internationalization and the use of information obtained in the management of scientifific research in an institution.



Análise de redes sociais, Internacionalização acadêmica, Comunicação científica, Social network analysis, Academic internationalization, Scientific communication


SILVA, Eduardo Alves; MARTINS, Dalton Lopes. Rede de coautoria da Universidade Federal de Goiás: o impacto de publicações internacionais. AtoZ: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento, Curitiba, v. 5, n. 2, p. 91-103, jul./dez. 2016.