Avaliação de serviços de apoio na perspectiva do controle de infecção hospitalar

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Joaquim Tomé de Sousa


The quality of the services of support is an important condition for the prevention and control of Hospital Infections (HI). Objective: To identify and to analyse the operation and pattern of quality of the service infrastructure, in relation to the attendance to the requirements for the control of infection into hospital. Methodology: Descriptive and analytic research accomplished at public and private hospitals. Structured interview and checklist obtained the data, both previously validated, applied in supervisors of the services. Result: Were analysed 13 hospitals 62 services and all have a Hospital Infections Control Commission (HICC). The procedures standardisation was related by 78% of the laboratories; 45% of the drugstore; 61% of the nutrition services; 67% of the laundries; 100% of the services of cleaning. The interaction between the support services and the HICC is larger in the public hospitals. Conclusion: more than 50% of the studied hospitals present a good pattern of control of HI in what it means to the support services.



Infecção hospitalar, Controle de infecção, Qualidade da assistência, Hospital Infection, Infection control, Attendance quality


PEREIRA, Milca Severino; PRADO, Marinésia Aparecida do; LEÃO, Ana Lúcia de Melo; SOUZA, Deniza Nobre de. Avaliação de serviços de apoio na perspectiva do controle de infecção hospitalar. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, out./dez. 1999. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/fen/article/view/667/735>.