Programa de Pós-graduação em Arte e Cultura Visual
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Item Ser mil e uma: imagens dançaram em seus próprios tempos até chegarem a mim(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Barra, Luiza Domingos; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso;; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Abreu, Carla Luzia de; Macedo, Silvana BarbosaThis autobiographical essay writing is a drift full of doubts - which is woven together with reflections on and with the processes of artistic creation. Defining itself as a research in art, it aimed to create artistic works based on photographic images from my family's collection, including photos taken in Lebanon in the 1950s and collected by my great-grandmother since her immigration to Brazil. I start from the position of great-granddaughter of Lebanese immigrants to appropriate such photographs with a poetic intention that addresses issues of identity, gender and belonging while criticizing orientalist stereotypes. I therefore draw on Edward Said's (2007) definition of Orientalism, using it as a theoretical-critical nutrient to perceive Eurocentric discourses and epistemologies in images of Art and Visual Culture referring to Arab countries. Inserted in the research line Artistic Poetics and Creation Processes of the Postgraduate Program in Art and Visual Culture at FAV/UFG, the relevance of the research glimpses the current geopolitical configuration of the “Middle East” and how the Western media reproduces stereotypes that affect refugees and immigrants. The methodology benefits from the notions of Autobiographical Research in Art, proposed by Manoela dos Anjos Afonso Rodrigues (2021) and autofiction by Nelson Guerreiro (2011). I present as artistic results created in this context, a set of works that seeks to technically explore artist books, photography, performance and video from a “feminist way of unarchiving” as presented by Luana Saturnino Tvardovskas (2021).Item O caderno de artista como processo artístico e poético(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Pereira, Estêvão Parreiras; Jesus, Samuel José Gilbert de;; Jesus; Jesus, Samuel José Gilbert de; Oliveira, Gregorio Soares Rodrigues de; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes deThe investigation is articulated around the production and thought about the artists' notebooks. As well as their recognition as a language of artistic and poetic construction of the artist in process. When investigating the object in question, we refer to a complex instrument of archive of experiences; it remains in the emanation of creation, perpetuated by the gathering of drawings, writings, among other means of expression.Item Arquiteturas da infância: uma construção de memórias(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-27) Souza, Kassius Brunno; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa;; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso;; Rodrigues, Manoela dos Anjos Afonso; Silva, Odinaldo da Costa; Sacco, Helene Gomes; Oliveira, Wolney Fernandes deChildhood architectures is research that investigates the intersection between childhood and architecture through the body-memory-space relationships and the (re)creation of what I call poeticspatial structures: the house, the church, the school and the street, through artistic practice in different media and languages. The methodology is composed of poetic writing and studio work, driven by the Autobiographical Research in Art approach (Rodrigues, 2021). In this process, I also seek to create dialogues between Bachelard’s (2008) poetics of space and Arfuch’s (2010) biographical space to understand the body of work as a means of establishing a poetics of biographical space. This space is originated, in this research, by fables and daydreams driven by a practice of the self that calls upon writing, childhood, visual arts and architecture to, together, enable the construction of memories.Item Samuel Costa – Cartografias da Memória: arquivo. corpo. homoerotismo(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-07) Tito, Keith Valéria; Jesus , Samuel José Gilbert de; http://lattes.cnpq. br/3589952430806659; Jesus, Samuel José Gilbert de; Anjos Neto, João Dantas dos; Oliveira, Flávio Gomes de; Vidica, Ana Rita; Mendonça , Tânia Mara Quinta Aguiar deThe objective of this research consists in the elaboration of a cartography about the photographer Samuel Costa, based on his documentary archive constituted from 1968 to 1987. The cartography as a methodological resource emphasizes the importance of portraying the paths taken during the development of a research. The practice, going into the field, looking around the object of study are also issues attributed to cartography as a method. In this sense, to understand Samuel Costa's trajectory, the investigation begins by presenting the constitution and course of his own archive, with photographic conservation being an essential element in this process. Because, in addition to preserving the materiality of the materials that compose the archive, it also preserves History and Memory, instigating reflections on temporality and the meaning of archives. To understand the context experienced by Samuel Costa, his archive highlights photographs of the male, homoerotic body and the bodies that are revealed through it: the political, social and historical bodies. The investigation also highlights the way in which archives have been used and re-signified by contemporary researchers and artists. The investigation also highlights how archives have been used and reinterpreted by contemporary researchers and artists, the portrayal of male nudity, the bodies participating in gay parades, and how bodies affected by SIDA in the 1980s and 1990s were embraced by an artistic practice centered on photography.