Programa de Pós-graduação em História
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Item A colonização militar no sertão de Amaro Leite: presídio de Santa Cruz, 1854-1864(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-08) Almeida, Maria Juliana de Freitas; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Almeida, Maria Regina Celestino de; Kodama, Kaori; Araújo, Ordália Cristina Gonçalves; Magalhães, Sônia Maria deThis thesis addresses the theme of the Military Colonization Project. The study of this project, implemented in several Brazilian provinces, including the province of Goiás, from the second half of the 19th century, aims to contribute to the historical knowledge of territorial and human conquest undertaken in Brazilian inland regions where colonization was incomplete or not yet established. The research focuses on the Santa Cruz Prison in the Sertão de Amaro Leite, with a timeframe that covers the years 1854 to 1864. This period encompasses the foundation of the prison until its transfer to the Jurupensen Port, on the banks of the Rio Vermelho, near the City of Goiás. The research aims to examine the Military Colonization Project, contextualizing its political and economic motivations, as well as analyzing its implementation in the province of Goiás, including the strategies and challenges faced. It seeks to investigate the social, political, and economic transformations resulting from the project's implementation in the Sertão de Amaro Leite region, considering its impact on the social structure and regional economy. The understanding of the relationships between the military settlers and the local population, especially the Indigenous peoples, as well as the analysis of the living conditions of the colonial prison's inhabitants, are also highlighted. The research addresses the emerging social dynamics and the strategies of coexistence and resistance adopted by the various groups involved, and the impacts of this territorial occupation policy on the Avá-Canoeiro Indigenous people, in the face of the changes caused by the colonization project. With this investigation, we hope to reflect on the history of Goiás from the perspective of the prison's inhabitants, who were both victims and protagonists of the historical scene. Our research adopted an approach that combines documentary analysis and literature review. The records were examined through quantitative analysis, including statistical data treatment. Simultaneously, we conducted a qualitative analysis aiming to understand the daily life of the colonizing institution through a process of reconstruction, representation, and comparison. The establishment of military prisons in the Sertão de Amaro Leite allowed the imperial government to have greater control over the region, as well as enabling the expansion of the non-Indigenous population in the area. The analysis of the Santa Cruz Prison reveals the multiple facets of the Military Colonization Project. While the imperial government achieved its objectives due to the increase in the non-Indigenous population and the implementation of roads and paths, the residents also experienced benefits such as strengthened security and stimulated trade. However, for the Indigenous peoples, especially the Avá-Canoeiro, the consequences were disastrous, resulting in drastic changes in their way of life and the loss of lives and territories. Through the study of the Santa Cruz Prison, we can understand the complexity and varied impacts of the military colonization project for Brazil. This deeper understanding not only enriches our knowledge of the past but also allows us to reflect on current issues related to colonization, Indigenous rights, and regional development.Item O legado de Augusto na perspectiva de Dante Alighieri: explorando a ideia de poder imperial na Eneida de Virgílio e sua reinterpretação em sobre a monarquia e n’A Divina Comédia (Sécs. XIII-XIV)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-24) Barbosa, Sérgio Murilo Pereira de Andrade; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques;; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; Mota, Thiago Eustáquio Araújo; Omena, Luciane Munhoz deDante Alighieri was a poet and politician active in Florence at the turn of the 13th to the 14th century. He lived in a context of social, political, religious, cultural, and economic transformations. Two institutions were in conflict at this time, the Papacy and the Empire, represented by factions known as the Ghibellines and the Guelphs initially, and later by the White Guelphs and the Black Guelphs. A proponent of the autonomy of both institutions, especially the Empire, Dante was exiled when the Black Guelphs (supporters of papal power) took control in Florence. From then on, he began to produce two of his most famous works: Commedia and De Monarchia. These works present a harsh critique of society and the leaders of his time, of the corruption of institutions and individuals. Using primarily Virgil's Aeneid, Dante praises the Romans, considering both the people and their leaders the most capable of dominating the world, with Augustus being the greatest example of an efficient leader. According to Dante, the Roman ruler should be adopted as a model by the leaders of his time. From this perspective, in this dissertation, we analyze Dante's reinterpretation of Virgil's discourse on the supremacy of the Roman people and their leaders, from the beginnings of Rome to the time of Augustus. We explore Dante's mentions of Augustus and his government, the past of Rome, and the Roman people, based mainly on the Aeneid. We show how Dante used the rule of Augustus as a benchmark for the characteristics of the Universal Monarch, a sovereign leader necessary to solve the problems he identified in the society of his timeItem História e descontinuidade: algumas contribuições de Michel Foucault para o campo historiográfico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-10) Braga, Matheus Fellipe Rodrigues; Valle, Ulisses do;; Valle, Ulisses do; Arrais, Cristiano Alencar Pereira; Penna, Mariana AffonsoThe main objective of this work is to achieve a systematization of the concept of discontinuity, presented a little in Foucault's writings and guiding his investigative work, and his contributions to the historiographic field. The notion of discontinuity raises certain problems and also possibilities for the field of historical knowledge, such as reflection on the event and the object of the narrative itself. The historical plot depends both on a diffuse and problematic past, as well as on a historian who has the task of elaborating meaning for the documents and speeches of the past.Item Um romance de formação: representações da classe média brasileira em “Ciranda de pedra” (1954), de Lygia Fagundes Telles(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-20) Carvalho, Natália Peres; Silva, Robson Pereira da;; Menezes, Marcos Antônio de;; Menezes, Marcos Antônio de; Silva, Robson Pereira da; Vieira, Thaís Leão; Capelozi, Lays da CruzThis research aims to investigate how Lygia Fagundes Telles produces a certain representation of the middle-classes familiy, highlighting the dimensions of childhood and the roles assigned to women in that society, based on the novel Ciranda de Pedra, published on 1954, which exhibit characteristics of a bildungsroman. In this work we will observe the process of development of Virgínia, the protagonist, who is part of a disrupted “family” and is plagued by loneliness and rejection. To achieve this, we presente a study that analyzes the sociability networks of Lygia Fagundes Telles, how she constructs a narrative of herself and the paths that the author traversed until the publication of the novel Ciranda de Pedra, verifying also the construction process as well as it’s reception on the literary world. The plot of the novel is permeated by various themes, so, in this study we also discuss female opression, racial and sexual prejudice, the fall of the patriarchal system and othem important issues relevant for the focus of this analysis. In order to support the development of this research, we draw upon theoretical concepts from Antonio Candido (1989), Cristina Ferreira Pinto (1990), Phillipe Airès (1986), among others.Item Materialidade Imaterial: a consciência histórica nos tempos da quarta revolução industrial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-18) Cavalcante, Vitor Valente; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Guimarães, Juarez Rocha; Sugizaki, Eduardo; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Pinho, Thiago de AraújoFaced with the dizzying, despite incipient, fourth industrial revolution and the role that consciousness quickly acquires as the nucleus and pacemaker of all circles produced in countries with some level of industrialization, we sought a materialist approach to consciousness that could contribute to understanding and action in current capitalism. To do so, we start from the Marxian conception of consciousness as a social product, which he sought to elaborate based on an open dialectical logic that could demonstrate the materiality of the human spirit. Along the way, we seek to show how the interdiction of dialectics, whether through its dogmatization or its prohibition, in addition to distorting Marx's contribution to a materialist understanding of consciousness, helped to absolutize the meaning given to history by a high-tech monopolistic financialized capitalism, notably from the 1970s onwards. Finally, we carried out a historical analysis of the advancement of this new emerging mode of production, based on the elements of this materialist ontology, recovered and developed through the issue of immaterial materialityItem As populações indígenas nos trabalhos da Revista do IHGB (1839-1880)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-26) Dias, Aline de Souza; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Croce, Marcela; Fernandes, Renata SilvaThis research aims to understand how the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute constructed a representation of Brazilian nationality, based on the narratives developed around indigenous populations during the 19th century. From this, it becomes necessary to understand how conceptions of nationalism were appropriated by Latin American nations, especially Brazil and Argentina, in view of the development of projects that outlined the construction of nations in the 19th century. With this in mind, I analyze the role of literature in the dissemination of ideas that contributed to the image of the indigenous person as a national representative, and subsequently how the IHGB represented the natives. The creation of the Institute contributed to the production of discourses aimed at building the new Brazilian nation, especially in studies relating to indigenous populations. The conceptions surrounding the civilization of the country contributed to the development of projects on the assimilation of indigenous people. With an interest in this issue, this research aims to investigate the process of building Brazil, using the works published in the Revista do IHGB as the main means of analysis. To this end, an analysis will be made of the works published by the Journal between 1839 and 1880, seeking to understand how the IHGB constructs Brazilian nationality through the discourses produced about native BraziliansItem Memória da atuação política do movimento estudantil em Goiânia no período da Ditadura Civil-Militar (1964-1968)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-28) Fideles, Eduarda Sousa; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Pereira , Robson Mendonça; Langaro, Jiani FernandoThe present research aims to investigate the struggles and demonstrations of high school students who studied at Lyceu de Goiânia and Professor Pedro Gomes schools, as well as university students from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) during the period of the Civil-Military Dictatorship (1964-1968) in Goiás, especially in the capital, Goiânia. The sources used consist of written documents and newspapers from that time, in order to analyze the actions and demonstrations organized and carried out by students as a form of political struggle and intervention. The study focuses on the dictatorial regime and educational policies, highlighting the political, educational, cultural, and social aspects related to the respective schools. Additionally, it seeks to reflect on the construction of the memory of these individuals through the testimonies of some high school students and young university students, known as former militants, who participated in and led the resistance movements of the timeItem Retórica e discurso apologético cristão em De Mortibus Persecutorum de Lactâncio: A morte dos Imperadores (Séculos III e IV d. C)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-11) Freitas, Thiago Moreira; Omena, Luciane Munhoz de;; Omena, Luciane Munhoz de; Silva, Érica Cristhyane Moraes da; Souza, Armênia Maria deThe present research aims to analyze the work De Mortibus Persecutorum (313-314) by Lactantius (240-320), observing the absence of funeral rituals for the deaths of the persecuting emperors. The conduct of these emperors is analyzed through their behaviors associated with poor management and governance of the empire, which, according to Lactantian perspective, resulted in tragic, undignified, and violent deaths. Thus, the character adjectives signal the political role of the emperors in Lactantius' apologetic narrative. Thus, De Mortibus Persecutorum can be characterized as an apologetic work that emphasizes the "Christian ideal" through the political and religious issues of the Late Roman Empire. From this point, this study reflects on the rhetorical devices in Lactantius' narrative and seeks to understand the different types of deaths of the persecuting emperors and their connections with Divine Providence and the legitimization of Christianity in powerItem A plenitudo potestatis e o conceito de liberdade conforme Guilherme de Ockham (séc. XIV)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-01) Gomes, Mayara Stephane; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Oliveira, Terezinha; Martines, Paulo RicardoDuring the XIV century, the agents of the realms and the Holy See, respectively intertwined to the Time and Spiritual spheres, were related in different ways as in diplomacy as in the core of theories about the current power in Christianity. Nonetheless, due to the fights around Pope John XXII (1318-1334) and the “Spiritual Issue”, it is possible to notice a conflictual picture between these institutions. In that way, our goal in this research is to investigate the origins of this clash of powers in the light of the philosopher William of Ockham (1285? -1347) according to the political-theological apparatus and nominalism designed in his works, analyzed here as primary sources, Third Part of the Dialogue, A Short Discourse on the Tyrannical Government, and Eight questions on the power of the pope written around 1304-41. Ockham discusses, in the political works, his disapproval on this clash know by historiography as the doctrine of plenitudo potestatis papalis (fullness of power for the papacy), which determined the will of the representants of the spiritual power, the Pope, to evoque on their own benefit the fullness of power over both authorities. For this purpose, we start from an hermeneutic analysis to demonstrate that the Venerabilis Inceptor makes a well-grounded critic especially regarding to freedom accordingly to philosophical, theological, political, and ethical foundations, named as Christian - evangelical freedom, fundamental theme used against the sayings of Pope John XXII.Item Saúde e beleza feminina medieval: os cosméticos para cuidados com o corpo nas obras de Abulcasis e Trotula de Salerno(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-04) Lima , Andressa Rocha; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarantes dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Gonçalves , Ana Teresa Marques; Fagundes, Maria Dailza da ConceiçãoThis dissertation proposes a comparative analysis between recipes aimed at the production of cosmetics for health care and female beauty in the Middle Ages. For this, the documentary corpus is made up of three texts of Arabic and Latin origin, which among the medieval textual genres, can be classified as fundamentally practical pieces. The first, entitled Treatise on Pharmacology and Cosmetics: Concerning Perfume, Adornment and Beautification, was written around the year 1000, in al-andaluz on the Iberian Peninsula, by the physician-surgeon Abulcasis. The two other pieces, called De Curis Mulierum and De Ornatu Mulierum, are attributed to the legendary Sapiens Matrona Trotula, written between the 11th and 12th centuries, in the port city of Salerno. These are documents that played an important role in the consolidation of medieval cosmetology literature, since this knowledge flourished in Antiquity, and was disseminated, above all, in the medical and literary records of ancient, Arab and Latin authorities. In these premises, cosmetic practices were based on the medical theories that guided healthy living at the time, with cosmetics being a viable option for treating certain women's problems. Constantly associated with the domestic space and the female figure, the authors were based on the a capite ad calcem conception, that is, they provided advice for taking care of the body a capite ad calcem, covering the following parts; hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, face, lips, teeth and gums, the voice, breasts, hands, feet and, finally, the genitals. The production of cosmetics involved the precise selection of elements found in nature, according to their inherent properties, as well as specific preparation techniques and instruments, and considering these processes, they could assume multiple types and formats. Therefore, the comparison between texts allows us to identify similarities and differences in themes and parts of the human body that each author considered important to include in their compilationsItem Diogo do Couto (1542-1616), cronista e guarda-mor da casa do Tombo de Goa, e a interpretação sobre a possibilidade de sobrevivência do Estado Português da Índia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-16) Marinho, Elby Aguiar; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; França, Jean Marcel Carvalho; Silva, André Costa Aciole da; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; Nascimento, Renata Cristina SousaDiogo do Couto (1542-1616) was a Portuguese chronicler who, in his early years, lived at the court of Infante D. Luís (1506-1555). During this time, he began his studies and witnessed what he considered to be “times of glory.” However, most of his life was spent in the Portuguese State of India, where he held various positions—ranging from soldier to chief keeper of the Tombo of Goa and official chronicler of the deeds in Asia—discussed in his Décadas. Among the key characteristics of his writing are the denunciations regarding the disorderly conduct of the Portuguese and the "abandonment of India," which he believed posed a serious threat to the empire’s stability, already weakened by the rise of other powers both from Asia and Europe.It is at this point that he gains an important characteristic: having lived in Asia for years, Diogo do Couto suggested actions that should be taken by the authorities to save the State of India.Among many reflections, specific points stand out: the defense of a powerful fleet at sea, the maintenance of strategic fortresses, and the upkeep of peaceful relations with the Eastern peoples who were their neighbors and engaged in the rich spice trade. These should be the central focus of the reorganization of the State of India. This would ensure the continued Portuguese presence in AsiaItem Aimé Césaire: conexões transatlânticas, intelectualidade e críticas contra coloniais na obra O discurso sobre o colonialismo (1950)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-16) Melo, Marcos Rafael Andrade de; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Barbosa, Muryatan SantanaThis research proposes a critical analysis of the transatlantic connections and countercolonial criticisms present in Aimé Césaire's “Discourse on Colonialism (1950)”. The source analyzed is a 1950 work in which the author presents a proposed counter-colonial narrative related to the process of French colonization and its contemporary implications, notably racism. Aimé Césaire was an intellectual man of letters who criticized the arguments of a large part of the Western intelligentsia. The research investigates the context of Martinique's colonization process, the locus of Césaire's enunciation, as well as exploring the biographical aspects that influenced his intellectual production. It explores the emergence of counter-hegemonic knowledges based on the experiences of colonized peoples, which challenge dominant historical narratives and open up space for indigenous criticism, black thought and decolonial and counter-colonial theories. A detailed analysis of Discourse on Colonialism shows the influence of Marxism on Césaire's critique, highlighting his denunciations of the contradictions of Western modernity and his role in deconstructing colonial narratives. The study also investigates the reception of the work in Brazil, highlighting how its anti-colonial legacy continues to inspire academic debates and struggles for social justice. Therefore, exploring the intersection between literature, politics and history, it reaffirms the importance of Aimé Césaire as a central figure for understanding and criticizing the colonial structures that shaped modernity.Item Os usos e abusos da memória: uma análise do “volume 1 – história” do projeto Goiás +300: reflexão e ressignificação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-11) Melo, Rafaela Cavalcante Gonçalves Souza; Mendes, Breno;; Mendes, Breno; Souza, Rildo Bento de; Valdez, DianeThe dissertation in question proposes an in-depth analysis of various historical narratives related to the figure of the bandeirantes, with a special focus on Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, known as Anhanguera. The investigation spans different decades, from the 1930s to 2022, examining the evolution of the representation of this personality over time. Through the critical analysis of publications from the 20th and 21st centuries, the research identifies how various narratives contribute to the construction of collective memory. The study highlights the complexity in the portrayal of the bandeirantes and Anhanguera in different temporal contexts, revealing changes in historical interpretations over the decades. A central aspect of the dissertation is the exploration of the concepts of the use and abuse of memory, providing a solid theoretical foundation for understanding how historical narratives shape social memory. The in-depth analysis of these concepts contributes to a broader understanding of how historical representations can be powerful instruments in influencing society's perception of emblematic figures, such as Anhanguera. By addressing different perspectives over time, the dissertation seeks not only to describe changes in historical narratives but also to understand how these changes impact the formation of collective identity and the understanding of history. Ultimately, the study proposes a critical reflection on the role of historical narratives in the construction and influence of social memory regarding the bandeirantes, contributing to the broader debate on the interpretation of the past and its implications in contemporary society.Item Una aventura nueva con sabor argentino: quadrinhos e identidade nacional na revista Suplemento Semanal Hora Cero (1957-1959)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Nascimento, Leonardo Pires; Gomes, Ivan Lima;; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Horacio Gago, Sebastian; Fredrigo, Fabiana de SouzaThe present work intends to discuss the contributions of the publishing Frontera in the argentine’s press. The Frontera’s magazine created and participated in a moment of ecstasy in the 1950sAt that time, the comics, in the country, was passing through the comics “golden age”, where there was a great quality of art and an amount of lectores. Frontera’s intervention in the period respects some aspects of operation: a space of artistic autonomy and the criticism against the American characters. With this context and seeing the documents produced by the publishing, we seek to understand the strategies taken by the editor, Héctor Oesterheld, that contributed to the existence and success of the editorial project. Using Cultural History and Book History, we discuss the materiality and organization of the printed material at the same time of the distribution and the magazine’s reading. The discussion is guided by the Comics Studies, which discuss the organization of codes and symbols in the narrative structure. The documents represented by the magazines, interviews and advertisements, guide the interpretation of the comics as a product of mass media, and Frontera's magazines represent the relationship between popular culture and politics. An example of the reading policy democratization in the country at the end of the 1950s among the Buenos Aires citizens. The discussions in the period contribute to the stories development of narrative as Nahuel Barros and Ernie Pike – gauchesca and war, respectively. The problem surrounding comic strips is a process to achieve historical discussions at a period through a mass culture view.Item Transgressão e controle sobre as mulheres na cidade de Goiás entre 1860 a 1900(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-28) Nascimento, Naelma Mendes do; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira;; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Rabelo, Danilo; Souza, Rildo Bento deMagali Engel (1988), in "Meretrizes e doutores: Saber médico e prostituição no Rio de Janeiro (1840-1890)," states that "the conception of the prostitute is constructed in opposition to the mother and wife," considering that the prostitute would represent the opposite of what society, which valued morality and decency, upheld. The actions of these transgressive women were aimed at resisting poverty. The research sought to understand and describe the behaviors that frequently led to the imprisonment of these women. The objective of this work is to analyze prostitution in the City of Goiás at the end of the 19th century, between 1860 and 1900. In light of this proposal, to understand who these women were and the context in which they were inserted, it was necessary to analyze the concepts of vagrancy, vagabondage, and prostitution. Similarly, the research object was framed by selecting a historiography and analyzing documents, all from the 19th century, including police reports, newspapers, maps of the public jail of the City of Goiás, municipal codes, criminal cases, Terms of Good Living, the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and urban taxes. The investigation was conducted through documentary and bibliographic analysis, discussion of theoretical material, and data collection. In the first chapter, I draw on the text "As estratégias de purificação dos espaços na capital da Província de Goiás-1835- 1843" by Cristina Cássia Moraes (1995) and the texts by Gustavo Neiva Coelho, "O espaço urbano em Vila Boa: entre o veredito e vernacular" (2001), to describe the public space. This debate revolves around the discussion the State had regarding these spaces. In the second chapter, we will discuss the laws, how they were created to produce regulations, and how they "organize" public spaces, bodies, and the reprehensible behaviors of prostitutes. For the debate in this second part of the text, we will use "A invenção da Vadiagem: os termos de bem viver e a sociedade disciplinar no Império do Brasil" by Eduardo Martins (2011) and the work of professor Danilo Rabelo (1997), "Os excessos do corpo: a normalização dos comportamentos na Cidade de Goiás (1822-1889)". Prostitution is "understood as the conscious practice of exchanging or negotiating for money or other financial or material compensation" (Vieira, 2017, p. 1). In the City of Goiás, these women were not economically privileged and were always associated with disturbance, living on the margins of society. They live by their own means, working during the day washing clothes, sewing, or cooking, and at night they prostituted themselves.There was no designated prostitution zone in the city; the services were performed in the homes of these women. Their actions violated the law. They transgressed not because they lacked values but because their values were different—it was the culture of the streets, of the working class, of sporadic labor, and of popular traditions.Item Feitiço e agenciamento: o terecô de Codó-MA e o campo religioso afro-brasileiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-08) Nunes, Victor Hugo Basilio; Rocha, Leandro Mendes;; Rocha, Leandro Mendes; Nogueira, Léo Carrer; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes; Silva, Mary Anne VieiraThis work addresses – based on anthropological literature and diaries produced during fieldwork – how terecô, the name given to the encantaria of Codó-MA, has been represented in the field of studies on afro-brazilian religions. The construction of the theme, from an anthropological point of view, demonstrates the representations that were created about the supernatural powers of the Codó region as the “capital da macumba” and land of great sorcerers. In developing this thesis, the spell is seen as an opposition to the paradigm of ritual purity, as an element in the market for religious goods and as a mischaracterization of jeje-yoruba traditions. In afro-brazilian cults, diversity and agency counterpointed these ideas of purity in the most different traditions. Even cyberspace serves the terecô agency, through channels on the YouTube platform, which reinforce the spell, the intense sociability between the different tents and the doctrines of this Codoense tradition. Terecô, therefore, by associating traditionality with spells, determines its place in the field of afro-brazilian religions.Item Defender a ordem desordenando: o povo como sujeito da história e a questão do decoro na História Geral da Invasão dos Franceses de José Acúrsio das Neves (1810-1811)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-18) Oliveira Júnior, José Alves de; Salomon, Raquel Machado Gonçalves Campos;; Salomon, Raquel Machado Gonçalves Campos; Neves, Lúcia Maria Bastos Pereira das; Sá Júnior, Luiz César de; Vojniak, Fernando; Sinkevisque, EduardoThe aim of this thesis is to analyze the representation of the people in the História Geral da Invasão dos Franceses (1810-1811) by José Acúrsio das Neves (1766-1834) and its effects on the representation of the hierarchical order of the Old Regime. Considering that the emergence of the people in the historian's political-military account is, above all, a modification in the seventeenth and eighteenth century ways of representing war in history. Such changes meant subversions in the decorum of historical art in its representation of the war event. In the 17th century, the writing of history was subject to the precepts of ancient rhetoric, with the idea of decorum as the basic premise for the selection and representation of themes in the narrative. Decorum established specific modes of treatment according to genres and hierarchies, determining appropriate rhetorical places for noble and common characters. Through this rhetorical procedure, military heroes, or “greats,” figured as central subjects in the accounts of the Restoration of 1640, because they were considered to lead the relevant events in politics and war and decide the fate of society. The writing of military history expressed its commitment to a certain conception of history and to the sharing of the sensible (Jacques Rancière) of that community. In the historiographical work of Acúrsio das Neves, the 17th-century staging of the war would be compromised by the subversion of decorum and the change in the discourse about the people, who were understood as the third estate or plebs. The transformation of the people into a theme or subject in the history of the Restoration of 1808 caused contradictions and disorders in the representative logic of society. By modifying the criteria for evaluating heroism, Acúrsio das Neves altered the relationship between the writing of history and the hierarchical constitution of the community, between the effects of words and the distribution of social bodies.Item História das casas de Goiânia, de 1930 a 1950: as faces contínuas e descontínuas do morar “erudito moderno” e do “morar ordinário”(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-26) Oliveira, Simone Borges Camargo de; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais , Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Boaventura, Deusa Maria Rodrigues; Peixoto, Elane Ribeiro; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Menezes, Marcos Antônio deThis thesis emanates from a personal interest concerning human habitation, the locus of the “everyday experience of mankind”. It concentrates on concepts of "domicile," the "residence," and the act of "dwelling" – the commonplace inhabitation of the ordinary individual – together with the erudite inhabitation within the city of Goiania. The time frame is set between the 1930s and 1950s, in addition to studies up to the present time. Regarding the thesis relevance, despite previous meaningful work, goianiense historiography needs studies focusing on housing, the act of "dwelling” and new perspectives on habitation such as the one I am proposing. I intend to identify different social groups and the places of occupation of common “ordinary” houses – the segregated, informal city - and the erudite residences within the planned urban setting – the formal city. The dissertation is structured into three chapters. The first is dedicated to considerations that establish the theoretical foundation upon which the thesis is composed. The second has three sections: The initial one centers on the rhetorical discourse that legitimizes the capital shift. The second comments on the different aspects of the three plans within Goiania from 1933 to 1938, highlighting the correlation between dwelling typologies, territorial space, and its use, to understand the establishment of place and social group arrangements. The last one describes the typologies and architectural languages of public buildings and erudite houses built by the government for employees in the Central District, popular houses in the North District, and the ones built by private individuals. In addition, clarify the definition and classification of “Casas-Tipo”. The last chapter addresses ordinary common house considering modern city segregation. Furthermore, presents case studies from various locales to identify social groups and dwellings with discernible remnants in: Campinas, Worker’s Village-Campinas; the banks of Córrego Botafogo - Bota Fogo de Baixo (Vila Nova and Nova Vila Districs), East region; banks of Córrego Capim Puba, Northern Railway District. In writing the narrative, I developed numerous interpretative possibilities that unfold unexplored paths about the historiography of distinct modes of habitation among the residents of Goiania. To achieve this, I examined conceptual frameworks and documentary sources, where I encountered many publications concerning “erudite” residences. However, a comparable depth of information on popular houses, common individuals, and their ancestral knowledge is notably absent. I walk through several locations in the city searching for evidence of the common men, committing to deconstruct Goiás historiography to rebuild it. To achieve this, a specific methodology for this thesis is needed. Therefore, I conduct quasi-archaeological work by confronting primary imagery sources with primary written sources and the small signs left by these documents. I create mosaics and thus discover locations, types of buildings, and social groups. By this, I formulate four distinct study methodologies to identify the traces, the small gaps, which is the solution found for the process of collating the set of information that was obtained throughout the researchItem Civilizar, higienizar, disciplinar: imagens republicanas na Escola de Aprendizes e Artífices da Cidade de Goiás (1909-1937)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-03) Pires, Mauro Alves; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes;; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes; Mota, Maria Antônia da Silva; Caixeta, Vera Lúcia; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Magalhães, Sônia Maria deThe research investigates the instituting images that cohere and legitimize professional education in Goiás in the first half of the twentieth century. It focuses on the formation of the institutional imaginary of modernity in the public professional education. In it, the ideals of modernity interpret the past, plan the future and legitimize themselves in specific policies in the educational field. The institutional imaginary produces representations and practices marked by rationality and the disciplining of the bodies, has marks in the school building and are reinforced by institutional rites and images. The time frame of the research goes from the creation of the Escola de Aprendizes Artífices in the city of Goiás (1910), to the period of its transfer, during the change of the capital to Goiânia (1942). The doctoral thesis intends to deepen the research and focus on the Escola de Aprendizes e Artífices da Cidade de Goiás, an institution that, due to its singularities in terms of learning, harbored sociabilities that allow us to investigate the political disputes, the social base of the students and the educational projects in dispute in Goiás at the beginning of the 20th century. The period in focus (1910-1942) is of outstanding importance and significance to unveil the origins of professional education and its evolution in Brazil, based on public policies aimed at building the foundation of a modern labor society. The creation of the Apprenticeship School of Goiás and the ones in other states of the new Republic, took place at a time when there was an effort to overcome old representations about work, about childhood and youth. The purpose of the Republic in creating a school for the children of the “underprivileged of the estate” was ordered by a rationale and by the desire to build a labor intensive and disciplined citizenry. Thus the School of Apprentice Artisans used disciplinary training as a strategy to mold the ideal worker for the Republic. "Morally and materially abandoned," these students were categorized as vagrants, beggars, delinquents, and derelicts. The thesis works with the hypothesis that the instituting imaginary of the Republic articulated the principles of the “new” with the educational perspective, considering, under the motto of civilization, hygienism and disciplinarism, the apprentice and artisan schools as privileged spaces to train and professionalize the socially excludedItem Golpes de Tarantino: cinema, história e Deleuze para uma crítica especializada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-29) Queiroz, Filipe Artur de Sousa; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Borges, Rafael Gonçalves; Guéron, Rodrigo; Abdala Junior, Roberto; Gomes, Ivan LimaDepth of field is one of the instruments of cinematographic narrative that explains the existence of layers of interpretations of time, in the past, present and future. The location and articulation of these layers is one of the tasks of the theory of history. This is a thesis about depth of field in reflecting on the tension between historical and cinematic narrative. Seeking to explore the potential of historical narrative, more specifically its theoretical-historical dimension, this work assumes theory as a relevant component for the production of historical knowledge. By choosing the historical narrative as an object of reflection, the medium chosen for this endeavor is the cinematographic narrative, with a special focus on the work of Quentin Tarantino. The method adopted to link these two domains lies in examining the relationship between cinema and history. From this starting point, the central problem emerges: the tension between visual narrative (cinema) and historical narrative (history). To adequately address this issue, a specialized critique was developed that explores the intersection of these two operations, based on the image typology derived from Gilles Deleuze's cinematic semiotics.