Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária
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Item Acúmulo e carreamento de metais pesados e sólidos em superfícies asfálticas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-03-14) Silva, Emanoelle Pereira da; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de;; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de; Milograna, Jussanã; Poleto, CristianoThis work aimed to quantify the build-up and wash-off pollutants in urban asphalt surfaces, mainly metals and solids, correlating the pollutant load with dry days, traffic load and rainfall intensity. The relationship between metals and particle size has been also evaluated. To do this, three streets with different traffic load as study area in Goiânia City were selected. The sediments samples were collected in six plots of 0,5 m² located in the central track of the streets during 14 days, collecting samples on 1°, 2°, 3°, 5°, 7° e 14° dry days by the vacuuming and sweeping method. For water sampling two rainfall intensities were selected to be simulated, through a simulated rainfall over an area of 3m², being on low and other high intensity, respectively 25 mm/h and 115 mm/h both with 15 minutes duration. Were simulated three events on the same experimental plot in witch study area and collected 5 water samples during witch rainfall event, which were analyzed by concentration of suspend and dissolved solids, DQO, conductivity and the metals copper, chromium, lead, cadmium, zinc, iron and manganese, determined by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The results showed that build-up has a strong direct relationship with dray days and an inverse relationship with traffic load. For metals in sediments was verified that the higher concentrations are on particles < 63μm, and follow in general the concentration order Fe > Mn > Cu > Pb > Zn > Cd > Cr. The runoff water quality was observed that all the parameters analyzed, except chromium, were detected on selected study areas. The influence of rainfall intensity on wash-off pollutants was observed that this has fundamental importance, so that higher intensity wash-off a higher mass of solids and metals.Item Acúmulo e carreamento de poluentes em superfície de estacionamento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-09-21) Pauletti, Luciana Inácio; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de;; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de; Kopp, Kátia Alcione; Andrade Neto, Cícero Onofre deThe stormwater runoff in urban areas is an important source of non-point pollutants. This study aimed to quantify the build-up and wash-off of pollutants, particularly metals, water runoff from a paved surface urban Goiânia. Studies to estimate the processes of build-up and wash-off are still incipient in Brazil. We evaluated twelve plots paved with size of 3m2, located in a public parking lot, where they were analyzed on build-up and wash-off in June and July 2012. To wash-off was used a rainfall simulator in three intensities, 69 mm/h, 109 mm/h and 180 mm/h. Quantitation of accumulation in sampled surfaces determined load per m2 to obtain the coefficient build-up as well as for the analysis of the influence of background dried days before sampling campaigns. The build-up was adjusted at four possible equations for use in models water quality: (1) Linear, (2) Power (3) Exponential, and (4) Michaelis-Menton by obtaining the best fit. The water quality parameters analyzed were used for calculation of Average Concentration Event (CME), building polutogramas, coefficient of wash-off and correlation analyzes. The accumulation rate obtained was, on average, 8.53 g/m2dia, and more days dry, the greater the accumulation of pollutants. Levels of metals were found in all analyzed plots for all simulated events in different periods. There sharp and direct correlation between variables, particularly suspended solids and metals. The intensity of rain on the wash-off was clear, since the simulated rain intensity shifted with greater dirtier. Parameters were obtained for modeling the quality of rainwater.Item Adição de resíduo de argamassas mistas na produção de tijolos modulares de solo-cimento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008) Rodrigues, Mayza Loureiro Araújo; Ferreira, Regis;; Bacarji, Edgar; Análise da consistência de dados hidrológicos a partir de diferentes modelos digitais de terreno(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-02-20) Ribeiro, Hugo José; Milograna, Jussanã; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino;; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; Milograna, Jussanã; Araújo, José Vicente Granato de; Boggione, Giovanni de AraújoIn the digital relief is best represented by the digital terrain model (DTM) and the automatic extraction from topographical parameters of this data type, configures a viable alternative in relation to the manual process performed on topographic maps. However, the available data may contain faults or present information to altitude that are not exactly the terrain. In this sense, it is important to consider these issues in the application of MDT. In hydrology, for example, you must perform preprocessing steps to eliminate inconsistencies that might prevent the natural reproduction of the flow of water toward the riverbeds. The objective of this research is to check the limits of applicability of the MDTs in hydrological analyses. For this, we used 5 (five) MDTs data: Light Detection And Ranging-LIDAR; Aerial Photography; Topodata; ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model-Aster GDEM; Shuttle Radar Topography Mission-SRTM, with different spatial resolutions and methods of acquisition. These data were applied a technique of hydrological correction and subsequently were extracted attributes from all surfaces. This information was used in the construction of the time of concentration and consequently the design hydrographs, which in turn were used to extract the maximum flow of project to return periods of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 100 years, in a range of the curve number (CN) varying between 40 and 99. It was built using a programming language of 60 dimension array rows by 7 columns, where each line represents the maximum values of each design hydrograph flow generated from each value of CN. In the end, it was obtained a set of 24 arrays containing the values of the maximum flows of project for each CN value, and attributes extracted of the MDTs and of digital models of terrain Hidrologicamente Consistent (MDEHCs). In possession of this information, a statistical test was applied in order to assess the influence that the hydrological consistency method and the dimensions of the cells of the MDTs/MDEHCs had about the project flows. Was observed in one of the sub-basins analysed that the difference between the maximum design flow is directly proportional to the increase in CN and payback period. It was noted a difference of up to 173.7 m3/s to a CN of 99 and return period of 100 years. The hypothesis H0 of the proposed test was accepted in all return periods both in relation to hydrological consistency method applied as compared to cell dimension of MDTs. This means that it is possible to affirm with an error probability of "P-value" for return period, which the flows generated from the parameters of the MDTs differ from flows generated from the parameters of MDEHCs as well as between the MDTs surveyed at a significance level of 5%. From the results, it might be concluded that the interpolation method for hydrological consistency and size of the cell of the MDTs has influence on the generation of the maximum flow of project.Item Análise da dispersão de poluentes de origem veicular na BR-153 e sua relação com o uso do solo em área urbana do município de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-04-25) Reis, Adriano Francisco dos; Godói, Emiliano Lôbo de; Hora, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro;; Hora, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro; Godoi, Emiliano Lôbo de; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de; Silva Júnior, Sílvio Barbosa daThe BR-153 is 15 kilometers long within Goiânia city, therefore, the evaluation of the levels of air pollution and noise related to the presence of the highway is an object of considerable importance. To this end, the situation in three variables related to environmental degradation was analyzed: the airborne particulate matter mass (PM) adsorbed on the leaf surface, the metals concentration presents in PM and the intensity of sound pressure. Due owning urban parameters that apply mostly in built macrozone - density basic standard - the region of Setor Morais and Vila Morais have been chosen to perform the measurements and the collections, which were done to both highway sides as for distant points, with the goal to make the dispersion analysis of such pollutants. The PM was collected from the leaves surface of seven copies of monguba (Pachira aquatica), which are found at different distances from the highway axis: near the axis and at 100, 200 and 300 meters from the track, on both sides; the metals concentration data were obtained from analysis by atomic absorption. Data on noise pollution were collected at four points: 13, 50, 150 and 300 m from the highway axis, along a cross-street, using type 2 sound level meter - the data analysis was performed with reference to the parameters set by NBR 10.151 for noise comfort. The collections and the measurements were made from July to December 2013, accompanied by checks climatic parameters in order to determine the influence of these parameters on the dispersion of possible pollutants. The highest value related to PM was 19.1 μg/mm2 of leaf surface, detected in September. No significant differences were observed in the mass PM and the metal concentration in the leaves of different trees. There was a decrease in the mass of PM with the highest rainfall, but for Zn, Ni and Fe concentrations, a higher concentration was observed in the rainy season. As for the sound pressure, nonconformity with acoustic comfort levels near the highway was observed, wherein the level reached 80.3 dB (A) on two occasions. For furthermost points - at 150 and 300 m - was observed that possible shortcoming is due mainly to noise sources locations. This work suggests revision of the land use allowed in the study area, associated with the change in the type of highway traffic to ensure to ensure less risk of environmental degradation to the population.Item Análise da eficiência de métodos de controle de Enchentes na atenuação de picos de cheias utilizando o modelo computacional SWMM Storm Water managemente model(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-31) SILVA, Karla Alcione da; FORMIGA, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; research presents an evaluation of the eficiency of four flood control measures applied to an urban basin in the city of Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil. Goiânia shows frequent flooding problems. The following factors have been identified as causes of the floodings: (1) significant number of impervious areas (2) lack of green areas, (3) insuficient capacity of the pipe network to convey the produced water volume. Small detention basins, infiltration trenches and the increase of permeable areas (30-50%) within parcels have been evaluated as flood control measures as well as the use of the Lago do Bosque dos Buritis as a detention basin. For this purpose, the Stormwater Management Model SWMM has been applied for evaluating 11 hypothetic management measures in the water basin. The later control measures were evaluated individually as combined. In determining the impervious area index of the studied area, field visits have been carried out, which showed high imperviousness. (86.16%). A synthetic rainfall time series, derived from the equation proposed by Costa e Brito (1999) with recurrence of 2 years, has been used in the simulations. Horton`s equation was applied to represent infiltration with parameters presented in Moura (2005). The scenario which combines the use of infiltration trenches and the increase of pervious areas to 50% has shown to be the best solution in reducing peak flow with 43% eficiency. On the other hand, the scenario using detention basins presented the smallest efficiency (3%).Item Análise da influência do alquilbenzeno sulfonato linear (las) na agregação, sedimentação e coagulação química das nanopartículas de óxido de zinco em matriz aquosa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-30) Guimarães, Dáfnis Barsanulfa Vieira; Teran, Francisco Xavier Cuba;; Teran, Francisco Xavier Cuba; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne; Santiago, Mariangela FontesWith the widespread use of anionic surfactant alkylbezene linear sulfonate (LAS) and nanoparticles of zinc oxide (NP ZnO) it becomes probable the coexistence of both compounds in the aquatic environment, showning the importance of the present work in studying the effect of LAS in nanoparticles ZnO. This study was divided into 3 stages that consisted of analyzing the influence of LAS on aggregation, sedimentation, zero charge point (PCZ) and removal of nanoparticles in the coagulation process. The induced results that LAS influence the aggregation and sedimentation of nano-ZnO, mainly in LAS practices above 100mg / L. Sedimentation data were adjusted (R² without 0.85-0.99 interval) with a kinetic equation of first order with residual. The surfactant did not interfere significantly in the pHPCZ of the nano-ZnO, but both coagulants, ferric chloride and tannin, showed better results when the coagulation process with pH was close to the pHPCZ calculated. The presence of LAS in the suspension significantly influenced the efficiency of the coagulation process, in application of 300mg / L the removal efficiency was below the 5% evaluated at different pH and with two different coagulants. This study can contribute to demonstrate that the presence of LAS can alter the behavior of nano-ZnO and significantly reduce the efficiency of the coagulation process.Item Análise da presença de surfactante na remoção de microplásticos por eletrocoagulação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-05) Oliveira, Luísa Rodrigues de; Cuba Teran, Francisco Javier;; Cuba Teran, Francisco Javier; Carissimi, Elvis; Ruggeri Júnior, Humberto CarlosVarious types of pollutants are found in effluents, which can combine to form even more toxic components or impair the treatments used in effluent purification. Among the emerging contaminants, microplastics and surfactants can be mentioned, which coexist in different types of wastewater. The present work evaluated the effects caused by the anionic surfactant LAS and nonionic Tween 20 in the removal of pristine and aged PVC microplastic, added in synthetic water, by the method of electrocoagulation with aluminum electrodes. For the experiments, a bench reactor was developed, which operated in batches and with synthetic water, in order to avoid interference from other substances. For the analyses, counting was used with the aid of a magnifying glass, gravimetry and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that there was a reduction in the removal of plastic microparticles when surfactant was added, the only one that showed improvement was with the new microplastic in the presence of LAS at a concentration of 10 ppm. The worst removal percentages were for the concentration of 100 ppm, and when adding Tween 20 there was a decrease of 23% and 45% for pristine and aged microplastic, respectively, while for LAS the decrease was 6% and 24 %, for intact and deteriorated microplastic, respectively. Therefore, it is clear that the drop in removal was greater for degraded microplastics, both for the tests with Tween 20 and for the LAS. Comparing the decrease in removal between the two types of surfactant, it is observed that the non-ionic one reduces microplastic removal to a greater extent.Item Análise das rotas tecnológicas existentes para os resíduos sólidos urbanos no município de Cidade Ocidental/GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-04-30) Colvero, Diogo Appel; Pfeiffer, Simone Costa;; Pfeiffer, Simone Costa; Carvalho, Eraldo Henriques de; Pasqualetto, AntônioThe treatment and final disposal of solid waste (MSW) have raised concern and been the subject of intense debate, especially after the Law nº 12.305 of 2 August of 2010 which established the National Policy of Solid Waste (BRASIL, 2010a) . This Law established that municipalities would have up to four years to give a final environmentally correct their waste, from its publication layout. However, in Goiás, only fourteen of the 246 municipalities in the state currently have a landfill licensed by the Department of the Environment and Water Resources, of Goiás State (DEWR/GO). Thinking about it, aimed a municipality in the state who possessed a system of allocation of their MSW that targets minimizing impacts to the environment. picked up Cidade Ocidental/GO, a municipality that is part of the Integrated Development Region of the Distrito Federal and Surrounding Areas (IDRSA/DF), which has two different technological routes for disposal of solid waste: the first route, part of that waste is collected selectively and sent to a central screening called Association of Workers in Recycling and Reuse of Waste (AWRRW) and; in the second route, the remaining waste is conventionally collected and sent to landfill, which is operated by a private company, with that receives not only MSW Cidade Ocidental but also of Valparaíso de Goiás/GO - neighboring municipality to the city in study - thus forming a unique system in Goiás landfill shared. This system complies with the PNRS, which suggests the formation of consortia/sharing between cities, as well as the government will prioritize resources to municipalities that seek to unite to give a destination to their MSW. The objective of this study was to evaluate the technical, economic and environmental aspects existing of technological routes MSW municipality of Cidade Ocidental. For this, we carried out desk research by collecting secondary data and primary data collection also about technological routes of MSW city in study. The first route, the selective collecting-sorting central is not shared, because covers only the municipality of Cidade Ocidental, around 33.550 people attended. The current cost to maintain this system is R$ 375,58 per ton collected . The second route, the conventional collection-landfill is shared, also attending Valparaíso de Goiás, with about 190.000 people contemplated. To collect of form conventional and dispose at the landfill, the concessionaire, which forms with prefecture of Cidade Ocidental a public-private partnership of municipalities charge R$ 156,55 per tonne. The route of selective collecting-sorting central has some problems, which if corrected, can serve as a model for other municipalities in the state. And the second route, the conventional collection-landfill, has problems in public-private partnership, because the landfill is not the infrastructure and operation under ideal conditions, besides being with the license unsuccessful operation. However, if the mismatches are corrected, the landfill shared is a viable alternative to the municipalities of the state of Goiás.Item Análise de desempenho térmico e consumo de energia estudo de caso em hotelaria(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-03) PINTO, Maryana de Souza; GEYER, André Bortolacci; study, concerns the area of Recursos Hídricos e Saneamento Ambiental, and investigates how internal and external temperature effects the comfort in a hotel building , which has multiple functions and different levels of users. It is aimed to check the thermal performances, considering the surrondings , the activities of the users, their preferences and possibilities of heat acclimatization, the final use and habits of consumption of electric energy. As a theoretical framework for this task, it uses by choice bioclimatic architecture , an area that concerns the construction focused on greater energy efficiency and comfort. The verification of environmental suitability offered in different environments evaluated, took advantage of the studies of Fanger (1970), suggested by ISO -7730 (1995), ISO-9920 (1995) and ASHRAE (1992), as well as questionnaires answered by users of the building. Thus proceeded to study the urban characterization of the city of Rio Quente; the survey and selection of the building for the Case Study; selection of sites for measurement, data collection, analysis and comparison of results with Thermal Comfort indexes suggested by Fanger (1970). The environments selected followed the criteria for critical positioning in line with the direction of longer periods of solar direct impact on the facades, the burden of occupation, the direct and ventilation equipment. This case study used five sets of comfort measuring devices, to obtain Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT) and Radiant Thermal Load (RTL) and Air Relative Humidity (ARH) . Data was collected internally and externally from the building in aim to verify the behaviour of this construction , and after the external data was compared to the data provided by the Plataforma de Coleta de Dados (PCD) of Serra de Caldas, for checking the quality of data available for designers. The analysis showed the best confort perfomance in the Accomodation Areas where, despite no possibility of acclimatization due to the short periods of stay , there was a significant response from the guests . The Common Area also showed satisfactory results in terms of this group of users, due to the characteristics of their clothing and metabolism which in itself merits this project. The worst performance took place in the Services Sector, which presented no conditions of comfort and stayed outside of Fanger´s scale during most of the day, subjecting users to discomfort, this shows that this group of users,workers, are not considered in the early stages of the project.Item Análise de estimativas de precipitação por satélite e de diferentes métodos de preenchimento de falhas para a região do Sudeste Goiano(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-19) Duarte, Luíza Virgínia; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins;; Formiga, Klebber Teodomiro Martins; Souza, Saulo Bruno Silveira e; Ferreira, Nilson ClementinoPrecise estimation and monitoring of rainfall occurrence patterns are essential for the modeling of hydrological systems and the planning and management of water resources in various sectors of society. Failures in data series records may compromise studies in practical applications. Advances in precipitation physics are imperative to improve numerical models and rely heavily on testing new hypotheses for actual precipitation measurements, and improved predictions are deeply intertwined with the ability to measure precipitation. In this sense, the quality of satellite precipitation products has been significantly improved in the last decades, especially with the emergence of the missions: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) that comes as a successor to the TRMM mission in order to provide better global estimates of high quality and precipitation resolution. The objective of this study was to compare precipitation estimates generated by the GPM satellite with data observed on land in order to test the effectiveness of these rainfall estimates in relation to temporal and spatial patterns and to compare these data with traditional methods of filling data for the generation of complete series of data. The methods of comparison were applied for mean rainfall in the Meia Ponte and Rio dos Bois basins of the State of Goiás for daily, monthly and annual scales, and the failure completion methods were analyzed for the same region in daily and monthly data. The results were satisfactory for the monthly and annual analyzes in the region of the two basins and the daily precipitation data, due to their greater variability, they require more studies to refine the techniques in order to obtain better results.Item Análise dos parâmetros do modelo hidrossedimentológico SWAT na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Samambaia, Goiânia- GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-11-04) Silva, Bruna Ferreira da; Soares, Alexandre Kepler;; Soares, Alexandre Kepler; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de; Ferreira , Manuel EduardoHydrological models have been a enough useful tool to management and decision-making support in river basin water resources planning since they are able to reproduce discharges and transport of sediments as well as to simulate different scenarios of land use and water quality. The main objective of this study is to perform the hydrossedimentological modeling of the Samambaia river basin Stream by applying the software SWAT. The study area is located in the north of the city of Goiânia and it has undergone an intense process of urbanization. Daily discharges and suspended sediment concentrations data were collected during 18 months in a specific section of the stream. The monitored data set has been used to analyze the influence of distinct parameters in the SWAT model adjustment. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed the parameters of soil evaporation compensation factor (Esco), threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur (Gwqmn), available water capacity (Sol_Awc) and the depth of the soil layer (Sol_Z) as the most sensitive to simulations in terms of discharge, and the management practices and soil conservation parameter (Usle_P) to simulations in terms of suspended sediment concentrations. Best settings obtained for the precision statistics (Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient - COE) were of 0.56 to 0.72 for calibration in terms of discharges and of 0.56 to 0.69 for calibration in terms of suspended sediment. The performance showed that the simulation with SWAT was adequate in relation to researches conducted in Brazil, whose values for model indicators are quite similar.Item Aprimoramento de biossensor de lacase para determinação de micropoluentes fenólicos em águas contaminadas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-01-30) Ribeiro Júnior, Eli José Miranda; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Gil, Eric de Souza;; Gil, Eric de Souza; Santiago, Mariângela Fontes; Lobón, Germán SanzLaccase is a poliphenoloxidase enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of phenolic compounds in the corresponding quinones. The current obtained in this redox process can be used for quantitative analysis. In this work, a carbon paste biosensor modified gluteraldehyde functionalized silica and an enzymatic extract of the “Pycnoporus sanguineus” fungi as a lacase source is proposed for phenol determination. The effect of carbon paste and electrolyte composition, pH from 3,0 to 8,0, start potential from 0,55 to 0,25mV, scan rate from 5 to 25 mV s-1 and potential pulse amplitude from 10 to 60mV on the differential pulse voltammetric response was investigated. A linear correlation of R² = 0,9946 was obtained for the phenol content (catechol) in the concentration range from 50 to 500nMol L-1, with a detection limit of 30nMol L-1. This biosensor was used for the determination of different kinds of phenolic compounds, presenting a better response for catechol.Item Aproveitamento de resíduos da extração de micaxisto em pavimentos flexíveis(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-06-24) ARAUJO, Weliton Eduardo Lima de; REZENDE, Lilian Ribeiro de; recycling of materials has been strengthened as an efficient mechanism to minimise the problems caused by improper disposal of solid waste from human activities. Accordingly, the search for mechanisms able to absorb the waste from quarry, coming from the production of aggregates for construction, it becomes an important tool for mitigating externalities generated by the accumulation of such material. So the main objective of this research was to study the use of waste material from quarry as the basic constituent of layers and sub-base of flexible pavements. The residue studied comes from the processing of micaxist, and then called the dust of micaxist, coming from the quarry of the Department of Roads Rodagem the city of Goiania (DERMU-COMPAV). To assess the mechanical behavior, laboratory tests have been conducted (specific weight, Limits of consistency, size, compression, expansion and California Bearing Ratio) for samples: 1 (100% of micaxist powder), 2 (20% of powder micaxist and 80% soil), 3 (30% of powder micaxist and 70% only), 4 (soil), 5 (gravel) and 6 (30% crushed 1 and 70% soil). To assess the performance on the field of materials studied, was built in August and September 2007, a trial with a sentence of 300 meters, located at Amélia Rosa street, the site of Ipês, in Goiânia-Goiás, being divided into three sub-sections (soil + micaxisto of dust, soil + 1 and crushed gravel). The behaviour of these sub-sections were examined by means of testing the vial of sand, Speedy, proof of cargo on board, and dynamic cone penetromet, made during the execution of the sentence trial. With the data collected can be verified that the materials studied, with the exception of Sample 1, have shown properties physical and mechanical satisfactory, reflecting in a good technical performance in the laboratory and in field. The gravel had better results both in the laboratory to the field, proving the efficiency of such material has traditionally used in flooring. In general, concluded that for the dust of micaxist, the best performance was obtained for dosing 20% (Sample 2), comparable to traditional materials, thus demonstrating the possibility of using such waste in layers of sub-base and base of flexible pavements.Item Associação entre variáveis ambientais relacionadas a criadouros de Aedes aegypti e doenças arbovirais em comunidades rurais e tradicionais de Goiás, Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-08) Silva, Adivânia Cardoso da; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio;; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Ventura, Katia Sakihama; Basso, Raviel EuricoArboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) represent a threat to public health and infect people all over the world, mainly in the Americas, due to environmental conditions favorable to the proliferation of the vector. The main objective of this dissertation was to associate environmental variables with Aedes aegypti breeding sites and arboviral diseases. For this, the specific objectives were to identify and assess the relevance of which environmental variables aggravate the existence of Aedes aegypti breeding sites and/or the occurrence of dengue, Zika and chikungunya in the rural area (article 1). To analyze the relationship of 81,3% of the variablesidentified in the literature review to seroprevalence for arboviral diseases in rural and traditional communities in Goiás (article 2). Identify potential sites favorable to the reproduction of culicid vectors in the peridomicile in rural communities with families affected by dengue, Zika and/or chikungunya, and analyze the relationship between the number of breeding sites found and the seroprevalence for the three arboviruses (article 3). The methodology consisted of carrying out a systematic literature review (SLR) with a search for publications using Strings in the Scopus database and analyzing the studies qualitatively and quantitatively (article 1). Insert seroprevalence data for dengue, Zika and chikungunya from 39 rural communities distributed among settlements, quilombolas and riverside communities in the state of Goiás, within the scope of the SanRural Project, in linear regression models to investigate the relationship with local environmental variables (article 2). Gather information from peridomiciles regarding the presence of Aedes aegypti vector breeding sites in 137 households in 13 rural communities in Goiás with families affected by dengue, Zika and/or chikungunya (article 3). The results obtained were, the RSL resulted in 1007 productions, where 50 were relevant to the theme, which presented 16 different variables involving three categories, sanitation, climatology and socio-environmental factors, called “integrative”, with 52% of the articles associating, at least, two categories, where sanitation together with indicators from the integrative category was the combination used in 40% of the studies. Publications began in 1995, with Brazil at the center of discussions. Dengue was mainly associated in rural areas with socioeconomic and housing conditions, where sanitation was considered in 66% of the articles a crucial indicator that can explain the proliferation of vectors in a given region (article 1). 17,4% (12/70) of the indicators for the three categories of variables showed significant relationships with seroprevalence for dengue, Zika and/or chikungunya in rural communities in Goiás, notably: altitude and dengue (p-value <0,001); temperature and Zika; aspects of land use and chikungunya, with pvalue <0,05. The identified associations suggest that populations in rural areas in Brazil can be infected by arboviruses as much as inhabitants of urban areas, mainly due to the lack of universalization of sanitation services (article 2). More than 90% of households in 13 rural communities in Goiás had potential breeding sites for Aedes aegypti, which highlights the real possibility that culicid vectors have also reached rural areas in the state. The community that had the highest number of breeding sites with suspected Aedes aegypti vectors was also the one that resulted in the highest number of individuals affected by arboviruses (article 3). Thus, the present study is a municipal management tool for decision-making regarding disease prevention, as well as an alert to municipal health authorities, as implementing public policies is a measure that indirectly provides vector control and health promotion.Item Avaliação da codisposição de resíduos de fossa e tanque sépticos em sistema de tratamento de esgoto composto por lagoas anaeróbias, facultativas e de maturação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-07-17) Haddad, Katia Bittar; Carvalho, Eraldo Henriques de;; Aguila, Nora Kátia Saavedra Del; Souza, Marco Antonio Almeida deThe deficiency displayed by public basic sanitation systems in Brazil forces a major part of the population to seek individual alternatives to the final treatment and disposal of domestic septage such as septic tanks and rudimentary cesspools. Waste coming from such individual systems are, for the most part, discharged into Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs), which are not designed to such end. Hence, we observe a decrease in the efficiency of sanitary waste treatment by WWTPs, which, in turn, leads to the pollution of water resources. Thus, the present study aimed to assess the impacts caused by waste discharge from cesspools and septic tanks into an anaerobic lagoon, followed by a facultative and maturation lagoons. Barro Preto WWTP has two modules of stabilizing lagoons (A and B). Module A was utilized as evidence. In other words, it did not receive cesspool and septic tank waste discharge. Module B rate was 0.20%. In order to force the system, the WWTP total flow was deviated to module B and the volumetric flow rate yielded was 0.05%. To characterize sludge yield in the Trindade-GO municipality, composite samples from six septage haulers were collected. Parameter analyses were: PH, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), solid series (TSS,VSS, FSS,TS,TVS,TFS), oils and grease, total Kjedhal nitrogen, amonniacal nitrogen, phosphorus and Escherichia coli. Sludge deposit bathymetry was conducted in the anaerobic lagoons and surface scum bulk was collected and quantified. To assess the interference of co-treatment in the performance of stabilizing lagoons simple samples were collected from the anaerobic, facultative and maturation lagoons. Parameters analyzed were: PH, BOD, COD, settleable solids ,total suspended solids, amonniacal nitrogen, phosphorus, oils and grease, total coliforms and E. coli. For the independent samples the t- Student test was applied in order to compare the values obtained from the lagoon effluents. In addition, results from maturation lagoons were compared with the Conama Resolution 430/2011 and the State Decree 1,745/1979.Statistically, no significant interference was observed in the co-treatment of cesspool and septic tank septage in the Barro Preto WWTP, except for settleable solids in the anaerobic lagoon effluents. Maturation lagoon effluents were in accordance with the Conama Resolution 430/2011 and State Decree 1,745/1979 requirements for analyzed parameters, with the exception of BOD, with yielded higher values in both modules over some periods of the study. The wastes from cesspool and septic tanks have characteristics similar to concentrated sewage pH raging between 5.3 and 8.4. COD/BOD ratio found was 3.92 mg.L-1, indicating that these residues are not found industries. The amount of scum collected from anaerobic lagoons was similar displaying an increase of 8% in sludge formation in the receiving lagoon. Hence, we concluded that Barro Preto WWTP is fit for the co-treatment of cesspool and septic tank septage disposal produced by the municipality of Trindade-GO. Furthermore, results show that anaerobic systems followed by facultative and maturation lagoons conforming to the same standards practiced by Barro Preto WWTP are fit to co-treat cesspool and septic tank septage.Item Avaliação da qualidade ambiental da água e sedimento de quatro mananciais de abastecimento público do estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-08-29) Moura, Laís Simões de; Oliveira, Guilherme Roberto de; Kopp, Katia Alcione;; Kopp, Katia Alcione; Siqueira , Eduardo Queija de; Brito, Núbia Natália deThe sources of supply must have its sheltered water for contamination in obedience to CONAMA Resolution 357/2005, which regulates the standard of quality that water for public supply should have to be used by the population, after some treatment. However, the fact that the rivers act as the last destination of contaminants it is necessary analyzes the sediment to the complete assignment quality water for consumption because the contaminats coming from air, land and even their own water. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental quality of four sources of supply - Ribeirão Sozinha, Córrego Água Branca, Córrego dos Macacos e Ribeirão Arrozal, - located in the metropolitan area of Goiânia / GO. The study was divided into four sections. The first chapter discussed the importance of sediment analysis in the discussion of water quality and found that over a period of ten years, the number of published studies that analyzed the sediment is small, but the numbers of related publications have increased each year. The second chapter evaluated the quality of water sources in a holistic mannerclassifying them according to the results of applying a Rapid Assessment Protocol Diversity of Habitats and some physico-chemical analysis. It was noted that these rivers are suffering from anthropic action and it can compromise the water quality of them. The third chapter measured the quality of the rivers from the results obtained from analyzes of temperature, pH, Eh, conductivity, turbidity, DO, BOD, COD, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total suspended solids, total solids, total dissolved solids, total coliform and Escherichia coli in water and sediment test results of pH, Eh, moisture, organic matter and sediment grain size. Thus, it was possible to evaluate the four rivers in the category of class II freshwater according to relevant legislation and, considering these parameters, they have good quality and can continue to be used for this purpose. The fourth chapter evaluated the quality of water sources in relation to the concentration of six metals in water and sediment. Concentrations of Cd, Cr and Cu were found in the water; and concentrations of Cd, Cr and Ni in the sediment disagreement the limits established by law. Thus, it was concluded that these sources, even showing signs of anthropogenic physical deterioration, still offer quality water. However, it is necessary to the continuous monitoring of this quality in order to avoid future problems to the population who depend on this water resource.Item Avaliação da qualidade ambiental da paisagem da bacia hidrográfica e do reservatório do ribeirão João Leite(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-07-09) Oliveira, Wellington Nunes de; Ferreira, Nilson Clementino; land use and cover analysis is one fundamental phase for performing the strategic planning on conservation and management of a watershed. This study aims to analyze the landscape of João Leite stream watershed, located in the Goiás state, on northwest of the Goiânia city, by using geoprocessing tools, as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing, in order to provide input to generate a environmental diagnosis. In an analysis performed using multitemporal satellite images TM/Landsat-5 between the years 1985 to 2011 showed that in watershed of João Leite stream occurred a decrease in the area of remnant native vegetation in 7,4%. Among municipalities that compose the watershed, Anápolis had the most suppression of these areas (11.1%). The results of this analysis can be used by sectors dealing with environmental management because the vegetation degradation has direct influences the environmental quality of the watershed landscape. This study also permitted an evaluation of different scenarios in estimating sediments production in the reservoir supply and João Leite stream watershed using the hydrosedimentological SWAT model, which showed that among the proposed scenarios, when occur the preservation and recovering the native vegetation, also occur a lower value in sediment production in the watershed. Concerning the estimation of sediment production was also used PRISM/ALOS and TM/Landsat-5 satellite images with spatial resolutions respectively of 2,5 and 30 meters, the result of this estimate considering the two simulations showed that it occurred proportionally in the watershed, and the highest values were found almost in the same sub-basins, which demonstrated that the variation between the results was minimal.Item Avaliação da qualidade da água e do sedimento no reservatório de abastecimento público do ribeirão João Leite-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-25) Arantes, Andréia Gomes dos Santos; Hoffmann, Nora Katia Saavedra del Aguila;; Cuba, Renata Medici Frayne; Carrijo, Ivaltemir BarrosThe reservoir João Leite is located upstream of the city of Goiânia (Goiás-Brazil), and has as its sole objective the public water supply to the city of Goiânia and conurbated areas. In view of the constant deterioration of the water resources along the drainage basin, it is necessary to include the sediment quality assessment in order to complement the environmental monitoring protocols. The objective of this research was to evaluate the water and sediment quality of the João Leite reservoir in the rainy season and in the dry season, with the purpose of assisting in the process of water purification that will be distributed to the population, together with other processes operation and maintenance of a water treatment plant. Water and sediment samples were collected at five sampling points during rainy and dry periods during the year 2016. In the sediments were determined grain size, pH, CTC, organic matter, oxygen consumed, total nitrogen, macronutrients, micronutrients and pesticides. The pH, electrical conductivity, water temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen were determined on the surface, medium and bottom, and the concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, TOC and pesticides. Also, acute toxicity tests were performed with lettuce seeds (Lactuca sativa L.) for the sediment samples. Concentrations of atrazine, ranging from 0.166 to 0.304 μg.L-1 and from trifluralin (0.200 μg.L-1) were identified in the water samples collected during the dry season. All values found remained within the maximum values allowed by Conama Resolution 357/2005 for Class 2 fresh waters. High concentrations of total iron (190.7 and 196.5 in drought and of manganese (159.7 and 177.2 in drought and from 163 to 179.5 in the rainy season), which may alter the characteristics of water during events of destratification. The acute toxicity tests indicated that, with the bottom sediments of the João Leite reservoir sampled in the regions closest to the bus (P2 and P3), the seeds presented reduced growth, both the root and the hypocotyl. However, the presence of toxic substances has not been identified in the analysis of pesticides capable of causing harmful effects.Item Avaliação da qualidade da água e sedimento de microbacias utilizadas para abastecimento público da região metropolitana de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-11-19) Batista, Maria Alciony Rosa da Silva; Kopp, Katia Alcione;; Kopp, Katia Alcione; Siqueira, Eduardo Queija de; Brito, Nubia Natália deWater resources used for human consumption have been changing due to population growth that occurs often in a disorganized way, and the growing expansion of agriculture and industry, thus leading to degradation of water sources. Thus, given the impacts on water resources, it was established that water intended for human consumption must meet quality standards prepared in Resolution CONAMA No. 357/2005. This resolution regulates the quality standards which water intended for human consumption must have so that after treatment, can be used by the population. However, although the water for human consumption should be protected to prevent any contamination, it does not mean that this will be according to law. This is due to the fact that water resources in general, end up being the final destination of various types of pollutants. Thus, it is necessary to carry out analysis of sediments to complement the analysis of water quality that is intended for human consumption due to the fact that he act as a potential source of contaminants. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality and sediment of four supply sources located in the metropolitan area of Goiânia/GO – Recanto Dourado, Ribeirão das Lajes, Córrego Vereda e Córrego Bom Sucesso. The study was divided into two chapters. The first chapter evaluated the quality of water sources from the results obtained from carrying out the temperature analysis, pH, electrical conductivity, DO, BOD, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total dissolved solids, total coliforms and Escherichia coli in the water. In the sediment, pH analyzes,% moisture,% organic matter and particle size were performed. The four supply sources were evaluated as belonging to the fresh water Class II according to CONAMA Resolution 357/2005. The results of physicochemical parameters have OD values and total phosphorus at odds with the established by legislation to fresh water Class II. In the second chapter, the quality of water and sediment of these four rivers was evaluated through the analysis of metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb. Only copper (Cu) concentrations were found, in water, in disagreement with the maximum values established by law. In the sediment there were no disagreements metal concentrations because all were below the established by the legislation. As the results of these parameters, except for the OD and total phosphorus, it can be concluded that these water supply sources, even displaying some kind of impact, in general, have good water quality, and may continue to be used for public supply. However, in all the rivers were found problems that can compromise their future use as water supply source such as loss of forest cover and silting. This, is needed continuous monitoring and the establishment of recovery actions of these water sources in order to ensure not only water quality, but its future permanence as source of water supply.