Programa de Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia e Biodiversidade Rede Pró Centro-Oeste
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Item Análise do polimorfismo dos genes das famílias eNOS, CYP e GST em pacientes ateroscleróticos que fazem o uso de estatinas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-03) Barbosa, Andreia Marcelino; Oliveira, Sérgio Marcelino de;; Moura, Kátia Karina Verolla de Oliveira;; Moura, Kátia Karina Verolli de Oliveira; Reis, Paulo Roberto de Melo; Silva, Cláudio Carlos da; Costa, Iasmim Ribeiro da; Silva, Kleber Santiago Freitas eAtherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease and is one of the main causes of coronary heart disease and stroke in humans. It affects large and small arteries and is characterized by the development of lipid-rich plaques in the vascular wall. Percutaneous coronary intervention with stents may be an acceptable alternative for patients with coronary artery disease, being one of the most common procedures for the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions. Evidence has suggested that statins, in addition to low density lipoprotein reduction, exhibit atherosclerotic plaque stabilization properties and endothelial homeostasis; anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects; normalization of sympathetic flow and prevention of platelet aggregation. The search for genetic determinants of atherosclerosis has been going on for decades. Currently, this line of research is focused on identifying candidate genes involved in atherogenesis pathways and conducting association studies to assess their roles in the development of the pathology. To analyze the polymorphism of genes from the eNOS, GST, CYP families in atherosclerotic patients who use statins, analyzing a case group - those who have stents - and a control group - those who do not have stents - to perform a comparison of statins therapy. The study of allelic and genotypic frequencies showed that a population is in Hardy Weinberg imbalance and this proves the influence of evolutionary factors.Item Avaliação de linhagens mutantes de Trichoderma harzianum na indução de resistência ao mofo branco e promoção do crescimento de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-12-02) Brandão, Renata Silva; Lobo Junior, Murillo;; Ulhoa, Cirano José;; Ulhoa, Cirano José; Kipnis, André; Monteiro, Valdirene Neves; Araújo, Leila Garcês; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi deThe common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most cultivated species among the other species of the Phaseolus genus with 95% of world production. There are several pathogens of epidemiological importance that cause economic damage to this crop, among which, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Which causes white mold. This pathogen can survive in seeds for more than three years and, through them, establish the disease in new areas. The fungus Trichoderma spp. stands out as an important biological control agent for S. sclerotiorum. Trichoderma mutants may be an alternative not only for biological control, suggesting that strains that overexpress aquoporins help the bioagent survive by providing protection against osmotic shock and ΔEpl-1 mutant, on the other hand, is involved in the process of mycoparasitism against phytopathogenic fungi, with responses in the protection of plants not yet defined. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physiological and biochemical aspects regarding the use of the fungus Trichoderma mutants Aquo and ΔEpl-1 in common bean plants against S. sclerotiorum. The experiment was conducted at Embrapa rice and beans and at the UFG Enzymology Laboratory. Physiological and biochemical analyzes were carried out on leaves and roots of common bean plants, produced from seeds treated with the wild isolate All 42 of Trichoderma harzianum, their strains of mutants Aquo and ΔEpl-1, and control without treatments. The Aquo treatment promoted an increase of 25% in the leaf area of the plants in relation to the control (p <0.05) and surpassed the treatments All42 and ΔEpl-1 by 28% and 91%, respectively. The specific activity of the enzyme β-1,3 glucanase was higher in plants treated with T. harzianum ΔEpl-1, in leaves and roots with 2.07 Umg-¹ and 2.57 Umg-¹, with and without inoculation of S. sclerotiorum presented 2.27 Umg-¹ and 2.34 Umg-¹, respectively, presenting a significant result on the leaf in relation to the other treatments.Item Implicações jurídicas na utilização de organismos geneticamente modificados: os alimentos transgênicos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-14) Mello, Cecy Pereira Figueira da Silva Neta; Tárrega, Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco;; Tárrega, Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco; Belaid, Rabah; Barbosa, Ycarim Melgaço; Santos, Nivaldo dos; Rezende, Elcio NacurThe Biotechnology is developed in a dynamic and accelerated way on the world stage, as well as genetic engineering and environment, as a biotechnological technique, especially genetically modified organisms, object of this work, in view of this technological acceleration, it is necessary to insert ethics and its principles amidst a scenario of constant change. Regarding transgenic foods, many discussions are raised in the field of philosophy, ethics, politics, society, economics, international law, environmental law, consumer law and among many other areas that are directly impacted by the use of this technology, especially since the theme, discussed here, is part of people's daily lives and in view of this dynamic reality, the legal framework of the countries are not keeping up with the speed of technology, so science then dissociated from regulation that control efficiently and satisfactorily becomes a political and economic instrument. In the present work we analyze international laws, laws related to the use of genetically modified organisms, especially the Biosecurity Law, with an analysis of important legal points regarding the activity involving the genetically modified organism, the relevance of Environmental Law, especially in the which refers to the Environmental Impact Study prior to the release of products from these genetic modifications in the environment and consequently for animal and human consumption, always emphasizing the need for a rigorous analysis of the whole process involving transgenic foods, in compliance with the Precautionary Principle regarding the minimization of risks and also discusses on consumer rights, highlighting the need for labeling of genetically modified foods clearly and visibly, as well as a suggestion of legislative changes that could eventually be used as a bill to be referred to the Brazilian National Congress.Item Múltiplos endpoints da toxicidade dos nanoplásticos de poliestireno e das nanopartículas de óxido de zinco em peixes e mamíferos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-10-20) Resende, Fernanda Neves Estrêla; Pereira, Paulo Sérgio; Pinto, Guilherme Malafaia;; Pinto, Guilherme Malafaia; Rodrigues, Fernanda Postalli; Matos, Letícia Paiva de; Silva, Ives Charlie da; Oliveira, Vanessa Bezerra de MenezesThe toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and polystyrene nanoplastics (PS NaPs) has been demonstrated in different animal models. However, knowledge about the impact of these pollutants is incipient, even in terms of a combination of these pollutants. Thus, we aim to evalu-ate the effects of these nanomaterials in Swiss mice (Mus musculus) and grass carp (Ctenopharyn-godon idella) after individual exposure and in binary combination. It was investigated whether the short exposure (three days) to the environmentally relevant dose (760 µg/L) of the pollu-tants would be able to cause neurotoxic, biochemical, and genotoxic effects in animals. Our data reveal that although the exposures did not cause locomotor and anxiogenic or anxiolytic changes to animals exposed to pollutants, we observed some specific differences in behavioral tests. Fish exposed to PS NaPs showed a deficit in the response to the mirror test, both sepa-rately and in combination with nanoparticles. On the other hand, all treatments also induced inactivity in relation to alarm substances (paper #1). In mice, we could observe cognitive impair-ment in the object recognition test (individually). However, these parameters did not differ be-tween animals in the control group and those exposed to the binary combination of pollutants. On the other hand, exposures (individual and in combination) equitably induced damage to erythrocyte DNA. There was an increase in oxidative stress, especially in groups exposed to PS NaPs (in combination, or not, with nanoparticles). Although increased, the levels of antioxidants evaluated do not appear to be sufficient to inhibit the effects of treatment-induced free radical production (paper #2). Taken together, our studies confirm the toxicological potential of NPs ZnO and PS NaPs in the models studied and encourage new studies to further investigate the factors that elucidate the absence of additive or synergistic effects arising from combined expo-sure to pollutants.Item Polimorfismos de genes de interleucinas contribuem para a susceptibilidade genética na doença periodontal crônica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-28) Manso, João Antonio Xavier; Silva, Cláudio Carlos da;; Silva, Cláudio Carlos da; Cruz, Aparecido Divino da; Minasi, Lysa Bernardes; Costa, Emília Oliveira Alves; Cruz, Alex Silva daChronic periodontal disease (CPD) is described as a recurrent inflammatory condition in the tooth supporting tissues, caused by bacterial infections and self-destructive processes of immune activity mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines, of which the interleukins 1β, 6 and 8 that, together with other biomolecules, makes up the initial mechanisms of innate immunity. These molecules may have variations in their genes, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), which together with environmental factors represent potential parameters in analyzes of susceptibility to the disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of polymorphisms of the IL1B, IL6 and CXCL8 genes, as well as sociodemographic and lifestyle aspects, with susceptibility to chronic periodontal disease in a group of volunteers from Goiânia city. Peripheral blood samples from 152 volunteers were obtained via venipuncture and grouped into controls and a case group (CPD), according to the result of the periogram, previously performed together with the questionnaire of habits and life style. The DNA of the samples was extracted through commercial kits and genotyped using the PCR-RFLP and qPCR techniques, according to the strategy adopted for the molecular marker used. The data were tabulated and submitted to the adequate statistical tests, all at 5% significance. A significant trend to develop CPD was detected for individuals who brush their teeth less than twice a day. The allele of minor frequency of the variants rs1143634, rs1800796, and rs2227539 were associated with CPD, revealing a significant predictive effect (p<0.05). Highlight for the T (rs1143634) and C (rs1800796) alleles, which were associated with increased risk, when inferred individually and together. Multifactorial aspects of disease have been confirmed, reporting the influence of genetic and environmental components on susceptibility, since minor frequency alleles of IL1B (rs1143634 T), IL6 (rs1800796 C), CXCL8 (rs2227539 A) genes and a low brus