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    Articulação de políticas públicas para inclusão da pessoa com deficiência no trabalho: uma análise da atuação do ministério público do trabalho junto às empresas privadas em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-03) Manjela, Dyeire Nayara Garcia; Azevedo Neto, Platon Teixeira de;; Azevedo Neto, Platon Teixeira de; Carvalho, Silzia Alves; Santos Neto, Arnaldo Bastos
    This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of public policy articulation for the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in private companies in Goiânia. It presents a historical and conceptual analysis of the right to inclusion, with an emphasis on the inclusion of PwD in the workplace; it exposes the norms for labor protection and inclusion of PwD with the aim of rethinking quotas in the private sector and identifying challenges and possibilities for effective inclusion in private companies; it discusses the role of the Public Ministry of Labor (PML) in Goiânia regarding the main strategies employed for the inclusion of PwD; it addresses the articulation of public policies and institutional design with a view to the implementation of Supported Employment; and presents a proposal for a draft bill aimed at expanding the quota system by hierarchical level, highlighting the importance of representativeness at all hierarchical levels, given the current challenges of the existing quota system. The methodology used in this research was bibliographic and documentary research combined with a case study. The empirical research focused on the analysis of Processes and Procedures at the 18th Regional Prosecutor's Office of the Public Ministry of Labor (2012- 2022) to verify whether, regarding the compliance with quotas, the public policies overseen by the Public Ministry of Labor (PML) have indeed proven effective. It was found that there is a gap between legislative intent and practical effectiveness, such that judicial intervention is often necessary to ensure compliance with quotas. Another finding made clear the preference of companies to hire PwD who presumably require fewer adaptations, evidenced by the fact that most of the hires were of physical PwD, while other types of disabilities had much lower percentages. However, concerning the responses to the identified problems, it is understood that collaborative measures in the implementation phase, such as supported employment, present as promising solutions. The widespread adoption of these practices by all involved agents may lead to significant advancements in the inclusion of PwD in the labor market. In this sense, the draft bill suggested in this work, which proposes the expansion of the quota system by hierarchical level, can greatly contribute. Also, it is important to highlight that institutions belonging to the "S" services have sought to fulfill their role in meeting the demands of companies, offering activities aimed at the professional qualification of people with disabilities and investing in the updating and training of teachers and professionals, thus being committed to expanding and improving actions related to the professional preparation of young and adult people with disabilities and/or rehabilitated by the INSS, increasing their competitiveness and employability, considering the profile of the business sector's demand.
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    Os conflitos agrários, o estatuto do desarmamento e a perspectiva de redução da violência no campo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2005) Amaral, Átila Naves; Santos, Pedro Sérgio dos;; Maniglia, Elisabete;; Tárrega, Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco;; Tárrega, Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco; Santos, Pedro Sérgio dos; Maniglia, Elisabete
    Land conflicts are objects of daily headlines in the press countrywide. Workers, Clergymen, lawyers, politicians, in short, all professions and individuais involved in the land reform drama add to the statistics of dead, wounded and threatened pecple over the last few years. Land Pastoral Committee (CPT - Comissão Pastoral da Terra), a non-govemmental organization related to the Catholic Church, has denounced such excesses over the past 20 years at least. ln the core of this paper is the questioning of the country's land policies, its development and its present standpoint. Moreover, the reflection on the resisting desire among the social movements for land reform and land owners. Finally, reflect upon the evaluation of the natura of the conflicts in the land and the recently passed Law 10.826/03, the so­called Desarming Statute. Learning if the referred law has regarded the concems with such conflicts constitutes the problematization of this end-of-course paper. Of being, considered that the method will be strictly dialetical and it will be necessary to verify that the result end of the subject is translated in the verification that the legislator didn't take into account the importance of tlle prevention of the conflicts in the field, in the exact moment of the elaboration of the Statute of the Disarmament.
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    Aspectos penais da garantia constitucional do direito ao silêncio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-10-15) Jesus, Marcelo Lopes de; Marin, Eriberto Francisco Bevilaqua;; Marin, Eriberto Francisco Bevilaqua; Santos, Nivaldo dos; Campos, Francisco Itami
    The purpose of these study is to make an evaluation of the right to remain in silence, raised to the condition of constitutional guarantee by Federal Constitution of 1988, trying to understand it´s reach, range of application and implications in Criminal Processual Law, Constitutional Law and in Crimanal Law. It was made, initially, a analisys of the silence itself, takin it in its phisicals, psicologicals, linguistics and semiotics aspects, afterwards, it searches to identify silence as a manifestation of will, and not only as a simple act of remain quiet, reaching, finally, the comprehension of the juridical aspects of the right to remain silente. To understand the reflects of the right to remain silent in the different branchs of Law observed, it was necessary an historical and evolutive analisys of the right to remain silent, in several moments of history, as well as in other countries, to evaluate it´s incidence in present Law. This analisys permited perceive the right to remain silent, as an extension of a greater principle, that one as no one should be compeled to produce proof against himself, bringing immediate impact in probatory production and interrogation. These one should be, more and more, took as a way of defense, not as a way of proof, and it falls to the accused evaluate the convenience, or not, to remain quiet. At the end, it reachs the conclusion that the right to remain in silence is part of a bigger juncture, that affects processual instruction ethics itself and policial inquest, derivative from a clear option, made by the Constitutional Legislator, to promote a probatory instruction, guided by all means of defense and, principally, by the principle of presumption of the state of innocence, serving, as well, as boudaries to the edition of ordinary laws, as it appears as a fundamental right.