Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional (IME)
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Item Educação Financeira: uma proposta didática em sala de aula com o uso de planilhas eletrônicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-29) Couto, Andrey Alves do; Silva, Geci José Pereira da;; Silva, Geci José Pereira da; Lima, Márcio Dias de; Souza, Anyelle Nogueira deThe financial education involves the entire process of seeking, understanding, and applying everyday ideas related to the fundamental principles of financial mathematics, economics, and finance. This qualitative, documentary, and field study details and report an experience with third-year high school students from a school in Goiás, aiming to understand their prior knowledge of financial education concepts and their understanding and evolution after participating in the applied field activities. The core objective was for the research participants to familiarize themselves with fundamental concepts of financial mathematics, economics, and finance, such as assets and liabilities, cash flow, expense control, percentage and discounts, and ideas related to loans and investments. Additionally, the aim was to engage with these concepts through the systematic use of spreadsheets, a software that facilitates the understanding of these contents. Teaching financial with spreadsheets demonstrated effectiveness in students' understanding, as observed in the analysis of the final questionnaires and task completion analysis. Thus, the essential factor of integrating financial education into basic education is evident, as a vital role, fostering critical thinking and aiding in daily decision-making on personal and collective finances.Item Reutilização de resíduos sólidos na construção de figuras geométricas: uma abordagem interdisciplinar no ensino fundamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-05) Ostrowskij, Daniel Nonato; Ferro, Marcelo Lopes;; Ferro, Marcelo Lopes; Reis, Hiuri Fellipe Santos dos; Barboza, Marcelo BezerraThe environmental problems caused by the inefficiency in solid waste management and the difficulties faced by teachers in engaging students in learning geometry, due to the scarcity of concrete teaching materials, represent challenges that need to be overcome within the educational context. These challenges highlight the urgent need to transform the approach to environmental and Mathematics topics in schools, especially in light of the unsatisfactory results observed in international assessments, which show the low performance of Brazilian students in Science and Mathematics. In this context, and recognizing the limitations of traditional methodologies, this study investigated the feasibility of developing manipulable educational resources using reusable and accessible materials, applicable in interdisciplinary hands-on lessons. The overall aim of this study was to create teaching materials, games, and experiments made exclusively from recyclable materials, organized into interdisciplinary activities to enrich Geometry lessons and promote environmental awareness and sustainable practices. The study also aimed to contribute to the development of skills in the areas of Mathematics and Science, in line with the guidelines of the reference curriculum frameworks. The methodology included a literature review and an experimental phase, during which five suggestions for interdisciplinary activities were developed, which can be applied by teachers in different grade levels, as long as they are adapted to the specific needs of each class. As a result, the study generated theoretical content on environmental issues and geometry, as well as activities that provide an enriching experience. By using these activities, students become protagonists of their learning, developing essential skills such as teamwork, responsibility, and respect for the environment, while also recognizing their role in environmental degradation and seeing themselves as agents capable of contributing to changing this realityItem Geometria euclidiana para alunos cegos: uma sequência didática inclusiva para ensinar conceitos elementares(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-08) Machado, Dionysio Perrone; Pereira, Rosane Gomes;; Pereira, Rosane Gomes; Andrade, Kamila da Silva; Araujo, JaquelineThis paper brings a pedagogical proposal about learning of complementary concepts and of some Euclidian geometric axioms for the teaching of students with blindness. Through a teaching sequence, based in Antoni Zabala (1985), we developed tasks that explore mathematics and which can enable a meaningful learning experience to students. We combined pedagogical strategies such as kinesthetic learning, the use of touchable resources and audio description. We considered the theoretical background, presented by Vygotsky about the development of language and the experiences in the individual their midst. To the didactical sequence previous knowledge can be considered to create tasks to students for they provide a truthful significance to the acting of teaching. We did bibliographical research, the revision of a diverse group of teaching materials-books and scientific articles, specialized websites and pedagogical proposals. Thus, this manuscript, we hope with the pedagogical proposal for teaching the geometry, especially to blindness people, contribute and reinforce the hypothesis that combined strategies of inclusive teaching is beneficial to all: teachers, students, educators, the school community and societyItem O xadrez como instrumento pedagógico no ensino da matemática no ensino básico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-30) Pereira, Sebastião Erasto Cândido; Vargas Júnior, Valdivino;; Vargas Júnior , Valdivino; Vargas, Tiago Moreira; Brito, Eder Silva deFor centuries, chess has been used as a teaching tool in mathematics education, proving its effectiveness in improving problem-solving and critical thinking skills among students. The objective of this study is to investigate the use of chess as a pedagogical tool in elementary school, with the aim of improving mathematical proficiency and critical thinking skills. This research is justified by the potential of chess to improve cognitive development, promote transferable skills, provide engaging learning experiences and contribute to educational reform. To achieve this, the research will employ a basic research model, using descriptive and quantitative techniques to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature on relevant topics. In addition, the practical implementation of chess in classrooms, its impact on student engagement and future prospects for using chess to teach mathematics were also examined. Research has demonstrated that chess is an effective pedagogical tool for increasing mathematical proficiency and developing critical thinking skills in elementary school students. Integrating chess into the school curriculum contributes to more engaging learning, strengthening logical reasoning and decision-making.Item Técnicas do cálculo numérico aplicadas no ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-11-27) Pereira, Paulenrike Gonçalves; Chaves, Rogerio de Queiroz;; Chaves, Rogerio de Queiroz; Smith, Ole Peter; Souza, Flávio Raimundo deIn face of the need to determine values , satisfying equations of the form f(x) = 0, the purpose is this paper to present three important methods isolating roots, considered in mathematical literature as elementary. First of all, this work puts out some definitions and exposes the reader to the impossibility of creating formulas, for roots of polynomial equations greater than tree degrees. However, it shows techniques that provide acceptable approximation in minimizing the error possible, how close to zero can the result can be reached. In order to optimize speidof these techmiques, this paper also discusses some techniques to isolate roots to identying intervals that may contain them. Futhermore, this paper raises a comparison between the three methods of calculating the zeros of functions, addressing possible advantages and disadvantages of them. Finally, it presents the experience of teaching one of these contents in high school, assessing their compatibility to the students intellectual level of the students and showing some results of that.Item Dinâmicas de jogos aplicadas no ensino de análise combinatória e probabilidade na educação básica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-26) Oliveira, Neuton Xavier de; Vargas Júnior, Valdivino;; Vargas Júnior, Valdivino; Brito, Éder Silva de; Vargas, Tiago MoreiraThis work is aimed at developing proposals for the final years of Elementary School II and High School, seeking to implement the teaching of basic concepts of combinatorics in the classroom, using mathematical games that develop logical reasoning and explore, through challenging applications, teaching combinatorial analysis and probability. One of its objectives is to make the teaching of mathematics less mechanical and less discouraging, calling on the student to be an active part of the teaching-learning process, through some dynamics applied in the classroom, with the intervention of the teacher.Item Teorema de Pick e aplicação em jogos geométricos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-29) Santos, Altierre Borges; Santos, Ronaldo Antonio dos;; Santos, Ronaldo Antonio dos; Smith, Ole Peter; Batista, Marcos RobertoThis research explores the potential of Pick’s Theorem and its extensions, applied at game developing for teaching mathematics. Advancing the development of games aimed at teaching, is an action of great relevance, as games, when used correctly, contribute to the improvement of students’ understanding of mathematical concepts as well as develops their reasoning skills, some of which are indicated in official documents such as the BNCC and DC-GOEM. With a view to contributing in this direction, we began our activities with a detailed study of Pick’s Theorem and some of its extensions. Pick’s Theorem presents a formula for calculating areas on a mesh in the plane. In this initial study, we identified promising possibilities for game creation. Moreover, we study in detail some games already proposed on this subject. The proposal of games for teaching must be supported by solid scientific evidence, so that, rather than being fun for the students, we obtain powerful tools contributing to the teaching and learning process. This concern led us to study current trends in games for teaching. We studied trends such as classical formalist, empirical-activist, modern formalist, technicist, constructivist and socio-ethnocultural. We used some elements of the empirical-activist and technicist trends combined to select some games and to design others. Didactic sequences for using games in the classroom are proposed. Both the games and the didactic sequences represented contributions to improve teaching and learning of mathematicsItem Modelagem matemática e o Documento Curricular para Goiás etapa Ensino Médio (DC-GOEM): contribuições para o ensino de matemática no ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-22) Santos, Lidiane Rodrigues da Mata; Santos, Ronaldo Antônio dos;; Santos, Ronaldo Antonio dos; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de; Assis, Aline Mota de MesquitaThis dissertation investigates the use of Mathematical Modeling in high school, focusing on compliance with the Curricular Document for Goiás (DC-GOEM), and its contributions to mathematics teaching. Given students' difficulties in understanding mathematical concepts, the need for methods that make learning more engaging and relevant to their daily lives, simultaneously, make it possible to fulfill the curriculum proposed by DC-GOEM/Bimonthly in the Public Education Network in Goiás, constitutes the core of the research. Based on the concepts of Mathematical Modeling presented by Bassanezi, Biembengut, Barbosa and Burak, after extensive bibliographical research in the dissertation database of the Professional Master's Degree in Mathematics on a National Network - PROFMAT, we selected works that can contribute to the improvement of mathematics teaching in the presented. The analysis of these dissertations aimed to identify the concepts used by the authors, main difficulties, advantages, content covered, skills and learning objectives addressed. In the latter, in particular, the analysis revealed that the DC-GOEM Learning Objectives, at different moments in high school, can be achieved with the Mathematical Modeling methodology, providing significant learning of mathematical concepts applied to real situations in everyday life of students. Furthermore, the variety of content covered and the difficulties and advantages highlighted by each author serve as a guide for teachers interested in using Mathematical Modeling. Therefore, we understand that this work contributes to the improvement of Mathematics Teaching, at the Secondary level, by offering teachers from the State Education Network of Goiás, a detailed analysis of works that used Mathematical Modeling and achieved the Learning Objectives set out in the DC- GOEM/Bimonthly. We believe that this knowledge can lead teachers to adopt Mathematical Modeling in their classrooms, promoting more integrated and meaningful teaching.Item Explorando conceitos de números inteiros com Scratch(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-20) Santos, Daniely Berto dos; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de;; Faria , Elisabeth Cristina de; Andrade , Kamila da Silva; Lima, Luciano Feliciano deThis study aims to investigate the use of Scratch as an educational tool to enhance the understanding of integers in the context of elementary education. The motivation for this approach arises from the need to provide additional support and expand the learning of integer concepts using programming. The central question guiding this work is: How do students apply their learning about integers in programming situations with Scratch? The objectives include exploring the Scratch platform as a tool to increase students' interest and understanding of integers, as well as promoting the creation of games and animations using this programming language. The research was conducted with fifteen 7th-grade students from a public school in workshops that adopted a qualitative methodological approach, utilizing participant observation, questionnaires, photographs, activity records, and field notes as data collection instruments. Content analysis was employed to examine the students' perceptions and experiences regarding the addressed topics. The results revealed that integrating programming with Scratch significantly contributed to better student engagement, increasing their motivation and promoting a more solid understanding of integer concepts. The importance of the teacher's role as a mediator and facilitator during the learning process is also highlighted, emphasizing the need to integrate digital technologies critically and ethically.The theoretical references for the foundation of this study were based on Cysneiros (2000), Cysneiros (1999), Libâneo (1998), and Sancho (2006), while the methodology references were based on Bogdan and Biklen (1994), Fiorentini and Lorenzato (2006), Minayo (2007), Winques (2022) and the data analysis references were based on Minayo (2007).Item Viabilidade da energia solar fotovoltaica: uma análise utilizando modelagem matemática na educação básica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-11) Nunes, Lydia Soares de Barros; Lourenço, Kélem Gomes;; Andrade, Kamila Da Silva; Vargas, Tiago Moreira; Souza, Anyelle Nogueira DeThis research carried out in the area of Basic Education is based on the conception of mathematical modeling as a teaching-learning tool, by Rodney Carlos Bassanezi and Maria Salett Biembengut as Modelling. It seeks to identify the relationship between Mathematical Modelling and current curriculum documents, in addition to investigating the impact of the use of this teaching methodology in a class of 1º year of high school in Aparecida de Goiânia, Goiás, analyzing changes in the teaching-learning environment in relation to the interest of students in Mathematics classes of the contents addressed. The pedagogical proposal examines the feasibility of installing solar photovoltaic system in residences in the region, emphasizing environmental and financial issues. This research adopts a qualitative approach, divided into two stages. Initially, a bibliographical research was carried out on Mathematical Modelling, the documents os the National Base Comum Curricular, and the Curriculum Document of Goias for high School, in addition to forms of power generation, especially hydroelectric and solar photovoltaic. Based on the information collected, a didactic sequence was elaborated, addressing the contents of functions and financial mathematics. The second stage of the research involves participant observation during the implementation of the planned classes. The study aims to highlight the potential and challenges of the use of Mathematical Modelling as a teaching methodology in Basic Education, relating theory and practice.Item O uso de aplicativos no ensino remoto on-line de matemática no ensino médio durante a pandemia covid-19: uma revisão sistemática das dissertações do PROFMAT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-14) Couto, Aldney Barbosa; Vargas, Tiago Moreira;; Vargas, Tiago Moreira; Lourenço, Kelem Gomes; Cardoso, Márcia do Socorro Borges de AraújoThe COVID-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2, has severely impacted the work of teachers. The suspension of face-to-face classes, as a preventive measure to the spread of the coronavirus, "pushed" the teaching professional to online remote work, where the mediation of the teaching and learning process often took place through application software, the "apps". With this research, we investigated and analyzed the teaching work carried out through online remote teaching through application software and developed in the area of mathematics with high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, our research, with a qualitative approach, with an exploratory purpose and bibliographic and documentary design, relied on the systematic review of the PROFMAT dissertations produced in the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and that deal with the use of applications in online remote teaching of high school mathematics. From the collection and analysis of the data, we found that teachers around Brazil mediated the teaching and learning process, mainly through the Google Meet and WhatsApp applications, for the realization of synchronous virtual classes and sharing of digital files. However, the research also shows a variety of other applications complementing the work in remote classes, and also account for the challenges and successes found by these teachers in working with Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs), in addition to pointing out the support initiatives and regulation of teaching work during the non-face-to-face class regime.Item Desenhos geométricos: métodos construtivos no ensino de geometria euclidiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-07) Silva, Tiago Reis; Ferro, Marcelo Lopes;; Ferro, Marcelo Lopes; Souza, Marcelo Almeida de; Bezerra, Tatiana Pires FleuryThe main focus of this dissertation is the use of construction methods, exploring teaching methods that facilitate the understanding of geometric concepts by students. Using construction techniques with ruler and compass, which go beyond the simple use of formulas and calculations, proposing a practical and visual approach, where students are encouraged to construct geometric elements using the tools and realizing the relationships between the different elements in the figures that are building. Furthermore, it discusses the importance of integrating these constructive techniques into the school curriculum, highlighting the benefits of more active and engaging learning. The approach aims to support teachers and educators so that they can apply these concepts and improve student performance in geometry, seeking to increase student interest and engagement in the study of this topic.Item Conceitos de lógica na educação básica por meio de relés e interruptores(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-19) Carvalho, Bruno dos Santos; Lima, Thaynara Arielly de;; Lima , Thaynara Arielly de; Chaves, Ana Paula de Araújo; Freitas, Thiago Porto de AlmeidaThis work investigates how to approach concepts of Mathematical Logic in Basic Education and the relevance of this approach through a literature review and the author’s experience as a teacher in Basic Education and a student in a Technical Course in Mechanics. The research confirms the importance of the concepts of Logic in the construction of society throughout history, manifested in the power of elaboration and validation of arguments and proofs, in the evolution of computing and industrial automation, and it shows positive experiences of projects similar to ours. The proposal offers a didactic sequence exploring the Industrial Revolution, the evolution of computers, industrial automation, electronics and the use of Logic for activating electrical and electronic equipment. To do so, it uses videos, texts, guided discussions and practical simulation activity of constructing electronic circuits using the application Tinkercad, highlighting applicability, group work and practical activity. Also, a manual is designed to assemble and use a panel of electronic components for the construction of the simulated circuits in the didactic sequence, having as a reference a panel of industrial electrical instruments with the necessary didactic and safety adaptations. The research also includes a general overview of the evolution of the industry, the mechanisms of machine drive and the automation of production, as well as a general review of some concepts of Mathematical Logic present in higher education courses focused on science and technology, to support the theoretical foundation of the teacher who wishes to apply the proposal.Item As potencialidades das metodologias ativas para promover educação financeira com alunos nos anos finais da educação básica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-18) Sousa, Pedro Henrique Oliveira; Pereira, Rosane Gomes;; Pereira, Rosane Gomes; Vargas, Tiago Moreira; Barboza, Marcelo BezerraThis work focuses on analyzing the contributions of active methodologies as an enhancer of financial education concepts for the training of students in the final years of Elementary School. Active methodologies are present in this work as an intervention strategy in which we seek for the student to develop autonomy and be responsible for building their knowledge. The development of financial education is one of the current themes and which makes up the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), in this context, according to the Ministry of Education (MEC) portal, financial education is defined as the process through which “individuals and societies improve their understanding of financial concepts and products, so that, with information, training and guidance, they can develop the values and skills necessary to become more aware of the opportunities and risks involved”. Throughout the development of this work, I adopted as a methodological proposal to work on financial mathematical concepts and content based on activities based on active methodologies (peer instruction and flipped classroom). These methodologies would serve as a basis for the problematizations made around financial mathematics content, so that students are able to overcome the mechanical methods/techniques of memorizing content in favor of a better understanding and meaning of the content and their own learning.Item Análise da formação matemática no curso de pedagogia e a matemática a ser ensinada de acordo com a legislação: uma proposta de curso usando a gamificação(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-30) Souza, Igor Rezende de; Souza, Marcelo Almeida de;; Souza, Marcelo Almeida de; Ferro, Marcelo Lopes; Silva, Fábio Vitoriano eIn this work, we seek to understand whether the training of pedagogues and their practice of teaching mathematics may be influencing the high rates of students who complete basic education without the necessary knowledge. We identified possible focal points and proposed solutions to the problem. In informal conversations with those who have to teach Mathematics in the early years but do not have a background in mathematics, I noticed that most do not like or master mathematical content. We analyzed the syllabi and curricula of pedagogy courses at universities in Goiânia: Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, and Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG), with the aim of verifying how the academic training of these professionals in mathematical content is conducted. We also analyzed the Curriculum Document for Goiás concerning mathematics content in early childhood and primary education - initial grades, to check if there is a relationship between the training received by the pedagogue and what they need to know in order to teach. We suggest offering a continuing education course for these professionals in a hybrid format: online/in-person, structured from a playful perspective, using gamification as a basis, in addition to platforms that enable interaction and enjoyable learning. It is important that it be attractive to participants, using the same tools they use with their students to teach themItem Robótica educacional no ensino de matemática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-18) Cunha, Jaime Mendes da; Lima, Thaynara Arielly de;; Lima; Lima, Thaynara Arielly de; Vargas, Tiago Moreira; Lima, Lidiane dos Santos Monteiro; Silva, Andréia Borges Avelar daWith the advancement of technology, education has been opening up space for the insertion of new tools for the teaching-learning process. However, the use of equipment and software requires technical training from the teacher combined with the development of methodologies for applying these tools in teaching the topic covered. Faced with this problem, this work aims to discuss the teaching-learning process of students through the use of robotics in the classroom, to facilitate the learning of mathematics content. In this sense, this research proposes the investigation of successful practices in the use of robotics in the classroom, both in Elementary II and High School. The research used a qualitative bibliographic review, with a time frame of 10 years, in the Scielo and Google Scholar databases. The research also explored how robotics can promote collaborative learning and group problem solving, skills essential for students' academic and professional development. Educational robotics has proven effective in promoting a dynamic and interactive learning environment, where students can experiment, make mistakes and learn in a meaningful way. The research also highlighted challenges such as the need for continued teacher training, the availability of technological resources and the initial resistance of educators and students. This work contributes to knowledge about the use of technology in education and offers practical information for educators who wish to innovate their pedagogical practices. By integrating educational robotics into mathematics teaching, it is possible to transform the perception of the subject, making it more attractive and accessible. The research concludes that, despite the challenges, the adoption of educational robotics can revolutionize mathematics teaching, promoting holistic and adaptive learning, aligned with the demands of the 21st centuryItem A matemática da música: uma possibilidade para o ensino-aprendizagem(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-29) Oliveira, Jéfferson Neres; Santos, Ronaldo Antonio dos;; Santos, Ronaldo Antonio dos; Gomes, Alacyr José; Batista, Marcos RobertoIn our society, Mathematics and Music often hold opposing positions. While the former is associated with suffering, difficulty, and, for some, even elicits repulsion, the latter is a source of enjoyment and happiness, consistently linked with feelings of pleasure and well-being. Although seemingly at odds when we consider about the sensations that each one evokes within us, music and mathematics share profound connections. In this work we study and explore these connections with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the history and theoretical underpinnings of music. Additionally, we propose contributions related to this subject to enhance the teaching and learning process, making it more meaningful. We believe that the most effective way to fully leverage the connections between music and mathematics is through the use of an Active Methodology. The type of methodology we chose was problematization, which presents a logical sequence that involves collecting data, raising hypotheses, discussions, experiments, reaching the synthesis and consolidation of this knowledge, and even the generalization of results. In this sense, we present proposals that involve the contents of ratios, proportions, directly and inversely proportional quantities, logarithms, operations with radicals, and trigonometric functions. We emphasize that the proposals do not aim to teach the mentioned contents from the beginning but rather to deepen these concepts, promoting more meaningful learning. The proposals we present aim to emphasize mathematics' capacity to extend into various other fields, typically aiding in the comprehension of the specific characteristics of those domains and offering tools for their systematization. This characteristic has often been overlooked in the context of mathematics teaching and learning.Item Desenvolvendo a educação financeira com o currículo: uma experiência com estudantes da 3ª série do ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-27) Navarro, Gabriela Ferreira Gonçalves; Silva, Jhone Caldeira;; Silva, Jhone Caldeira; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de; Silva, Fernando Kennedy daFinancial education encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that empower individuals to make informed decisions about the management of financial resources. This paper describes an experience conducted with third-year high school students, aiming to emphasize the relevance of financial education in their curriculum. The employed method included conducting explanatory lessons and interactive activities to introduce fundamental concepts. Throughout the educational process, students learned to distinguish between needs and wants, understanding the difference between financial priorities and consumer impulses. Additionally, they received guidance on creating personal and family budgets, as well as understanding the concepts of simple and compound interest. The practical application of these concepts was promoted through challenging activities in which students solved real-world problems. The experience of incorporating financial education into the daily routine of high school students proved to be effective, not only increasing financial awareness but also empowering students to confidently and discerningly face the financial challenges they will encounter in their future. This reinforces the ongoing importance of financial education as a crucial tool for financial success and individual economic well-being.Item O uso do princípio de indução matemática no ensino básico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Goiaz Junior, Gethsemani Saraiva de; Gomes, Alacyr José;; Gomes, Alacyr José; Santos, Ronaldo Antônio dos; Vasconcelos, José Eder Salvador deThe principle of finite induction is a useful and rigorous tool for mathematical proofs whose conjectures are related to the set of natural numbers. However, the use of this principle for verifications in basic education is still greatly underutilized. In this work, we intend not only to demonstrate the importance of using this strong principle but also to provide study material and support for students and teachers, based on the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). We present various demonstrations for elementary and secondary education, covering several proposed content in these stages of education. We suggest propositions for further exploration, which can be used as pathways for high school education. We also believe that this work can spark interest and expand the use of the principle of finite induction in the teaching of mathematics and other curriculum components.Item Números construtíveis e uma proposta de seu ensino para o novo ensino médio(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-30) Queiroz Neto, Gregório Pereira de; Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique de Azevedo;; Rodrigues, Paulo Henrique de Azevedo; Vasconcelos, José Eder Salvador de; Souza, Marcelo Almeida deThis work presents an introduction to the theory of bodies with emphasis on extensions of elds and also approaches polynomials in an introductory way. we present yet the theory of constructible numbers using only unmarked ruler and compass. Finally, the application proposal is presented.