Doutorado em Direitos Humanos (PRPG)
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Item O papel da Polícia Civil e da Segurança Pública na prevenção da violência praticada por crianças e adolescente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-10) Oliveira, Danilo Fabiano Carvalho e; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado;; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado; Santos, Nivaldo dos; Silva, Arício Vieira da; Pagliaro, Heitor de Carvalho; Sandes, Wilquerson FelizardoUsing a multidisciplinary approach, which integrates concepts from Criminal Law, Human Rights, Psychology and Political Science, this Doctoral Thesis examined how the collection, analysis and interpretation of information by Police Intelligence can contribute to identifying factors of risk, anticipate criminal trends and target preventive interventions proactively and efficiently. By exploring this theme, we sought not only to expand the understanding of the role of the Civil Police in preventing child and youth crime, but also to provide subsidies for the improvement of public policies and police practices aimed at this purpose. In this sense, the objective of this thesis was to seek to understand the following question: what is the role of the judicial police, in the broader field of public policies for the promotion and guarantee of fundamental rights, full protection and combating the violation of rights that do they directly violate human rights in childhood and youth? With this aim, this study was divided into three axes, namely: 1. How the police perceive themselves (what the judicial police officer thinks they should do); 2. What the police actually do; 3. The role, normatively prescribed by the Judiciary Police (Civil Police), in the production of public policies in favor of children and youth, in particular, with regard to this role, or rather, the non-recurrence of criminal acts. To this end, this Doctoral research adopted a methodological approach that combined bibliographic review, document analysis and discursive analysis based on participant observation. Experiences and practices of the Civil Police of the State of Goiás were examined, as well as interviews with police officers, public security managers, criminology experts and other key actors. The purpose of this methodological use was to capture perceptions and insights into the role and potential of Civil Police Intelligence in preventing criminal acts committed by children and adolescents. Through this process, the expected results were achieved, confirming the research hypothesis; in other words, that the Civil Police institution contributes peculiar and extremely important data that, if treated with strategic intelligence, brought to the attention of the State through public security managers, and also recognized, could contribute to efficient public policies and the prevention of infractions and crimes committed by those at fault. Furthermore, the research showed that the use of Civil Police Intelligence is not limited only to the repression of crimes, but also encompasses educational and preventive actions. This is seen through awareness and training programs. The police can act in primary prevention, educating young people about the risks and consequences of involvement in criminal activities. Investments in technology, personnel training and systems integration are essential to ensure the effectiveness of these strategies in the long term. Therefore, it is possible to reduce juvenile delinquency rates and promote a safer and healthier environment for society as a whole.Item A fronteira entre a produtividade e a qualidade de vida do servidor: uma análise da segurança pública goiana(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-31) Valverde, Marcos Cesar Silva; Silva, Elson Santos;; Bevilacqua, Solon;; Bevilacqua, Solon; Silva , Elson Santos; Corrêa, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho; Marques, Vinicius Pinheiro; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa deThis study examines the relationship between productivity and the quality of life of police officers in the public security sector of Goiás, Brazil. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the research explores the impact of human rights, public management, and technology on this relationship. The study employs a mixed-methods methodology, incorporating document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups to investigate specific challenges faced by police officers, such as inadequate material infrastructure, moral harassment, and physical risks associated with their duties. The findings highlight a significant correlation between officers' perceived quality of life and their productivity. Officers reporting better working conditions and lower instances of moral harassment tend to exhibit higher productivity levels. The study suggests that public policies aimed at promoting the mental and physical health of police officers are crucial for enhancing public security effectiveness. Furthermore, the analysis underscores the need for more efficient resource management and robust institutional support to address the identified challenges. Improvements in working conditions, including the provision of adequate equipment and regular training, are recommended as essential measures to foster a more effective and humane public security environment in Goiás.Item Violência de gênero e direitos humanos: um estudo do atendimento dos crimes de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher na 1ª DEAM de Goiânia (2010-2023)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-31) Alves, Glauco Leão Ferreira; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Lima, Ricardo Barbosa de; Sofiati, Flavio Munhoz; Ferreira, Maria Meire de Carvalho; Silva, Guilherme Borges daWomen who are victims of gender-based violence need public policies so that basic human rights are actually implemented. In this way, the objective was to bring to the academic debate the assistance, which occurred between 2010 and 2023, to crimes of domestic and family violence at the 1st Specialized Police Station for Women's Assistance in Goiânia - DEAM, based on discursive textual analysis about the feelings, anxieties, limitations and dilemmas of the civil police officers from this police station. Based on the research entitled Public Security Agents as Subjects of Rights, from the Human Rights Center of the Federal University of Goiás, a questionnaire was applied, in 2023, to 22 professionals who work or worked at this police station: agents, clerks, delegates and psychologists, in a quantitative-qualitative approach. In relation to the theoretical framework that supported this thesis, the theme of violence was approached, from an interdisciplinary perspective, consolidating the importance of the role of the street-level bureaucrat as an agent for transforming an unequal, sexist, violent and prejudiced reality. In this sense, data analysis demonstrated the need for constant training of these civil police officers who are on the front line in the fight against violations of women's rights. The training we are talking about must focus on gender relations and social markers of difference, because it was also noted that there is little institutional appreciation for the police officers who are assigned to this police unit. It is essential to pay attention to the mental health of these professionals who deal with violence on a daily basis and who support a workload increased by the low police force. The lack of motivation and illness of these police officers, who at certain times, see themselves more as subjects of duties than of rights, can negatively reflect on the care provided to victims at DEAM, in contrast to the reason for the existence of this police station: to empower women to break the cycle of violence.Item Entre o silêncio e o acanhamento: o racismo institucional no âmbito dos cursos de formação da magistratura federal entre 2007 e 2019(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-09) Souza, Rodrigo Gonçalves de; Borges, Fernanda da Silva;; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de;; Macêdo Filha, Maurides Batista de; Fontenele, Alysson Maia; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Huerta, José Zaragoza; Cardoso, Franciele SilvaThis research aimed to understand how racial issues have been incorporated into the training of federal judges in recent years and in what way the silencing of racial themes has given way to a timid confrontation within the Judiciary. This study seeks to answer the following question: why has the issue of race been silenced for so long in the professional training of judges, and to this day, is it still treated with restraint? To understand why the issue was silenced for so long in the training of judges, the hypothesis worked with was that, despite advances in the black movement, institutional racism persisted within the institutions that make up the justice system until recently. The theoretical support for this investigation relied on a black epistemology, notably in the works of Silvio Almeida, Adilson Moreira, Antônio Sérgio Guimarães, Aparecida Bento, and Nilma Gomes. The categories addressed were individual, institutional, and structural racism, racism as discourse, prejudice, discrimination, and whiteness, as well as other categories such as color, stereotype, stigma, and intersectionality. This study approached racism from a socio-economic perspective, recognizing it as a form of discrimination based on perceived physical and cultural characteristics as inferior or undesirable, spanning from individual manifestations to structural dimensions. It also explored the social construction of race linked to culture and symbolic practices, discussing the relationship with racism and its connection to racial stereotypes. In discussing the relationship between racism and social exclusion, the importance of technically defining prejudice, discrimination, and stigma was emphasized. The underrepresentation of Black individuals in the judiciary was analyzed considering the need for a racial debate in legal education and the impacts of the lack of diversity in the justice system. Methodologically, a bibliographic survey and documentary analysis were conducted (iconographic elements, official quantitative data, economic and social indicators). It is concluded that racism within the Judiciary imposed a prolonged suppression of race in institutional discussions and points to gradual but still limited progress in addressing racial issues, emphasizing the influence of the black movement and the need for more effective anti-racist pedagogical practices and programs. Furthermore, training in racial studies is essential for the judiciary to respond to social tensions and promote racial equalityItem Direito à Memória: construção de novas narrativas sobre a experiência Tapuia do Carretão (GO)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-06) Tapuia, Eunice Pirkodi Caetano Moraes; Leitão, Rosani Moreira;; Leitão, Rosani Moreira; Resende , Tânia Ferreira de; Silva, Lorranne Gomes da; Correia, Edwiges Conceição Carvalho; Borges, Mônica VelosoEl trabajo abordó la historia y la memoria del pueblo Tapuia do Carretão (GO) y sus conexiones con las prácticas de educación intercultural desarrolladas en el Colegio Estadual Indígena Cacique José Borges. La comunidad Tapuia del Carretão resulta de siglos de persecución, esclavización y masacres llevadas a cabo por la corona portuguesa y más recientemente por el estado brasileño. A pesar de la gran manifestación de resistencia, sufrieron y sufren un violento proceso de borramiento, paralelo a la construcción de imágenes estereotipadas negativas atribuidas a personas pertenecientes a esta comunidad. Entendiendo que la escuela desde una perspectiva intercultural y como un espacio que debe ser apropiado por la comunidad como lugar de fortalecimiento político y reconstrucción de su identidad, busco contribuir con proyectos pedagógicos de la escuela el fin de documentar y fortalecer la memoria y la historia Tapuia, a partir de sus propias experiencias, deshaciendo estereotipos negativos originados en una herencia colonial que persiste y se reproduce hoy, construyendo imágenes de control que atribuyen al pueblo Tapuia un lugar de inferioridad. La investigación se basa en estudios bibliográficos, revisión y análisis de documentos y trabajo de campo etnográfico y colaborativo realizado en propia comunidad