As relações entre o Brasil e o Oriente Médio na fase inicial da Guerra Fria (1947-1957)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis aims to investigate and comprehend the factors that constrained and motivated Brazil-Middle East relations - particularly with Israel, Iran, and Egypt - between 1947 and 1957. The central assumption is that the context of the Cold War was fundamental to guide and shape the Brazilian understanding of the region during those ten years. The Cold War is defined based on three elements: the ideological dispute between the capitalist and the communist models for development; bipolarity; and the fight against European colonialism, that reached its peak between the 1950s and 1960s. These elements characterize the specificities of international politics between the years 1946/47 to 1990. The study shows that the context and agendas of the period channeled the way in which a share of Brazilian political and economic elites, including the diplomatic apparatus, perceived the anti-colonial struggle in the Middle East, as they saw communist subversion in nationalism, reflecting Brazilian domestic issues. Other social groups associated the anti-imperialist struggle in those countries to what was going on in Brazil itself. Themes such as nationalization and the use of natural resources and economic development were familiar to Brazil, Egypt, Iran, and Israel, despite geographical distances. The research also reveals that, in addition to the importance of the Cold War, Brazilian Catholic religiosity and cultural considerations, often discriminatory in relation to Islam, were constant components that permeated the interpretations about the events in the Middle East. Those reflected more than just stereotypes about the countries and cultures of the region, but a diplomatic attitude that demonstrated a partial and biased knowledge of Brazil itself. This thesis seeks to fill a gap in the bibliography on Brazil's relations with the Middle East in the time frame that goes from the approval of the Palestinian Partition Plan in 1947, to the deployment of the forces of the “Batalhão Suez” in 1957. For that purpose, different sources were exploited. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (MRE) in the Brasília archive, the official and confidential letters, and telegrams of the Brazilian legations in Cairo, Tel Aviv and Tehran are specially considered. From the country's printed media, material from “Tribuna da Imprensa”, “Ultima Hora”, “Imprensa Popular” and “Correio da Manhã”, among others, are used, appraising their ideological representativeness and historical importance. The latter are digitalized and made available by the “Hemeroteca Digital”, of “Fundação da Biblioteca Nacional”. Other documents available on-line are also used, including material from the series “Diário do Congresso Nacional”. The work is divided into six chapters, in addition to the Introduction and Conclusion.



ALARCON, D. As relações entre o Brasil e o Oriente Médio na fase inicial da Guerra Fria (1947-1957). 2021. 248 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.