Doutorado em História (FH)

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    Civilizar, higienizar, disciplinar: imagens republicanas na Escola de Aprendizes e Artífices da Cidade de Goiás (1909-1937)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-03) Pires, Mauro Alves; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes;; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes; Mota, Maria Antônia da Silva; Caixeta, Vera Lúcia; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de
    The research investigates the instituting images that cohere and legitimize professional education in Goiás in the first half of the twentieth century. It focuses on the formation of the institutional imaginary of modernity in the public professional education. In it, the ideals of modernity interpret the past, plan the future and legitimize themselves in specific policies in the educational field. The institutional imaginary produces representations and practices marked by rationality and the disciplining of the bodies, has marks in the school building and are reinforced by institutional rites and images. The time frame of the research goes from the creation of the Escola de Aprendizes Artífices in the city of Goiás (1910), to the period of its transfer, during the change of the capital to Goiânia (1942). The doctoral thesis intends to deepen the research and focus on the Escola de Aprendizes e Artífices da Cidade de Goiás, an institution that, due to its singularities in terms of learning, harbored sociabilities that allow us to investigate the political disputes, the social base of the students and the educational projects in dispute in Goiás at the beginning of the 20th century. The period in focus (1910-1942) is of outstanding importance and significance to unveil the origins of professional education and its evolution in Brazil, based on public policies aimed at building the foundation of a modern labor society. The creation of the Apprenticeship School of Goiás and the ones in other states of the new Republic, took place at a time when there was an effort to overcome old representations about work, about childhood and youth. The purpose of the Republic in creating a school for the children of the “underprivileged of the estate” was ordered by a rationale and by the desire to build a labor intensive and disciplined citizenry. Thus the School of Apprentice Artisans used disciplinary training as a strategy to mold the ideal worker for the Republic. "Morally and materially abandoned," these students were categorized as vagrants, beggars, delinquents, and derelicts. The thesis works with the hypothesis that the instituting imaginary of the Republic articulated the principles of the “new” with the educational perspective, considering, under the motto of civilization, hygienism and disciplinarism, the apprentice and artisan schools as privileged spaces to train and professionalize the socially excluded
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    Feitiço e agenciamento: o terecô de Codó-MA e o campo religioso afro-brasileiro
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-04-08) Nunes, Victor Hugo Basilio; Rocha, Leandro Mendes;; Rocha, Leandro Mendes; Nogueira, Léo Carrer; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes; Silva, Mary Anne Vieira
    This work addresses – based on anthropological literature and diaries produced during fieldwork – how terecô, the name given to the encantaria of Codó-MA, has been represented in the field of studies on afro-brazilian religions. The construction of the theme, from an anthropological point of view, demonstrates the representations that were created about the supernatural powers of the Codó region as the “capital da macumba” and land of great sorcerers. In developing this thesis, the spell is seen as an opposition to the paradigm of ritual purity, as an element in the market for religious goods and as a mischaracterization of jeje-yoruba traditions. In afro-brazilian cults, diversity and agency counterpointed these ideas of purity in the most different traditions. Even cyberspace serves the terecô agency, through channels on the YouTube platform, which reinforce the spell, the intense sociability between the different tents and the doctrines of this Codoense tradition. Terecô, therefore, by associating traditionality with spells, determines its place in the field of afro-brazilian religions.
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    A historiografia do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro no segundo reinado em revista (1839-1870)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-05) Teixeira, Cristhiano dos Santos; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Salomon, Marlon Jeizon; Mendes, Breno; Araújo, Karina Anhezini de; Bentivóglio, Julio César
    This research on historiography in the “Magazine of the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute” (“Institutito Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro”, IHGB) in the 19th century aimed to analyze from a time frame between 1839 and 1870 having as a problem the main characteristics about the formation of a national historical consciousness in the Brazil. It seeks to understand the values of the country's history, used by the Empire through its representatives-historians who sought to ensure for themselves the national values of this culture in the process of construction. This would be characterized in a way of making a national history, which would emerge with its concepts and conceptions the values of its political culture in the formation of scientific historical knowledge, which could ensure for its present and future a past built from a conception moral about Brazilians. The scientific values of this historical politics, linked to a conception of its political time, were conditioned to search for the moral roots of its culture. What we will notice here is that this knowledge designed the construction of a national identity for Brazil in the 19th century. Which was linked to a project that would seek to consolidate for the nation a historiographical tradition that was converted by the logic of national memory. This type of historiographic project was not limited to seeking to consolidate a tradition from a static past, immobilized by its own inefficiency, but, above all, sought to consolidate it in the sense of building a “live” tradition for its future.
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    Emoções martiriais em Alandalus: os mártires voluntários de Córdoba (século IX)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-14) Milhomem, Thiago Damasceno Pinto; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Barbosa, Francirosy Campos; Silva, André Costa Aciole da; Nascimento, Renata Cristina de Sousa; Silveira, Aline Dias da
    Between the years 850 and 859, 50 Christians were executed by the Islamic government of the Emirate of Córdoba (756/138 H.-912/300 H.). This group of criminals, from an Islamic legal point of view, was composed of subjects of different functions and social strata: men and women, secular people, monks and nuns, former public officials of the emirate and their sons or daughters. They were part of Cordoba society that witnessed the consolidation of Islamic power and the growing prestige of the Arabic language and culture in Alandalus. His crimes were of two types: public insults to the figure of the Prophet Muḥammad (istiḫfaf) and apostasy to the Islamic faith (ridda), both punishable by death. Other Christian supporters of these acts considered their executed co-religionists as martyrs and saints, and their actions as voluntary martyrdoms and a justifiable form of protest. Among the defenders of martyrdom were the priest Eulógio (ca. 800-859) and the secular Paulo Álvaro (died around 861). Both wrote apologetic works for the martyrdoms, in a polemical tone, condemning both Muslims and Christians against the martyrs. From the theoretical fields of History and Anthropology of Emotions, among others, and methodologies such as external and internal criticism of documents, structural, philosophical and imaginative hermeneutics, the works Memorial de los Santos (851-856), Epístolas (851), Documento Martirial (851), Apologético de los Mártires (857) e Pasión de los Santos Mártires Jorge el Monje, Aurelio y Natalia (858) by Eulógio de Córdoba, and Vida de San Eulogio (860), by Álvaro de Córdoba . In these hagiographies, the two Christian authors associated positive emotions such as joy and serenity with martyrs and negative emotions such as anger and hatred with Muslims. Thus, Eulógio and Álvaro condemned the Muslims and legitimized the Christian martyrs through a speech focused on emotions.
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    Biblioteconomia é coisa de mulher? Relações de gênero e estereótipos na região Centro-Oeste (1962-2021)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-10) Basilio, Esdra; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho;; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Ribeiro, Maria do Espírito Santo Rosa Cavalcante; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Carneiro, Maristela
    This thesis exposes an investigation into the area of Librarianship from the perspective of gender relations studies. I present an analysis of the librarian profession with the purpose of historically showing that the profession went through a process of feminization and, in this sense, I point out the implications that this feminization entailed for the field of knowledge. The proposal is to discuss the connections between the low valuation of the profession and the connection with the fact that the profession is mostly exercised by women. I used feminist epistemologies and the theory of gender relations studies based on the contributions of Perrot (2005), Rago (1998) and Scott (2012), among other authors, to understand the dynamics of power relations that circumscribe the profession. The methodology used was a thematic oral history, from the perspective of Alberti (2013), Meihy (1996) and Portelli (2001). The narratives of five librarians, who work in the Midwest region, were the main sources of the research, characterizing this region as the locus of analysis, more specifically the federal universities that offer the undergraduate course in Librarianship, namely: the University of Brasília, the Federal University of Goiás and the Federal University of Rondonópolis in the period between 1962-2021. The research confirmed that disputes and power games make up the field of Librarianship, in a comprehensive way where gender hierarchies are reaffirmed.
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    Simulações históricas e civilizações digitais: representações do tempo histórico em “Sid Meier’s Civilization”
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-27) Silva, Alex Alvarez; Abdala Junior, Roberto;; Abdala Junior, Roberto; Cerri, Luis Fernando; Jongbloed, Enrique Uribe; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Christino, Daniel
    This research addresses representations of the past and historical time in digital games, based on the Sid Meier's Civilization game series and game narratives elaborated by its players. From a perspective that combines the theory of history and historical consciousness with the field of game studies, an analysis of the procedural structure of the first five main titles of the series is presented in order to highlight the assumptions underlying the way these games simulate historical and social processes. Once the main procedural axes that structure the series games are identified, a qualitative approach is taken to a set of player-produced works shared publicly on the CivFanatics Forums website, highlighting the ways in which players mobilize their historical imagination in dialogue with the games. Finally, the comparison between the players' narratives and the procedural nature of the games enables a series of observations on the historical sensitivity of players in the face of these historical-themed strategy games.
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    Reflexões sobre a cavalaria medieval na obra Tirant lo blanc
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Luiz, Láisson Menezes; Vidotte, Adriana;; Vidotte, Adriana; Souza, Guilherme Queiroz de; Rui, Adailson José; Nascimento, Renata Cristina Sousa; Sousa, Armênia Maria de
    This research aims to understand the representations of chivalry and the medieval knight in Tirant lo Blanc, written around 1460 by Joanot Martorell (1413-1468). The aforementioned work is a chivalry novel that narrates the adventures of the knight Tirant from the moment he was just a young apprentice of the art of chivalry until he became a knight of great fame. However, what characterizes and draws attention to this work, and differentiates it from other chivalry novels, is the most human character with which the author sought to portray society and knightly life in the 15th century. For this reason, Tirant lo Blanc is characterized more as a “historical novel”, a genre that stood out in the 15th century and thus being distinct from “books of chivalry”, which place their narratives in fantastic times and wonderful lands. Therefore, in this sense, the work of Joanot Martorell is an important document for understanding the actions and transformations that affected and permeated the space of social, political, cultural and imaginary relations in the Iberian Peninsula at the end of the Middle Age.
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    Contrarrevolução, autocracia burguesa, mundialização e imperialismo na transição neoliberal na Nicarágua (1988-1997)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-25) Sá, Roger dos Anjos de; Maciel, David;; Maciel, David; Pinto, João Alberto da Costa; Sofiati, Flávio Munhoz; Barbosa, Walmir; Maciel, Fred
    The main objective of this doctoral research is to analyze the political, economic and social processes that took place in Nicaragua in the context of the electoral defeat of the FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front) in 1990. The defeat interrupted the government of the Sandinista Front (1979-1990) who had led a revolutionary process. The winning electoral coalition was a conglomerate of parties formed around UNO (National Opposition Union), headed by Violeta Chamorro, which had political and financial support from the United States. It seeks to understand the transition from its neoliberal content, of an autocratic bourgeois character, a counterrevolutionary process associated with the dictates of the new imperialism. The time frame is limited to the period between 1988 and 1997, comprising the last years of the Sandinista Government and the Government of Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (1990-1997). We argue that it was from the last years of the Sandinista Government when, in the face of a serious economic crisis, several political-economic measures were taken - shock therapies in the economy - very similar to those indicated by the IMF and other supranational organizations linked to the main centers of capitalism. world, which begins the neoliberal transition in Nicaragua; the conformation of a counter-revolution with bourgeois autocratic features linked to capitalist globalization under the banner of new forms of imperialist domination.
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    Trajetividades de mulheres sem terra nas margens: rebeldias feministas debaixo da lona em Goiás (1990-2020)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-02) Machado, Flávia Pereira; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho;; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Veiga, Ana Maria; Vasconcelos, Tânia Mara Pereira; Vasconcelos, Vânia Nara Pereira; Langaro, Jiani Fernando
    This thesis investigates the rebelliousness and resistance of landless women in Goiás, aiming at highlighting their popular and decolonial feminist practices. Through the theoretical-methodological crossroads between black feminist and decolonial epistemologies, the methodology of oral history, the methodology of proximity and feminist participatory research, I embarked on the trajectories and oral narratives of eleven landless women, one in a settled condition (Canudos Settlement) and the others encamped (Leonir Orbak Settlement). With different trajectories, their lives intertwine in their militancy in the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) and in the invention of communities. In this way, the proposal is to identify in their trajectory and narratives the forms of resistance and rebellion, which enable them to compose feminisms against hegemonic, popular and decolonial.
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    A Olimpíada Nacional em História do Brasil (ONHB): contribuições para a aprendizagem histórica de jovens estudantes da educação básica brasileira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Paniago, Mayra; Silva, Maria da Conceição;; Silva, Maria da Conceição; Silva, Vânia Cristina da; Pina, Maria Cristina Dantas; Nicolini, Cristiano; Mendes, Breno
    The objective of this thesis is to comprehend the role performed by the National Olympics of the History of Brazil (ONHB), for the development of the historic learning in young students from the brazilian basic education. The ONHB, as it is known, is an activity developed by the History Department of the Campinas State University, had its first edition in 2009, and find itself nowadays, in its fourteenth edition. Over those fourteen years, the ONHB became an activity that have already gathered almost half a million students of the whole country, which dedicated and dedicate themselves to the study of the history of Brazil. Inserted in the field of Historic Education, this research searched find elements, in the execution of the Olympics, which could identify their potentialities for the historical learning. Our group of sources constituted itself i) in narratives, collected by intermediate of instruments collectors of data, answered by fifty-three students and sixty-five professors; ii) in reports provided by the coordinator team of the ONHB; iii) in forty-seven academic works, produced by professors, with their reflections on their experiences on the Olympics. The main focus of this research was to identify in the ONHB the possibilities of the study of history developed by it and the ways of the practical life it can favor. Among the authors that sustain theoretically our investigation, we quote: Isabel Barca (2001); Jörn Rüsen (2001); Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt (2006); Peter Lee (2006); Rosalyn Asbhy (2006). One of the elements founded in our analysis, which guided a substantial part of the research, was the use of the historical sources in the questions of ONHB’s test. Starting from the study and analysis of the use of historical sources in the History Olympics and, therefore, in the history classes in school space, we dialogued with the historical evidence and empathy concepts, characterized as second order concepts (LEE, 2006). By the end of our research, it was possible to verify that the ONHB possesses potent possibilities for the development of historical learning, being necessary a mediator act of history professors, so that the students can answer their lacking orientation in the present time.
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    L’histoire naturelle et l’histoire se fondirent sous mon regard: história e ciências da vida em Jules Michelet – da l’histoire de France à história natural (1830-1856)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-07-29) Pereira, Renato Fagundes; Salomon, Marlon Jeison;; Salomon, Marlon Jeison; Teixeira, Maria Juliana Gamboji; Cezar, Temistócles Américo Corrêa; Almeida, Tiago Santos; Mendes, Breno
    In the first half of the 19th century, Jules Michelet rose as the leading historian on the French scene, in a terrain simultaneously marked by political (1830 Revolution, 1848 Revolution and the establishment of the Second Empire), social and scientific instabilities. Our hypothesis is that this environment allowed Michelet to search for tools and notions in the natural and life sciences that were emerging (embryology, teratology, geology, paleontology) for his historiography, focusing specifically on the context between 1830 and 1830. 1856, between the first publication of his L'Histoire de France and his first natural history book, L'Oiseau. This approach allowed the historian to produce a new type of history writing, concerned with internal organizations and new questions about temporality in the past-present relationship. However, if the works of the early 1830 are characterized by an idea of a fatalistic nature, their radicalization to the sciences of nature and life led their historiography, in a pre-Darwinian context and portrayed by the presence of the idea of a chain of beings, to operate in this period by an idea of the providence of nature
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    La relación político administrativa del cabildo de Valencia en el marco del imperio español, 1700- 1812
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-27) Contreras, Juan Carlos; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souza; Lemke, María; Serrano Páez, José Ezio; Caballero Campos, Aníbal Herib
    O principal objetivo desta tese de doutorado é o estudo do município da cidade de Valência, Província da Venezuela, durante o século XVIII e até a instauração da Primeira República em 1811. Centraremos nosso estudo em três direções. O primeiro estudará a composição do município e sua gestão local, aproveitando a riqueza de informações fornecidas pela revisão do Arquivo Municipal de Valência. Nesse sentido, pretendemos preencher algumas lacunas que encontramos na historiografia venezuelana sobre os funcionários e a gestão urbana do município. O segundo foco será a relação político-administrativa do município com as demais instâncias da monarquia hispânica e com as demais populações da Província da Venezuela e especialmente com a cidade de Caracas. Tem sido nosso propósito transcender o estudo institucional local e incorporá-lo ao ambiente americano e atlântico na era que se convencionou chamar de "absolutismo ou despotismo esclarecido". Ao final, expomos a atitude da elite capitular valenciana diante da crise da ordem colonial que desemboca na independência e na instauração do sistema republicano.
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    A didática da história alemã no Brasil: fundamentos, epistemologias e as influências nas pesquisas em Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Pina, Max Lanio Martins; Silva, Maria da Conceição;; Silva, Maria da Conceição; Urban, Ana Claudia; Germinari, Geyso Dongley; Nicolini, Cristiano; Freire Júnior, Josias José
    This thesis the purpose of to understand the influences of the theoretical and epistemological thinking of German historians-didacticists, in the academic production of the main intellectuals, that reflected on the History Didactics in the last twenty years in Brazil. Aims to also perceives how this influence likewise supported the deployment of academic research carried out in the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Goiás. These historiandidacticists, belonging to the European movement that became known as the paradigmatic turn of historical science, which occurred in Germany in the years 1960-1970. We believe that Klaus Bergmann and Jörn Rüsen influenced theoretical and empirical reflections in the field of History Didactics, not only in Goiás, but throughout Brazil, owing to the translation and publication of their intellectual productions, which initially took place in the 1980s, but were popularized from the 2000s onwards. The theory and philosophy of History by these thinkers fostered and discussed discussions and reflections from the 2000s to the present, carried out by a group of Brazilian intellectual-academics concerned with principle, in the disciplinary establishment, followed, also, by the concern to extend the field of investigation and performance of History Didactics. These academic-intellectuals, starting from the Germanic theoretical influence, carried out, in these twenty years, thinking around the disciplinary field, the object of investigation, the theory and metatheory that anchors this area, and the methodology as a teaching pragmatics, however, not pro reflections on the research methodology for this field. Based on this intellectual and reflective context, we analyzed thirteen master's dissertations and two academic doctoral theses, developed in Goiás, mainly by a researcher linked to the PPGH/UFG, during the period from 2013 to 2022, where, originally, the presence of concepts and theoretical and analytical categories, which have their origin in the German historical-didactic thought. In addition, we observe that the set of academic research in Goiás materializes five forms of History Didactics, identified as Emancipationist, Reconstructivist, Humanist, Interculturalist, Mediaticist/Graphist. Finally, we indicate as contributions that the academic works of the PPGH/UFG communicate to the fields of History Teaching and historical science.
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    Na teia da terra e dos causos: tessituras do cotidiano de Geraldinho Nogueira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-29) Ribeiro, Lucas Pires; Rocha, Leandro Mendes;; Rocha, Leandro Mendes; Silva, Edson Batista da; Silva, Valtuir Moreira da; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Silva, Maria da Conceição
    This PhD thesis aims to present some traces of Geraldinho Nogueira's life trajectory within the countryside of Goiás, Brazil. Through reflection on the unfolding of life, a poor worker is iden-tified exercising different trades in the rural environment in the town Bela Vista de Goiás. By the way, the trade of traditional farmer, pathmaker and, mainly, carpenter. Despite having become known to the general public as a storyteller endowed with impressive humor, a more detailed reflection shows an individual facing numerous social difficulties in everyday life, es-pecially in terms of lack of housing and food. The idea of the poor human being was always presented in the narrator's horizon, just as it guided the lives of most people, residents of the Goiás state countryside throughout the historical process. Some of these individuals, who lived with Geraldinho, were very important for the construction of the thesis. Through field research, they made it possible to lay bare the rural Bela Vista routine in the last century. Even living with the most different difficulties, they found ways to survive in the face of an oppressive agrarian structure. In the research, the means of survival are represented both in the web of solidarity and sociability, having, in the practice of collaborative work, a fundamen-tal value. From a reading of everyday life, the research reflected on Geraldinho's formation as a storyteller, defending the thesis that he found fertile ground for artistic and cultural mani-festation in the rural environment of Bela Vista. Geraldinho made up the stories built from his experiences a means to face and remove the drama of a truly difficult life. Given the indisso-ciability between the narrator and the individual, it is believed that the research will enable a better understanding of the condition of life before the media success. In order to achieve the proposed objective, the thesis is divided into six chapters. In addition to field research, some theoretical references were essential in this textual building process. Emphasis for the contri-butions of Brandão (1982), Candido (1975), Anzai (1985), Borges (2016), Castro (2010), Bakhtin (2013), among others.
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    Veiga Valle: recepção em estudos de identidade e tradição (1940-2001)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-30) Santos, Fernando Martins dos; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes;; Capel, Heloisa Selma Fernandes; Diniz, Aldilene Marinho César; Barbosa, Raquel Miranda; Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Borges, Maria Elizia
    José Joaquim da Veiga Valle (1806-1874) is the most known 19th century artist in Goiás, his works appear in countless churches and private altars. However, the artist became the synthesis of an identity (HALL), the “vilaboense” identity, which was built in two moments: with the transfer of the capital igniting a anti-change movement that evoked an identity for the old capital and, later, with the process of World Heritage Site. The artist was born in the old village of Meia Ponte (Pirenópolis), where he received his artistic training and his first political commitments. In 1841, Veiga Valle moved to the capital of the province, the city of Goiás, where he continued to act politically and produce his works. After his death, in 1874, Veiga Valle went through a period of oblivion and his rebirth took place with the transfer of the capital. In this process, Veiga Valle is linked to the Vilaboense identity, which is evidenced when analyzing his work from the aesthetics of reception (JAUSS). Newspapers, artists, intellectuals and memorialists began to place it with the aura of art pieces, more precisely with the Brazilian Baroque. Based on the assumption of the invention of traditions (HOBSBAWN), in the city of Goiás this process occurred after the transfer of the capital, a moment in which a search was made to its past to highlight the city as the cradle of Goiás culture. This process intensifies from the 60s onwards, when the Vilaboense Organization of Arts and Traditions (OVAT) places itself as the guardian of Vilaboense tradition and projects the city for tourism, in which the works of Veiga Valle are placed as one of the main attractions. When the city's patrimonialization process began in the 1940s, Veiga Valle was once again placed as a fundamental element. The National Historic and Artistic Heritage Service (SPHAN), in its project to create a national identity, hadthe colonial period and the baroque of Minas Gerais as its basis for listing. In this way, the works of Veiga Valle were placed within this context and, thus, the city obtained its first heritage sites. In 2001, the city became a World Heritage Site. For the proposition of his candidacy, the city of Goiás was shown as the last representative of a period, the golden cycle, and the place that housed the last representative of the Brazilian Baroque, Veiga Valle.
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    Sob à luz dos holofotes: percursos da masculinidade hegemônica e subalternidade feminina na História
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-14) Martins, Tattiussa Costa; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho;; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Marques, Ana Maria; Silva, Andreia Vicente da; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de
    Entrenched in our culture with the backing of coloniality and patriarchy are hegemonic masculinity and female subalternity. Which symbolizes the pillars of our national identity and the maintenance of social order. These values introjected by the colonizers who strove to naturalize cultural constructions as something inherent to our biological nature, making it difficult to reflect that these conceptions are part of a framework of political strategies to favor the domination of a people. In this logic, conservatism is positive as a moral value that saves the homeland, confidently for the permanence of political stability and sociocultural morality.
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    A fisiognomia do rio Araguaia: complexidades e ambiguidades impressas em sua assinatura hidrológica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-27) Silva, Eliete Barbosa de Brito; Rocha, Leandro Mendes;; Rocha, Leandro Mendes; Gratão, Lucia Helena Batista; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Pacheco Filho, Alan Kardec Gomes; Arruda, Gilmar
    The environmental agenda is a current and present topic on agendas, whether national, international, official or not. It is also popular in academia. As a prerequisite for defending a doctorate, we present our thesis study on the following pages. Titled this: THE PHYSIOGNOMY OF THE ARAGUAIA RIVER: COMPLEXITIES AND AMBIGUITIES PRINTED IN ITS HYDROLOGICAL SIGNATURE. For the basis of our research, we rely on the assumptions of Environmental History. It proposes a rapprochement between man and nature, a movement towards revealing the relationships between social and natural systems. Since people's lives and nature are intertwined in the course of human history, it is fair to say that, in fact, it is an effort to make us aware that we all belong to a universal system. For this premise, we used, as a contribution to the study, the methodology of Systemic Analysis. However, because it is a research based on Environmental History, we emphasize, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the research field, that the reader will find other mechanisms that subsidized us in our immersion in the Araguaia River system. By the logic of Systemic Analysis, we proposed to unravel the relationships carried out in the scope of the mentioned system, as well as the representations, about it, elaborated. We consider, to support our thesis that the climatic, geological, geomorphological conditions present in the Araguaia river system were configured and remain as the attracting elements for human settlement in the surroundings of the referred river, the multiple actors that, in the course of anthropization or even, prior to this, they established relations with the Araguaia River. Therefore, the reader will be presented, in the body of this thesis, to our perceptions about the constitution of the Araguaia river system, the impact of human occupations within this system, the urgency of reorganization on the part of social actors, especially the Iny᷉peoples. , for the conformation of existence.
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    "Primeiro damismo" no Brasil: uma história das mulheres na cultura política nacional (1889-2010)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-23) Rodrigues, Dayanny Deyse Leite; Menezes, Marcos Antônio;; Menezes, Marcos Antônio; Souza Netto, Miguel Rodrigues de; Silva, Murilo Borges; Coelho, Ana Carolina Eiras; Rabay, Glória de Lourdes
    This doctoral thesis aims to stimulate new reflections about the subjects that compose the political field, like the first ladies, and to emphasize the importance of the power relations that surround this field. Thus, when telling a story of women in correlation with the "primeiro-damismo” in Brazil, the objective was to understand the institutionalization of this phenomenon in Brazilian territory, as well as its perpetuation and reinvention during the republican period. Initially, it is important to point out the conceptual inexistence of the term “primeiro-damismo” in historiographical production, despite the inattentive and inappropriate use of this expression. Thus, the problems that guided this research were: how to define "primeiro-damismo" and how this phenomenon was inserted in the Brazilian political culture. To this end, an analysis of the performance of the Brazilian first ladies was carried out in a section that extends from 1989, the year that marks the beginning of the republican period, until 2010, when the first woman is elected President of the Republic, seeing them as active agents in the political field. Based on such analysis, “primeiro-damismo” was defined as a political phenomenon, characterized by a set of practices exercised by the wives of acting rulers, in the Executive Branch, which can be pointed out as a strategy, when the first ladies sought to legitimize the spouse's ideology or political project, but also as a tactic, by circumventing the rational and functional organization of governability proposed by the State. This phenomenon was constituted and perpetuated under the sign of gender hierarchies, which marked the patriarchal society, characteristic of Brazilian society. In this sense, this work dialogued with the theoretical assumptions of “Renewed Political History”, appropriating the concepts of Strategy, Tactics, Political Culture and Political Capital from the perspective of power relations, which extends beyond institutions and the State. In this perspective, the research sought to retell the history of the Brazilian Republic experienced by other subjects, or rather, by subjects made invisible by history and historiography, the first ladies, proposing reflections based on the history of Women. As sources, this work used official documents, press (newspapers and magazines), biographical and autobiographical writings. Finally, based on the results obtained, the symbolic importance of the social figure of the first ladies within the political field and the practices developed by them, which, here, were called "primeirodamismo", were pointed out. In their strategic bias, many of these actions went in line with the political ideals of the State, whose function was precisely to legitimize them. The tactics could be observed in "small" actions, from the power of influence that many first ladies had with their husbands, acting behind the scenes as a fundamental part in the political game, to the construction of their own political capital, visible in the protagonist actions developed by several of them.
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    "Nunca fui liberal": usos liberais do pensamento político de Hannah Arendt no Brasil
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-22) Regiani, Álvaro Ribeiro; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi;; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Silva, Adriano Correia; Silveira, Bruno Abnner Lourenzatto; Berbert Junior, Carlos Oiti; Teles, Edson Luis de Almeida
    The aim of this research was to interpret the initial reception of the Jewish-German philosopher Hannah Arendt in Brazil between 1970-1990. I analysed the political uses of his thought made by liberal intellectuals, the diplomat and banker Marcílio Marques Moreira, the businessman and jurist Celso Lafer and the lawyer and columnist Gilberto de Mello Kujawski in the transition from the military dictatorship (1964-1985) to the New Republic (1985-2013). On the varied themes around liberalism and the connection between interest groups and public administration, the aim of this research was to understand the political culture and the circularity of ideas in their public dimension through the analysis of two axes: dissemination strategies and the association strategies. In this sense, I tried to contextualise that the discussion led by them was not limited to a theoretical aspect, but was addressed to politics. I analysed essays, articles, interviews, transcribed lectures and books by these authors to show the production and its effects on the tension between the philosophical dimension and the political intention. I contextualise the pedagogical aspects of dissemination strategies in the production of an imaginary for the appreciation of “freedom” and liberal “order” published by four Brazilian’s newspapers, O Estado de São Paulo, A Folha de São Paulo, the Jornal do Brasil and O Globo. The initial mediation and the political uses describe the way these authors formulated the association between Arendt and liberalism as a reference for a reformist project, ordered through a political-legal pact, a democratic pluralism. Despite almost three decades of association between Hannah Arendt's political thought and free enterprise, the background that guided this research followed the author's statement: “I was never a liberal”.
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    Vida literária e a construção do conceito de simbolismo na obra de Nestor Vítor
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-12) Silva, José Fábio da; Salomon, Raquel Machado Gonçalves Campos;; Salomon, Raquel Machado Gonçalves Campos; Silveira, Allan Valenza da; Paula, Douglas Ferreira de; Bezerra, Valéria Cristina; Menezes, Marcos Antônio de
    This work addresses the intellectual trajectory of Nestor Vítor dos Santos (1868-1932), a writer and essayist who entered the history of literature as the “official critic” of the Brazilian symbolist movement. Nestor Vítor worked intellectually between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He saw the Brazilian symbolist movement form, lose strength and become a reference for spiritualist modernism. During this period, he reflected on its authors and the relevance of the movement within Brazilian literature. It is in this perspective that this work is conducted, covering his intellectual trajectory and acting as a literary critic. For this purpose, the intellectual formation of Nestor Vítor in his early years, still in Paraná, is approached; its connection with the Republican Club and with the Abolitionist Confederation of Paraná. After moving to Rio de Janeiro, in 1890, Vítor became a member of the Novos group, responsible for spreading Symbolism in the federal capital. Although he is currently considered a secondary author in the history manuals of Brazilian literature, he was an important figure in the intellectual milieu of his time. Nestor Vítor stood out not only for his role in defending personalities of the Symbolist movement, but mainly for being the holder of the literary estate of the poet Cruz e Sousa and responsible for publishing and disseminating his unpublished poems. The concern to defend works linked to Symbolism, therefore, was not only explained by a militancy for the movement, but also by a desire to contribute to what he saw as the evolution of literature. In addition to his role in the Symbolist movement, his participation in the spiritualist reaction and his impressions on the emergence of the different strands of the Brazilian modernist movement in the 1920s are also discussed. In this specific case, the tension between literary movements, relationship between literati and the individual perception of Nestor Vítor in face of the changes of his time. This work defends the thesis that the title of “critic of symbolism” crystallized a limited view of Nestor Vítor's performance in the Brazilian literary circle. Although he was indeed part of the Brazilian Symbolist group, his intellectual work is much broader than that. In fact, it goes so far as to make the wrong impression about his critical work. Nestor Vítor was an important member of the Brazilian Symbolist movement, his literary critical work, however, speaks much less about Symbolism than is expected.