SIGWEB aplicado ao turismo: novas formas de comunicação para um novo turista

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The Tourism has become an profitable economic activity, a fact explained by the high levels of employment and income arising from circulation of tourists all over the world. However, these figures hide important information about the interaction between the traveler and the visited location. There is a wide range of destinations growing up by demand of visitors, oblivious to issues of relevance to the tourism planning, such as the availability of accurate, which enable the tourist an holistic view of geographic space. After the advent of the new technologies, the decision of the travel to a specific touristic destination increasingly depends of the quality in access to information. So, this research aims to promote a discussion about the impact of touristic information organized through Geographic Information System - GIS on web environment for communication with tourist. In this context are analyzed the ways of the Tourism by threefold bias of Virtual Communication, Touristic Cartography and Geotechnologies as strategies for the better reveal the space to the new tourist profile of the digital age. The results of these reflections are gathered on the project SIGTUR Alto Paraíso, a proposal of the GIS application online using the Google Earth software as a dynamic and interactive information platform for viewing maps and elements of touristic space. The spatial area adopted is the Alto Paraiso city, in whose territory is the gateway to the National Park of Chapada dos Veadeiros- NPCV and sceneries of natural beauty that position this area as one of the main ecotourism destinations the State of Goiás.



VIEIRA, Laíze Leite. SIGWEB aplicado ao turismo: novas formas de comunicação para um novo turista. 2013. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.