Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus: práticas religiosas para soluções imediatas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This dissertation research object of religious narratives of the faithful of the World Church of the Power of God, published in the World Journal of Faith and the Revival Magazine Urgent. Are sixteen year history, from its founding to the present day, 1998 to 2014 The confessional narratives found in periodicals expressing the belief of the faithful. All persons who attend this church are seeking immediate solutions to their problems. The main motivations of people to attend the meetings are: Lack of money and physical / emotional illnesses. The main focus of the investigation turns to the presentation and analysis of these narratives of religious believers. This provides the explanation of certain practices and beliefs. Attitudes found are explained by faith. In this perspective, religious faith gives guidance to the practices of people who, in turn, are desperate.



ROCHA, Diego Angeline. Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus: práticas religiosas para soluções imediatas. 2014. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.