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    O barroco como problema estético e histórico: o contexto intelectual da origem do drama trágico alemão, de Walter Benjamin
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-25) Santos, Michelle Lira Rodrigues; Almeida, Tiago Santos;; Almeida, Tiago Santos; Vilela, Ana Lucia Oliveira; Souza Neto, Manoel Gustavo de
    At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, authors and intellectuals from the philosophical, literary criticism and theory of history constituted an intellectual context in Germany. They were committed to thinking about issues involving the constitution of sciences, knowledge and aesthetics. It was in this environment that Walter Benjamin wrote one of his most complex works of youth, presented as the book Origin of German Tragic Drama. The book presents its hypotheses about the form of tragic drama present in the German Baroque theater, which is characterized by elements of modernity, constituting a historicity. For Benjamin, the concept of origin (Sprung) is a pre- and post-historical one, which in the Baroque period is linked to the constitution of the German nation, the Protestant Reformation, the 30 Years' War and the Napoleonic invasions. Therefore, considering the fractures caused by these events, the Baroque could not be thought of as a continuation of the Renaissance or of Greek tragedies for the consolidation of German culture in the way that intellectuals in Benjamin's context claimed. Therefore, we will seek in the study Origin of German Tragic Drama to understand how Benjamin used and analyzed the role of aesthetics to think about the theory of knowledge of history that dialogued with his contemporaries. We will thus discuss methodological and scientific issues from the debate on: Origin, method and knowledge, which will allow us to affirm that the tension between the aesthetic and the historical is constitutive of a modern time.
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    Una aventura nueva con sabor argentino: quadrinhos e identidade nacional na revista Suplemento Semanal Hora Cero (1957-1959)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-28) Nascimento, Leonardo Pires; Gomes, Ivan Lima;; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Horacio Gago, Sebastian; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souza
    The present work intends to discuss the contributions of the publishing Frontera in the argentine’s press. The Frontera’s magazine created and participated in a moment of ecstasy in the 1950sAt that time, the comics, in the country, was passing through the comics “golden age”, where there was a great quality of art and an amount of lectores. Frontera’s intervention in the period respects some aspects of operation: a space of artistic autonomy and the criticism against the American characters. With this context and seeing the documents produced by the publishing, we seek to understand the strategies taken by the editor, Héctor Oesterheld, that contributed to the existence and success of the editorial project. Using Cultural History and Book History, we discuss the materiality and organization of the printed material at the same time of the distribution and the magazine’s reading. The discussion is guided by the Comics Studies, which discuss the organization of codes and symbols in the narrative structure. The documents represented by the magazines, interviews and advertisements, guide the interpretation of the comics as a product of mass media, and Frontera's magazines represent the relationship between popular culture and politics. An example of the reading policy democratization in the country at the end of the 1950s among the Buenos Aires citizens. The discussions in the period contribute to the stories development of narrative as Nahuel Barros and Ernie Pike – gauchesca and war, respectively. The problem surrounding comic strips is a process to achieve historical discussions at a period through a mass culture view.
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    A descolonização da instrução pública latino-americana nos ensaios de José Carlos Mariátegui (1923-1928)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-19) Silva, Luan Frederico Paiva da; Nazareno, Elias; h; Nazareno, Elias; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes; Araújo, Ordália Cristina Gonçalves
    This research proposes to establish an intercultural dialogue with the ideas of the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930), an indigenist/socialist thinker who criticized the survival of the colony in the Peruvian Republic. Through the notions of “coloniality”, first developed by the Peruvian sociologist Aníbal Quijano (1928-2018), we analyze Mariategui’s essays on Public Instruction in Peru and Latin America, systematizing his anti-colonial critique of the way Education was thought. As a result of the analysis, we identified Mariátegui as one of the representatives of the approximation between indigenous and non-indigenous knowledge in Latin America, especially with regard to places of knowledge production, as the university itself proposes to be.
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    Um romance de formação: representações da classe média brasileira em “Ciranda de pedra” (1954), de Lygia Fagundes Telles
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-20) Carvalho, Natália Peres; Silva, Robson Pereira da;; Menezes, Marcos Antônio de;; Menezes, Marcos Antônio de; Silva, Robson Pereira da; Vieira, Thaís Leão; Capelozi, Lays da Cruz
    This research aims to investigate how Lygia Fagundes Telles produces a certain representation of the middle-classes familiy, highlighting the dimensions of childhood and the roles assigned to women in that society, based on the novel Ciranda de Pedra, published on 1954, which exhibit characteristics of a bildungsroman. In this work we will observe the process of development of Virgínia, the protagonist, who is part of a disrupted “family” and is plagued by loneliness and rejection. To achieve this, we presente a study that analyzes the sociability networks of Lygia Fagundes Telles, how she constructs a narrative of herself and the paths that the author traversed until the publication of the novel Ciranda de Pedra, verifying also the construction process as well as it’s reception on the literary world. The plot of the novel is permeated by various themes, so, in this study we also discuss female opression, racial and sexual prejudice, the fall of the patriarchal system and othem important issues relevant for the focus of this analysis. In order to support the development of this research, we draw upon theoretical concepts from Antonio Candido (1989), Cristina Ferreira Pinto (1990), Phillipe Airès (1986), among others.
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    História e descontinuidade: algumas contribuições de Michel Foucault para o campo historiográfico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-10) Braga, Matheus Fellipe Rodrigues; Valle, Ulisses do;; Valle, Ulisses do; Arrais, Cristiano Alencar Pereira; Penna, Mariana Affonso
    The main objective of this work is to achieve a systematization of the concept of discontinuity, presented a little in Foucault's writings and guiding his investigative work, and his contributions to the historiographic field. The notion of discontinuity raises certain problems and also possibilities for the field of historical knowledge, such as reflection on the event and the object of the narrative itself. The historical plot depends both on a diffuse and problematic past, as well as on a historian who has the task of elaborating meaning for the documents and speeches of the past.
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    A plenitudo potestatis e o conceito de liberdade conforme Guilherme de Ockham (séc. XIV)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-01) Gomes, Mayara Stephane; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Oliveira, Terezinha; Martines, Paulo Ricardo
    During the XIV century, the agents of the realms and the Holy See, respectively intertwined to the Time and Spiritual spheres, were related in different ways as in diplomacy as in the core of theories about the current power in Christianity. Nonetheless, due to the fights around Pope John XXII (1318-1334) and the “Spiritual Issue”, it is possible to notice a conflictual picture between these institutions. In that way, our goal in this research is to investigate the origins of this clash of powers in the light of the philosopher William of Ockham (1285? -1347) according to the political-theological apparatus and nominalism designed in his works, analyzed here as primary sources, Third Part of the Dialogue, A Short Discourse on the Tyrannical Government, and Eight questions on the power of the pope written around 1304-41. Ockham discusses, in the political works, his disapproval on this clash know by historiography as the doctrine of plenitudo potestatis papalis (fullness of power for the papacy), which determined the will of the representants of the spiritual power, the Pope, to evoque on their own benefit the fullness of power over both authorities. For this purpose, we start from an hermeneutic analysis to demonstrate that the Venerabilis Inceptor makes a well-grounded critic especially regarding to freedom accordingly to philosophical, theological, political, and ethical foundations, named as Christian - evangelical freedom, fundamental theme used against the sayings of Pope John XXII.
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    Saúde, enfermidades e cuidados infantis em escritos médicos medievais (Séculos XIII-XIV)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Sousa, Larissa Lacé; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Gonçalves , Ana Teresa Marques; Fagundes, Maria Dailza da Conceição
    This dissertation aims to analyze the medical writings and understand about Dietetics for the maintenance of child health, as well as other daily habits that influenced to avoid the diseases that surrounded the children, and the therapeutic bringing alternatives to treat the diseases. Our documentary corpus is composed of two regiments, Regime of the Corps (1256) of Aldobrandino de Siena (13th century), and the Treatise of the Children and Nurse Regiment (1308) composed in the early 14th century, by the physicist and master Bernardo de Gordônio. Both sources are of great importance for the understanding of medieval medicine, as they are rich in precepts and recommendations for the conservation of health and the recovery of it. The research has a theoretical foundation based on the medical theories presented by the works of ancient Arab and Latin authorities: the Hippocratic-Galenic humoral theory, the medieval Arab Galenism, about natural things and unnatural things that would be fundamental to the maintenance of health. The body would only stay healthy to the extent that it followed all the advice and guidance given by the physicists in the regiments.
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    Congadas de Goiânia: história, memórias e identidades negras (1940-2000)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-26) Sousa, Luciana Pereira de; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de;; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Pereira, Robson Mendonça; Nazareno, Elias
    This work aims to discuss the possibilities of the existence of black identities in congadas and brotherhoods of Goiania. Using oral and written sources, our approach seeks to identify the process of formation of parties on the outskirts of the city, beginning in the 1940s and being completed in late 1990. Thus, our research sought to answer the following questions: how the process occurred formation of the Rosary festivities on the outskirts of Goiania? What is the meaning of the Rosary parties in Goiania? Who they interested? From the postcolonial theoretical perspectives and decolonais, we analyze the meaning of congadeira identity from its black culture condition, set in a city that, in just over four decades became an urban metropolis, whose development was marked by a history of segregation of workers and poor and black workers, whose struggles for housing, work, social assistance and, above all, ways of acting and thinking the world allowed identitarias statements, based on an idea of community founded on principles of solidarity and fraternity of black brotherhoods. Our analysis understand how these processes have become relevant in all the interpretations of the parties and their meanings, as these agents negotiate and move in the city. Our interest is fundamentally realize through the analysis of sources, especially orality and ethnographic research as did the territorialization of these parties in Goiás capital and the organization of the same lead to assertion of a black identity congadeira.
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    Dos armários do DOPS à imprensa da cidade: as sexualidades dissidentes durante a ditadura civil-militar em Goiás (1974-1980)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-15) Silva, Aline Nawara Cintra; Oliveira, Alcilene Cavalcante de;; Oliveira, Alcilene Cavalcante de; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Ribeiro, Maria do Espírito Santo Rosa Cavalcante
    This study is part of the perspective of studies of the History of Women and of gender and sexuality relations, and its central objective is to analyze homosexuality in Goiás during the civilmilitary dictatorship, in order to point out the existence of a conservative moral-sexual policy, focusing on the years 1974-1980. To do so, we focused on the documentation of the Police Station of Political and Social Order of Goiás (DOPS-GO). In this study, we consider the data found from reading the 794 dossiers held in the Information, Documentation and Archive Center of the Federal University of Goiás, and those from Jornal Cinco de Março, one of the main vehicles of information that circulated in Goiás during the period selected. In this way, this work aims, through the examination of the documentation of different organs and means, to find the representations about homosexualities produced by the official speeches of the State and by the main media vehicle of Goiás in the period, in order to scrutinize the existing moral-sexual construction in the regime and problematize the gender hierarchy and the erasure and silencing of lesbian women.
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    Crônicas de Nárnia: autoria, escrita e recepção da obra de C. S. Lewis na Inglaterra (décadas de 1940 a 1960)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-06-28) Moraes, João Marcos Salgado de; Gomes, Ivan Lima;; Gomes, Ivan Lima; Cruvinel, Larissa Warzocha Fernandes; Gonçalves, Roberta Ferreira
    Every literary work as it is read constitutes itself as a moving object. New readings, representations and discourses are taken from it, according to its temporal journey through different cultures. The Chronicles of Narnia is no exception and has been frequently explored by various areas of knowledge such as Philosophy and Modern Languages courses. However, the work still lacks historiographical works. For that matter, the present research aims to historically point out its author C. S. Lewis along with the discourses of this subject as well as understand in what context the work is built. Once this is done, it is important to understand what types of discourses are possible to identify through the reading of the work and how they connect to its historicity and its author. Finally, we aim to point out from the reception studies which references the author placed in the work so that it could be understood in a certain way and through the analysis of his letters to his fans, what impressions the readers of the 1950s and 1960s had of the work.
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    Um relato de viagem judaico medieval: o itinerário Benjamin de Tudela (1130-1173) e sua recepção na modernidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-14) Silva, Taís Nathanny Pereira da; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Nascimento, Renata Cristina de Sousa; Silveira, Aline Dias da
    This dissertation offers a new approach to the study of Benjamin of Tudela's Itinerary, one that does not simply engage with the narrative as a text to be mined for facts to shed light on the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds of the twelfth century. Rather, it approaches the text in a new direction – its manuscript and print traditions – to place the narrative in different contexts. Examining the text over a significant period shows that the Itinerary continued to be broadcast because different audiences adapted it for their own specific uses. Consequently, the work experienced varying levels of textual intervention – with the interventions of copyists and printers changing the text. Benjamin of Tudela's Itinerary, as will be noted, had a multitude of uses. Until the 16th century – whether read in Hebrew or Latin, by a Jewish or Christian audience – the narrative was understood as a 12th century eyewitness travel account used to gain information about a historical past. Early modern Jews added additional layers of meaning as Iberian exiles sought to recreate the lives they had lost after being expelled from the peninsula. At the end of the 16th century, interpretations of the work, within a Christian context, changed. First, it drew suspicion from the Church for its messianic connotations and numerous Christian references. Second, through the 1633 edition, Benjamin's narrative entered the realm of Judeo-Christian polemics. This dissertation, then, offers a study of a Hebrew travel narrative, its textual changes and accumulation of meanings from its twelfth-century origins to 1633, to demonstrate how the Itinerary has remained relevant to subsequent audiences.
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    A representação do movimento para salvar o Jóquei Clube de Goiás pela imprensa goiana
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-27) Azevedo, Natane Rincon; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de;; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão de; Leal, Claudia Feierabend Baeta; Gomide, Cristina Helou
    This master's thesis analyzes how the representation of the movement and the process of listing of the Jóquei Clube de Goiás by the main newspapers from Goiânia would relate to the history of struggles for the listing of cultural assets in Brazil and in Goiânia. In 2017, the sale of the Jóquei Clube de Goiás was negotiated with the Universal Church. If the sale went through, the club's headquarters could be demolished. Thus, a movement, named #salvejóquei on social media, emerged to "save" the club. Simultaneously, the Council of Architecture and Urbanism of Goiás (CAU-GO) filed a process for the listing of Jóquei's headquarters as a cultural heritage of Brazil. These events received wide coverage from the main newspapers in Goiânia, such as O Popular, Diário da Manhã and Jornal Opção. To analyze this representation, we resorted to the analyzes of collective memory, by Halbwachs (1990), Albuquerque Junior (2007) and Ricoeur (2007); the field of cultural heritage disputes and the history of listing in Brazil, by Chuva (2009), Rodrigues (2001) and Campos (2019); the rhetoric of loss and national identity, according to Gonçalves (1996); among others; united with theories from media studies, by Traquina (2012, 2016), Tuchman (1999), Wolf (2012), etc. For this purpose, we used the method Discourse Analysis to analyze the representation of the three newspapers.
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    Cofos e velas: tessituras da morte em dia de finados no cemitério São José, zona rural de Pinheiro-MA
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-22) Araújo, Julyana Cabral; Borges, Maria Elizia;; Borges, Maria Elizía; Santos, Cícero Joaquim dos; Ribeiro, Dimas dos Reis
    The present study aims to analyze the funeral ritual of The Day of the Dead in the rural area of the municipality of Pinheiro - MA, more specifically in the cemetery São José. For this purpose, are used the ethnographic and historical methods to analyze the collected sources during the field research in the cemetery. The study of the funerary ritual pervades the idea of social memory as proposed by James Fentress and Chris Wickham (1992), and Catroga (2015), whose memory in relation to the dead is historically shared and based on cultural relations. Based on this, the question is: what extent do the funerary rituals and objects used in this context represent the funeral culture of a given locality? For this, this study uses several sources that complement each other, such as: pages of the Cidade de Pinheiro Newspaper, relevant bibliographies, oral and visual sources. All this serves as a basis for a more critical look at the relationships experienced during the fieldwork between people and objects installed in the cemiterial space, in particular: cofos and candles, on Day of the Dead. However, added it, that such visual productions provide cemetery visitors with the practice of a memory exercise on these images, symbolic messages and contact with memories that generate affection for the dead. Therefore, such artistic productions in this context are: rural and Afro-indigenous matrix materialized in funeral artifacts emphasizing sensitivities against to the death.
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    Da nova direita ao bolsonarismo: usos da ditadura militar brasileira pelo canal do Youtube Folha Política
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-28) Barbosa, João Marcos Santiago Monteiro; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi;; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Pereira, Mateus Henrique de Faria; Abdala Júnior, Roberto
    The present dissertation is the product of a research on the uses of the Brazilian military dictatorship by the channel, from the Youtube platform, entitled Folha Política. Our central question can be summarized as follows: how was the historical experience of the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) reconstructed in the videos produced by Canal Folha Política during the years 2016 to 2020? To provide an answer to this question, we consider it important, first of all, to reconstruct the trajectory of this channel: who created it? In what context? With what goals? What changes took place in the channel during the period 2016 and 2020? We could see, in our research, that the creation of the channel, in 2016, was directly related to the mobilizations of the so-called New Right in favor of the impeachment of President Dilma Roussef and that, in 2018, during the campaign for the presidential elections, the Folha Política verticalized its political position, fully adhering to Bolsonarism. In this way, our research was able to focus on the uses of the Brazilian military dictatorship in a contextualized way, understanding the relationships between the interpretations of the past and the interests of the present. We note that the channel mobilizes a predominantly exemplary and monumental Historical Consciousness. Through nostalgia and monumentalization, he builds the idea that the dictatorship era was qualitatively better than the present. This mobilization of the past, aiming to restore lost values, or keep them in the face of the possibility of loss, also occurs with the objective of keeping its subscribers engaged in favor of current banners. For this to happen, the channel maintains its followers with a feeling of suspicion and hatred against the left-wing segments, they make monumental celebrations about the Brazilian military dictatorship, alluding to events that give a feeling of victory against a common enemy. In addition, Folha Política also uses euphemisms to appease the controversial speeches of people close to President Bolsonaro that involve the past of the dictatorship in Brazil.
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    O primeiro Oswald de Andrade e a crítica: balbuciamento imbecil, suicídio literário e a dicotomia autenticidade / inautenticidade como critérios de brasilidade (1924-1927)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-24) Cruvinel, Zandélli Lira; Valle, Ulisses do;; Valle, Ulisses do; Vilela, Ana Lúcia Oliveira; Silva, Walkiria Oliveira
    After the Modern Art Week of 1922, the modernist movement began to focus not only on what they wanted to break, but also on what they wanted to build. From the reason for the existence of the movement itself (the liberation, in the creative spirit of the artist, from the bonds and impositions of formulas and metrics), to the demand for authentic and free expression, to the questioning about the nature and character of Brazilian cultural identity, the journey The modernist movement was crossed by bigger issues than the construction of a new art. In this environment, Oswald de Andrade launched his aesthetic project Pau-Brasil (1924; 1925). In addition to Oswald's own ideas, the reception of the Pau-Brasil project can give us access to the discussion on art, nationalism, Brazilian culture and national history made between intellectuals and artists in the final years of the First Republic. Using as a conceptual instrument the proposals of Robert Jauss (1996), within the Aesthetics of Reception, and, secondarily, of Wolfgang Iser, on the Aesthetic Effect, I approach the reception, between 1924 and 1927, of the Pau-Brasil project. In terms of authentic or inauthentic, original or copy, it is the dispute over Brazilian cultural identity that fragments the modernist movement, serves as an evaluative criterion for art and denounces the fragility of a national pact in the period. Among the criticisms of Pau-Brasil, I highlight those by Graça Aranha, Tristão de Athayde and the Verdeamarelistas (Menotti Del Picchia, Cassiano Ricardo, Plínio Salgado). This group of authors verbalizes central points of criticism of the pau-brasil project: the return or the return to the irrational and the authenticity/inauthenticity dichotomy (in terms of national versus foreign).
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    Conexões alimentares na capitania de Goiás: 1790 a 1810
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-20) Brito, Ana Amélia Aquino; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira;; Moraes, Cristina de Cássia Pereira; Souza, Rildo Bento de; Pereira, Alan Ricardo Duarte
    This dissertation proposed a bibliographical study about the backlands of Goiás, having at the center of the discussion the food of its population and the medical prescriptions of the Royal Military Hospital of Vila Boa (RHMVB) in the 18th century. This chronological cut was chosen due to the fact that, in the course of investigations into the nutrition of Guayazes society, in the 18th and early 19th centuries, several documents were identified that indicated an intense flow of large shipments of products and goods to the Sertão, as well as beef, prescribed in the patients' diets and used in the food supplement of the region's residents, which aroused the interest of some governors of Goiás in the navigation trade of the Tocantinsand Araguaia rivers, trying to make a connection between Goiás and the other captaincies. These shipments, via convoys, included herbs, used sometimes as spices, sometimes asmedicine, in the RHMVB apothecary, in the treatment and cure of the sick. Such information boosted the study of the role of landings, which greatly facilitated the exchange of goods and people, the exchange of information about tax collection depots on royal roads. Thus, between 1790 and 1810, changes can be seen in all aspects of the social life of the people of the sertão, because, in the period, goods and food were transported that became part of the table of Goiás and medicine practiced in the sertão, resulting in in the incorporation of new customs to those established in the interior of the Guayazes.
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    O discurso poético como prática política: morte e sucessão imperial nas representações do cortejo fúnebre de druso à luz da consolatória a Lívia, de autoria anônima (século I a.C.)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-28) Martins, Thiago Silvério; Omena, Luciane Munhoz de;; Omena, Luciane Munhoz de; Silva, Semíramis Corsi; Mota, Thiago Eustáquio Araújo
    The concern that moves us in this dissertation is to discuss how death and funerary practices are presented as a political vehicle for aristocratic groups at the time of the Principality of Augustus. We use the Consolatory to Livia (Consolatio ad Liuiam), a document that comes to us with anonymous authorship, intended for Livia Drusila, wife of Augustus, to comfort her for the death of her son Nero Claudio Druso, which occurred in 9 BC. Our study sought to analyze how human finitude, a biological factor, when reaching the imperial house, provides social, religious, ritualistic, symbolic and intentional practices that are performed by the living. The narrative manifests the conflicts, indispositions and disputes in the spaces of power between the Iulia and Claudia gentes around the imperial succession. We propose to understand the funerary practices represented in the poetic discourse of Consolatory to Livia (Consolatio ad Liuiam), as a discourse that concerns us with political practices in Antiquity; discuss how the social context of death in the imperial environment leads to the production of symbols of power and the social promotion of family memory; to present the relationship between death and the sacralization of funeral spaces based on the execution of collective rituals that legitimized aristocratic families and their position in the civic community; and to reflect on the social and political functions of the consolatory, since the poetic discourse legitimizes and justifies the perpetuation of the Iulia and Claudia gentes in the spaces of power, as well as presents us with the public conflicts that involve the imperial house.
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    Construir para integrar, sanear para construir: a edificação da Estrada de Ferro Madeira-Mamoré e o sanitarismo na fronteira noroeste do Brasil (1903-1913)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-29) Nascimento, Thais Teixeira do; Langaro, Jiani Fernando;; Langaro, Jiani Fernando; Queiroz, Paulo Roberto Cimó; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Garcia, Ana Karine Martins
    The construction of the Madeira-Mamoré railway (1907-1912) was an undertaking conceived by the Bolivian government in the 19th century. Between 1878 and 1879, there was the first attempt at construction – in partnership with the Brazilian imperial government – ​​in which the first seven kilometers of the railway line were built. The project, however, was not completed due to the constant illness and death of workers during the work. After this failed attempt, the enterprise was abandoned, being resumed again 28 years later as one of the indemnities from Brazil to Bolivia, for the cession of Acre, as agreed in the Treaty of Petrópolis (1903). This master's thesis, in turn, aims to problematize how the enterprise was consolidated during political conflicts and serious health problems. After all the analysis carried out throughout the dissertation, it was possible to perceive that the lack of public policies and effective works for the sanitation of the place was responsible for the potentiation of the deaths that occurred during the construction of the EFMM, being this one of the reasons for the creation of nicknames such as “Ferrovia da Morte” or “Ferrovia do Diabo” for the enterprise.
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    Mitos e vivências educacionais no Espaço Cultural Vila Esperança/Escola Pluricultural Odé Kayodê
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-19) Campelo Filho, Haroldo Nélio Peres; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Campos, Esther Roca; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes
    Our Thesis is based on the idea that the Myths can and have to be used in school environment. Brazil is made up of several cultures, peoples, beliefs, legends and much more. Nowadays we still have many habits that are a mix of indigenous, African and Afro-Brazilian cultures that somehow had mixed through the centuries. We strongly believe that the regular people can learn a lot of aspects of identities linked to these cultures and it can be deeply useful. Beyond that, apply the Myths as an authentic and honest formula in school would guarantee the applicability of laws 10,639/2003 and 11,645/2008 that improve the LDB, Law 9,394/1996 that determine the guidelines and bases of national education. Its goal is include in the official curriculum of the teaching network the theme of afro-brazilian and indigenous history and culture. Studying this hypothesis, we got engaged in several experiences reported in articles and dissertations exhibited mostly as art. What we propose to the entire educative network already exists for decades. We refer to the Espaço Cultural Vila Esperança and its Pluricultural School Odé Kayodê, in the city of Goiás, a place where the Myths are known to be present in an oral, written, symbolic, material, artistic, visual ways. Facing facts, not theories, we do believe that decolonial education is working out in this place. We interviewed groups of children and educators and we provided thematic questionnaires to neighbors, families and relatives, former students, the town Mayor, his staff and everyone from every place in the town. We compared the answers of each group to understand how they could be aware and satisfied about the subjects we trhew to everyone. After that, we checked the answers and separate them in categories intending to find similar points. Our aim always was that the dialogue validated the research. Decolonial studies helped us to face subjects such as racism and prejudice. To expand our thoughts on decolonial issues we made contact with the movimento latino-americano modernidade/colonialidade/decolonialidade. The movement is a great background to think about how to understand the Eurocentric believes. To understand the Iorubá and the African cultures this study aply Síkírù Sàlámì, Vansina and Hampaté Bâ. We took it as the major reference the Iorubá Orixás mitology. We did it because in our way of thinking the Iorubá culture is one of the principal bases to the philosophy, culture and religiosity of the Espaço Cultural Vila Esperança. The complete research showed that the Myths can be perfectly and successful used in the escolar environmental. Even to get interest and participation in a class room, specially the indigenous Myths, the African Myths and afrodiasporich Myths. That will be the didactic decolonization. And more. Those ones that establish a relation with this way of learn could understand better their rights and fortify their identities. We got examples that the Myths work in education can initiate with very young children and proceed helping teenagers and adults. And for sure can help teachers formation.
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    Gênero musical choro em Goiânia e suas implicações sociopolíticas e culturais (1970-1990)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Silva, Wilton Jonh dos Santos; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de;; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Garcia, Allysson Fernandes; Teixeria, Rafael Saddi
    We are interested in understanding and registering the musical genre “choro” and its socio-politic implications and cultural History in the city of Goiânia. The study of its trajectory requests a hard effort to certain socio Historic comprehen- sions which involve the symbolic representation and cultural dynamics from a group in a certain period. Such musical genre emerged in Rio de Janeiro in the end of the 19th century among the popular demonstrations, throughout the mixing of music genre and style and incorporating the African descendant’s traditions. This study aims to understand and translate how it has been configured and identified to the transformations of this weeping music, especially in the capital of Goiás. In this sense, we also idealized to perceive the identity characteristics that make up its musicality and syncopation in its rhythms. It is relevant to point out its sound issues and record it from the perspective of languages, orality and memory. These last fields of History mentioned will be the nodal points especially the guides to the theoretical and methodological discussions to compose the trajectories of the theme of this research. It was chosen the ethnographic work through field visits and interviews, in order to obtain information about the forms of choro performance, similarities and differences, mainly to this genre practiced in the local capital. The trajectory of choro was able to put it as part of Brazilian popular culture since it appeared at the Second Empire Court. Its musicality was formerly understood as reli- gious celebrations, barbers' music, house and street parties, aimed at the lower strata of imperial society, until assuming sophisticated spaces such as theaters, imperial halls, spaces of high society, was characterized as a cultural movement of urban character in Rio de Janeiro, being seen more and more as authentic, that interpreting other rhythmic musical styles already existing at the time, announce themselves as such. This music was incorporated into the practices of the lundum rhythmic dances of the colonial slaves in Brazil which were identified in chótis, maxixe, polka, waltzes, and “modinhas”, among others. By assimilating these diverse sounds that were rising in this period we can affirm that the city and its surroundings were a fertile field - a melting pot of multiple rhythms that meant the Court's historical social context. Therefore, this environment was seen as a terrain for its configuration. Thus, we understand that the weeping genre built its aesthetic-sound definitions from there. In Brazil, as we believe that since the immemorial time, they keep a musical matrix, which is structured through syncopation, a rhythmic element distinct from diasporic music. However, our study follows the historical cultural perspective aiming to relate the facts that make up the stages of emergence, changes and duration of this music in the activity of “chorões” from the Old Guard of Goiás, since we interpret the representations and symbologies that make up this identity of determined social group composed of anonymous subjects in the new capital of the “cerrado”, Goiânia.