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Item A descolonização da instrução pública latino-americana nos ensaios de José Carlos Mariátegui (1923-1928)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-19) Silva, Luan Frederico Paiva da; Nazareno, Elias; h; Nazareno, Elias; Capel, Heloísa Selma Fernandes; Araújo, Ordália Cristina GonçalvesThis research proposes to establish an intercultural dialogue with the ideas of the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930), an indigenist/socialist thinker who criticized the survival of the colony in the Peruvian Republic. Through the notions of “coloniality”, first developed by the Peruvian sociologist Aníbal Quijano (1928-2018), we analyze Mariategui’s essays on Public Instruction in Peru and Latin America, systematizing his anti-colonial critique of the way Education was thought. As a result of the analysis, we identified Mariátegui as one of the representatives of the approximation between indigenous and non-indigenous knowledge in Latin America, especially with regard to places of knowledge production, as the university itself proposes to be.Item A elaboração dos conceitos e teorias do subdesenvolvimento e desenvolvimento: a trajetória político-intelectual de Celso Furtado (1949 – 1964)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-11) Queiroz, Gabriel Cruz; Valle, Ulisses do;; Valle, Ulisses do; Cepêda, Vera Alves; Arrais, Cristiano Alencar PereiraThe objective of this dissertation is to establish a connection between the formation of concepts and theories of underdevelopment and development in the work of Celso Furtado, with his trajectory as a technical-academic and politician during the period between 1949 and 1964. The hypothesis I elaborate in text starts from the stratification of meanings of concepts in Furtado's works, explaining the adjustments that were incorporated into them during the period analyzed. Underdevelopment was a concept worked on by Celso throughout almost all of his production, and which, in addition to enabling an understanding of the history of Brazil’s economic formation, was used as an element of a political discourse that resulted in economic policies in a period of Brazilian history marked by the presence of developmentalist ideology in the national debate.Item A narrativa anticolonialista e o uso da iconografia como aparato decolonial em Nueva corónica y buen gobierno (1615) de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-10) Santa Vica , Thaynara Mariana do Nascimento; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Silva, Luciana Leite da; Gomes , Ivan LimaEl propósito de esta investigación es analizar las posibilidades interculturales y descoloniales presentes en la obra de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala, Nueva corónica y buen gobierno (1615), que aún puede entenderse como un tratado político contemporáneo al período colonial hispánico en América. América. Teniendo esto en cuenta, evaluaremos el alcance de la producción de Guamán Poma, la cual se estructura como un documento ubicado en una zona epistémica fronteriza, comprometido con el espacio de experiencia del autor, quien fue testigo de las barbaridades coloniales. Esta investigación parte entonces de reflexiones sobre el reconocimiento y la circulación de las producciones intelectuales indígenas silenciadas por el estándar occidental de estructuración social, producción epistémica y las formas de existir y resistir en el mundo. Nuestra propuesta es analizar la crónica a partir de reflexiones sobre las formas de producciones epistémicas que surgen de matrices coloniales y modernas y de posiciones críticas y anticoloniales, que abren caminos para la dispersión de reflexiones desde lugares con fronteras epistémicas y decoloniales. Sin embargo, aún analizaremos las posibles influencias del arte barroco en conjunto con elementos de la cultura nativa, que traen al campo visual –basándonos en la lógica pedagógica del autor, con el fin de demostrar e instruir al lector sobre la violencia hispana. – presente demostrando las mejores formas de organización social que sistematicen una mejor forma de convivencia entre españoles e indígenas.Item A plenitudo potestatis e o conceito de liberdade conforme Guilherme de Ockham (séc. XIV)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-01) Gomes, Mayara Stephane; Souza, Armênia Maria de;; Souza, Armênia Maria de; Oliveira, Terezinha; Martines, Paulo RicardoDuring the XIV century, the agents of the realms and the Holy See, respectively intertwined to the Time and Spiritual spheres, were related in different ways as in diplomacy as in the core of theories about the current power in Christianity. Nonetheless, due to the fights around Pope John XXII (1318-1334) and the “Spiritual Issue”, it is possible to notice a conflictual picture between these institutions. In that way, our goal in this research is to investigate the origins of this clash of powers in the light of the philosopher William of Ockham (1285? -1347) according to the political-theological apparatus and nominalism designed in his works, analyzed here as primary sources, Third Part of the Dialogue, A Short Discourse on the Tyrannical Government, and Eight questions on the power of the pope written around 1304-41. Ockham discusses, in the political works, his disapproval on this clash know by historiography as the doctrine of plenitudo potestatis papalis (fullness of power for the papacy), which determined the will of the representants of the spiritual power, the Pope, to evoque on their own benefit the fullness of power over both authorities. For this purpose, we start from an hermeneutic analysis to demonstrate that the Venerabilis Inceptor makes a well-grounded critic especially regarding to freedom accordingly to philosophical, theological, political, and ethical foundations, named as Christian - evangelical freedom, fundamental theme used against the sayings of Pope John XXII.Item Adoção e conspiração no principado romano: as performances políticas de Galba e Otão em 69 d.C.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-09-20) Costa, Bruno Henrique Souza; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques;; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; Campos, Rafael da Costa; Arantes Júnior, EdsonMuch of the few Brazilian historiography about the Civil War of 69 d.C., the Year of the Four Emperors, understands this period as a troubled moment, with political actors of little relevance and a moment in Roman history that lives in the shadows of the Julius-Claudian and Antoninian Much of the few Brazilian historiography about the Civil War of 69 d.C., the Year of the Four Emperors, understands this period as a troubled moment, with political actors of little relevance and a moment in Roman history that lives in the shadows of the Julius-Claudian and AntoninianItem Agepel: Políticas públicas de cultura no Estado de Goiás - Um intelectual no poder (1999-2006)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-09-10) BATISTA, Adriana Pereira; ALENCAR, Maria Amélia Garcia de; discussions on culture and public cultural policies have deepened since the end of the twentieth century in Brazil, and generated strong debates among artists, producers, managers of culture and local communities. This research, entitled AGEPEL: Public Cultural Policies in the State of Goiás an intellectual in the government (1999- 2006), aims to understand and analyze the strategies adopted and the cultural programs implemented in the Government Marconi Perillo, for the culture of Goiás in the late 1990s and early 2000s, under the management of the historian Nasr Chaul, then chairman of the Agência Goiana de Cultura Pedro Ludovico Teixeira (AGEPEL). The concept of culture and other such as identity have been defined and linked to the objects analyzed in order to trace the profile of the management studied.Item Aimé Césaire: conexões transatlânticas, intelectualidade e críticas contra coloniais na obra O discurso sobre o colonialismo (1950)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-16) Melo, Marcos Rafael Andrade de; Nazareno, Elias;; Nazareno, Elias; Araújo, Alexandre Martins de; Barbosa, Muryatan SantanaThis research proposes a critical analysis of the transatlantic connections and countercolonial criticisms present in Aimé Césaire's “Discourse on Colonialism (1950)”. The source analyzed is a 1950 work in which the author presents a proposed counter-colonial narrative related to the process of French colonization and its contemporary implications, notably racism. Aimé Césaire was an intellectual man of letters who criticized the arguments of a large part of the Western intelligentsia. The research investigates the context of Martinique's colonization process, the locus of Césaire's enunciation, as well as exploring the biographical aspects that influenced his intellectual production. It explores the emergence of counter-hegemonic knowledges based on the experiences of colonized peoples, which challenge dominant historical narratives and open up space for indigenous criticism, black thought and decolonial and counter-colonial theories. A detailed analysis of Discourse on Colonialism shows the influence of Marxism on Césaire's critique, highlighting his denunciations of the contradictions of Western modernity and his role in deconstructing colonial narratives. The study also investigates the reception of the work in Brazil, highlighting how its anti-colonial legacy continues to inspire academic debates and struggles for social justice. Therefore, exploring the intersection between literature, politics and history, it reaffirms the importance of Aimé Césaire as a central figure for understanding and criticizing the colonial structures that shaped modernity.Item Alimentação monástica nos fins da Idade Média: o mosteiro de Santa Maria de Alcobaça (Portugal, séculos XV - XVI)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-20) Carrijo, Letícia Cardoso; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos;; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Gonçalves, Ana Teresa Marques; França, Susani Silveira LemosCistercian Order, with food also being characterized from normative documents, such as expenses and forums, in addition to cookbooks and other Cistercian writings. The foundation and formation of the Alcobaça community, as well as the changes that took place at the end of the Middle Ages, mainly in the administration and way of life of the monastery, initially stand out as necessary information to characterize the practices of the monks residing in the monastery of Alcobaça. Knowing the spaces of the monastery, both internal and external, as well as the water resources are also important given the prominence of these places in the transformation, preparation and consumption of food. The first aspect analyzed is the natural and consumer aspects, based on the investigation of the availability of food in the kingdom of Portugal at the time. The Alcobacense table is analyzed, based on the quantity and quality of the food served, as well as the composition of the meals consumed. The behavior at the table, specific to the monastic group, where all gestures and silence are part of a ritual proper to men devoted to God, is highlighted as a factor of distinction in relation to other groups in society. The role of religious discourse in practices such as fasting and abstinence was also highlighted, in addition to charitable actions for donating food to the poor. Within the food exceptions, the Hippocratic-Galenic medical tradition gains space, when food is seen as a means of healing and disease prevention, bringing back balance to the sick and bleeding of the monastery.Item Americanismo e cinema hollywoodiano no filme A felicidade não se compra(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-09-06) Cardoso, Tatiana Cristina; Maciel, David;; Maciel, David; Vilela, Ana Lúcia Oliveira; Gonçalves, Rodrigo Jurucê MattosThis research defends the idea that the social forces determined ideologically the cinematographic production of the United States of America, during the emergence of the cinema until the period of its consolidation, collaborating for the propagation of Americanism as a way of life. As a methodology, was used the film analysis of It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), to observe what kind of American way of life the cinema of classic narrative structure would be insert in its production, with the intention of spreading the american way of life without breaking the moral rules already established by the codes of censorship imposed at the time and that until now, in contemporary times, are in force. US culture, politics, and economics were discussed in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, periods selected for their relevance in the making of myths and turning points in American history; Americanism as a way of life; Fordism; and Hollywood cinema, for being the one of the pioneering mass media that collaborated with the forms of Americanization not only within the US but throughout the world.Item Uma análise da trajetória das artes de governar no pensamento de Michel Foucault(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2011-05-27) MENEZES, Leandro Alves Martins de; SALOMON, Marlon Jeison; study aims to analyze the problems of life of the governments at the thought of Michel Foucault, between the years 1974 and 1979, especially around the invention, development and mapping of concepts and biopolitics anatomopolitics. For this, the development of our research starts from a careful analysis of the origins of life of the governments in association with the pastoral power with the birth and development of political economy. It is assumed in this sense, the attempt to introduce the reader to the historian Foucault. A philosopher historian who prepared his knowledge as a producer of motion, as inexhaustible, therefore, not feasible formulas of the past.Item Anápolis: uma cidade entre capitais (Goiânia e Brasília) e modernidades (1930-1960)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-04) Soares, Murillo Oliveira; Langaro, Jiani Fernando;; Tedeschi, Losandro Antonio; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi; Lemke, Maria; Langaro, Jiani FernandoIn this work, we seek to trace the urban changes of the city of Anápolis –GO, between the 1930s, from the arrival of the railroad and the construction of Goiânia, until the construction of Brasília in 1960, within this historical period to understand how the process of modernization was reconfiguring the urban space of the city, and as the ideal of modernity was defining the social imaginary of the city, the influences that Goiânia and Brasília played in the ideal of modernity. The urbanization and construction of architectural works are a way to trace how the various sectors of Anapolina society have made the city a space of ruptures and continuations of history, where the thought projects were materialized or not, according to the aspiration of a project modern and progress that the city sought, in this sense the optics of work focuses on urban history as a space for understanding the city as a living place, the forms and desires of the agents who lived there. The process of urban change in search of a modern city, involved several internal and external factors, which contributed to the understanding of the temporal experience of this society.Item Anarquismo e renovação da cultura: Max Nettlau e o projeto emancipatório na La Revista Blanca(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-10-03) Alves, Ricardo Lenard; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Rago, Luzia Margareth; Oliveira, Emerson Divino Ribeiro de; Penna, Mariana Affonso; Valle, Ulisses doThis dissertation will analyze the emancipatory program of the Spanish periodical La Revista Blanca (1898/1905 – 1924/1936). The investigation of the emancipatory program in La Revista Blanca (LRB) will be realized by positivity by the “pratices of liberation and freedom” (FOUCAULT), with the aid of the archeological method. The emphasis of the analysis will be on Max Nettlau publication in LRB. The dissertation will be divided into three chapters: 1 – exposition of the history of anarchism of Nettlau; 2 – a brief analysis of each freedom and liberation practice presented by LRB; 3 – analysis of Nettlau practice of freedom and liberation. It was concluded that Nettlau produced a practice of freedom and liberation that he himself called anarchist eugenics, intended to conjure up any authoritarian manifestation in the liberation camp. Anarchist eugenics would be divided into two levels: 1 – criticism of the obstacles to freedom and; 2 – criticism of anarchism.Item Aparecida de Goiânia 1963-2010: a consolidação de uma cidade de fronteira(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-21) Santos, Genivaldo da Silva; Zapatero, Alberto Baena;; Zapatero, Alberto Baena; Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Campos, Yussef Daibert Salomão; Patti, CarlosThe aparecidense urban expansion occurred from the construction of parcels spread in a disorderly way along its vast territory of 278,539 km ². At the initiative of the public or private power the urban configuration of Aparecida de Goiânia is the result of social actions strongly orchestrated by the Municipal Government. In this context, it is understood that the role played by aparecidense power public from 1963, the year of its emancipation was fundamental for the evolution of its urban space, especially in the frontier regions stage of several institutional conflicts with the capital. This academic research aimed to detect in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, in the period between 1963 and 2010 the effects of the rapid conurbation process with the capital and the consequences of it in the production of its urban structure. In order to do so, will be analyzed political, economic and social aspects that spatialized, contributed to an exploratory study of the interference or not of the public power as historical agent in the configuration of the urban space. This problematization covers three fundamental points: firstly, making considerations about the city as a centrality in the region and the main characteristics that help the reading and understanding of the city; in a second moment, contextualizing the question of the urban frontier; and finally the municipal public administrations are presented in the period from 2001 to 2010, confronting the objectives of the Master Plan with the laws of zoning policies of the period, highlighting the discussion of aspects related to the redefinition of its urban frontier with the capital.Item Aproximação entre atividades narrativas: o cinema e a história(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-09-26) Queiroz , Filipe Artur de Sousa; Silva , Luiz Sérgio Duarte da;; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; Oliveira, Itamar Freitas de; Vilela, Ana LúciaThis work has as it main objetive to discuss the historical narrative. The strategy to do it is the approach between cinema and history. The central purpose is about this contract is the one simple question: in the logicality and specifically film narration definition are useful to the reflexion about the historical narrative type? The way I found to make this approach is by the films Quentin Tarantino reflective analysis. In this occasion I try to work with specific cut-outs theatrical about the Gaudreault and Jost narratology, and the André Parente philosophy. And to the history theoretical support I use the history theory of Jörn Rüsen and philosophy of Frank Ankersmit language.Item Aproximações entre História e Psicanálise: testemunho, trauma e sublimação em É isto um homem e Os afogados e sobreviventes, de Primo Levi(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-29) Pacheco, Juliana Sousa; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souza;; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souza; Bentivoglio, Julio César; Bittencourt, Libertad BorgesA presente dissertação analisa a literatura de testemunho de Primo Levi, poeta e químico italiano, que foi preso pelos nazistas em 1944. O que nos interessou em seu testemunho foi a experiência narrada após a libertação de Auschwitz, na condição de judeu. Levi escreve imbuído pela dualidade psíquica que o advento da Grande Guerra lhe impõe: trauma e sublimação. Ambos são conceitos centrais para a psicanálise, o que nos levou a problematizar a relação dessa para com a História. A dissertação se realizou considerando o trabalho metodológico com os conceitos enunciados. O objetivo foi ler o testemunho de Primo Levi, a partir do arsenal freudiano. O contexto da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o antissemitismo europeu, e os elementos da psique, que se alternam após a experiência da guerra, são temas que perpassam pela narrativa de Levi. Trauma, memória e sublimação são decorrências de tal experiência e dão forma ao conteúdo narrado em nossas duas fontes: É isto um homem? e Os afogados e os sobreviventes: os delitos, os castigos, as penas, as impunidades.Item ARCA e Fundação o Boticário [manuscrito]: uma perspectiva sobre o movimento ambientalista contemporâneo (1980-2000)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-04-17) BORGES, Rafael Gonçalves; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; work proposed herewith, entitled ARCA and Fundação O Boticário: a perspective about the environmental movement contemporary , is an analysis which aims to examine the consolidation of environmental discourse over the last two decades of the twentieth century through a study of the environmental movement in its main characteristics, putting in discussion the insertion of it in the context of substantial changes occurred in the period, concerning to civil associations in network and the scientific-technical development, which form the basis for the emergence of an ethical imperative of responsibility and of a defense of a biological and environmental identity.Item Arqueologia da ausência – um processo privado de elaboração da perda em audiovisuais de familiares de desaparecidos na ditadura Argentina ( 1976-1983)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-09-06) Oliveira, Euller Gontijo de; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges;; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; Nunes, José Walter; Abdala Júnior, Roberto; Vilela, Ana Lúcia OliveiraThis work aims to study the role of the cinema thinking in the reconfiguration of memory and in the constitution of identities, through two films directed by relatives of missing the last Argentine military regime. We found the films an excellent source of study to think building these memories in film. In this sense, the main axis of reflection is how these relatives, today filmmakers, come thinking your memories and their identities from their audiovisual production? What place the images in this building? And to what extent the images contribute to the remodeling of the memory and, therefore, identities, since we assume that memory and identity do not dissociate. From this perspective presented by Joël Candau (2011) analyze the two documentaries, starting from the design of the memory can both consolidate as weakening the sense of identity. In this sense, a focus of this work is to think like documentaries Argentine military dictatorship come after linking and updating the past in a struggle against forgetting.Item Uma "Arquitetura de sonho e permanência": a representação da decadência oligárquica em crônica da casa assassinada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-11-22) Natal, Rivaldene Rodrigues; Alencar, Maria Amélia Garcia de;; Alencar, Maria Amélia Garcia de; Ribeiro, Renata Rocha Ribeiro; Fredrigo, Fabiana de Souzan this dissertation we search to establish a relation between History and Literature by the intermediate of the psychological novel Crônica da casa assassinada (1959), of the Brazilian writer (specifically from the state of Minas Gerais) Lúcio Cardoso. Starting from this work, we investigate some aspects related to the decadence of the rural oligarchies of Minas Gerais, from the decade of 1930 and on. The path followed by the rural oligarchies, from the apogee to the decay of the economical, political and social systems is explained considering some objective and subjective aspects that have permeated the relation between these subjects. Consequently, we search, through the novel, an interpretation of the Brazilian History in a determinate period. At the same time, through the characters, we settle an interpretation by the point of view of a more psychological analysis. We started by the supposition that from a fictional narrative it is possible to establish nexus with the social reality. We pick up from the novel typologies of world configuration that we connect with the reality of the man and his existence with the author’s intention of representing characters that have searched, through the inner sounding, recreate the environment of instability where they lived. These characters are seen as a representation of a universality at the same time that the writer, in an intentional way or not, transpose to his work his vision of the elements that have composed the social realityItem As permanências e rupturas da reforma psiquiátrica nas instituições de atenção à saúde mental em Goiânia (1966-2018)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-05-29) Cardoso, Sylnier Moraes; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho;; Soares, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Silva, Leicy Francisca daThe current study approaches a Psychiatric Reform in Goiânia's mental health institutions, making a historical trajectory within this complex social process. Therefore it is a research tries to show the changes and permanancies within psychiatric institutions. For the purpose of this investigation we consider as Psychiatric Reform the Amarante's concept (2001,87) which defines it as being... " a historical process of critical formulation and practice which has as it's purposes and strategies the questioning and elaboration of proposals for the transformation of the classic model and of the paradigm of psychiatry. We will use documentary research as the legislation on the subject, besides works, researches and documentaries. The chosen temporal cut occurs from 1966 when the strengthening of biomedical bias psychiatry began as well as the substitution of public asylums for private hospitals and it extends to the year of 2018, with the full functioning of new devices in psychiatric care in Goiânia (Therapeutic Residencies, CAPS, GERARTE, and the Center of Coexistence and Culture Cuca Fresca) which aim at guaranteeing access to more humanized treatment that is aimed at the social reintegration of the service user and the development of their autonomy and citizenship.Item As populações indígenas nos trabalhos da Revista do IHGB (1839-1880)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-03-26) Dias, Aline de Souza; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar;; Arrais, Cristiano Pereira Alencar; Croce, Marcela; Fernandes, Renata SilvaThis research aims to understand how the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute constructed a representation of Brazilian nationality, based on the narratives developed around indigenous populations during the 19th century. From this, it becomes necessary to understand how conceptions of nationalism were appropriated by Latin American nations, especially Brazil and Argentina, in view of the development of projects that outlined the construction of nations in the 19th century. With this in mind, I analyze the role of literature in the dissemination of ideas that contributed to the image of the indigenous person as a national representative, and subsequently how the IHGB represented the natives. The creation of the Institute contributed to the production of discourses aimed at building the new Brazilian nation, especially in studies relating to indigenous populations. The conceptions surrounding the civilization of the country contributed to the development of projects on the assimilation of indigenous people. With an interest in this issue, this research aims to investigate the process of building Brazil, using the works published in the Revista do IHGB as the main means of analysis. To this end, an analysis will be made of the works published by the Journal between 1839 and 1880, seeking to understand how the IHGB constructs Brazilian nationality through the discourses produced about native Brazilians