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Item Imagens e mudança cultural em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 1999) Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de; Silva, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; autor não apresentou resumo em outra línguaItem O mobiliário como testemunha da história de Goiânia: 1930-1940(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-04-29) Badan, Rosane Costa; Nunes, Heliane Prudente;; Nunes, Heliane Prudente; Santos, Dulce Oliveira Amarante dos; Lima Filho, Manuel FerreiraThis work analyzes the furniture as a document-object of the history that had testified Goiânia' s foundation, identifying wha had influenced the choices of furniture in the region and how Goiânia' s society had showed itself through then. With the objective to perceive until which level the modernity interfered on interior composition of some public edifices builded in Goiânia in 1930 and 1940 decades, an historical and geographical approach had being done about the modernity expressed on the city, in different speeches. Primary visual registers and writing that until now didn' t line the formal history of the city were analised. The result of these analysis show importance of material culture and everday objects for the construction of a history. At Goiânia the modern is reflected on the furniture, on the civil buliding materials, on the composition of the inside places. The furniture used here as the main actor of the narration of this history, has witnessed the economic, social and cultural development the characterized the city as a modern one. So, the intent of thes work is not sell out the theme, however: study the Goiânia' s furniture history means think over the everday life of a society whose mentality was in charge of the formation of Goiânia.Item Representação do mundo rural: identidades em construção em um espaço de conflitos (Campo Florido)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2006-09-26) MACHADO, Flávia Pereira; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges; social transformations, politics, economical and cultural impelled by the expansion of the modernity" "project to Brazil imposed the need of a realignment of the agrarian social world starting from the process of agricultural modernization. New identities, subjects and representations appear or they are visibilities in the breast of this process making possible the perception of the complexity of the work relationships, sociability and production that delineate the rural world. Elements of the "modern life" intersect with values and "traditional" senses in the emergency of a new one rural Brazilian, making possible the construction of differentiated images of the field and of the city, that some times converge her, other times oppose. The search of explanations for the contrasts among these two universes (rural and urban) they imposed the identification of the field as place of the "delay", and the city as locus of the "modernity", of the "progress", or even of a continuity of the city in the field with the urbanization process of this. In order to we overcome these visions dichotomists, we challenged ourselves to the interpretation of the constitution of multiple identities and representations concerning the rural world starting from the daily of fight and work, of the life experiences and speeches built by these new insurgent subjects: seated rural originating from of the fight by the earth. In the construction of a social and cultural "place" in the extent of the modernization process the subjects establish several negotiation strategies among the "modern" and the "traditional", the rural and the urban in the delimitation of a new symbolic universe, constituting new identities (personal and collective). In this sense, our proposal if it rules in the process of statement identities be noticed in the different speeches, representations and strategies of material and cultural survival built by these subjects in his/her daily one.Item A palavra e o ato: memórias teatrais em Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-06-06) DALLAGO, Saulo Germano Sales; NORONHA, Marcio Pizarro; project A Palavra e o Ato: Memórias Teatrais em Goiânia ( The Word and the Act: Theatral Memories in Goiânia) is the result of a bibliographical research, directed by professor Márcio Pizarro Noronha, building a theoretical body for the analysis of verbal interviews collected from the artists and collaborators of the group Teatro Exercício from Goiânia and mainly from its major member, Hugo Zorzetti, director and dramatic writer of the trupe. The theories raised along their work go throughout the studies of memory, narrative and Art-History relations, on one side, and the studies of the non-verbal communication, performance of the social actor and the narrative as performance, on the other side, taking for scenary the constant relationship between the artist and the city, searching for the influences between them both and the expression of the environment through art. The theoretical quarrel happens, at a first moment, aside the empirical results. At a second moment the narrative of the memories of the interviewed individuals takes place while they tell the trajectory of the group since it was born, in the decade of the 70 s, during the fullness of Brazilian Military Dictatorship, going through the experience of the inclusion of the main artists of the company in a public cultural agency, finally reaching the attempt of the opening by the company of the Teatro da Liberdade ( Liberty Theater ), already in the end of the decade of the 80 s. The analysis of the interviews intends to search for the confrontation of these artists with the city of Goiânia, place of artistic accomplishments of the group, beginning with the analysis of their memories focused on the bias of the narrative, including all subjects and also to the bias of performance, in the case of previously cited Hugo Zorzetti, by the interlacement of historic, artistic, literary and sociological theoriesItem O incontornável de nosso pensamento: a história e Foucault(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-11-26) GARCIA, Elisa Di; SALOMON, Marlon Jeison; Las Honradas e Las Impuras: Identidade de Gênero na Literatura Cubana de Miguel de Carrión(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-12-05) OLIVEIRA, Sandra Maria de; CABRERA, Isabel Ibarra; work aims to identify and analyze the Gender Identity in cuban literature from Miguel de Carrión, between the period of 1895 to 1919, in the works Las Honradas, of 1917, and Las Impuras, of 1919. In these novels the author of line naturalist, described from his point of view social problems and moral inequities that affected the bourgeois family, and especially the role of women in that society that was in processing, for trying to consolidate the Cuban Republic. In that period, also the feminist movement Cuban was in accelerated development, taking among others issues such as the law of divorce for the political and social debate. For the viability of this work were needed other reviews such as sexuality, as explored in novels, and the feminist movement in the period in which the author wrote the works. Accordingly, the objective of this work is discussing, along with other issues, as the author, through his works, intended to give greater social orientation to its target audience, namely, women belonging to the Cuban bourgeoisie, which were also the party the feminist movement.Item As representações da cristianização da Irlanda Celta: uma análise das cartas de São Patrício (V Sec. D.C.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-02-26) SANTOS, Dominique Vieira Coelho dos; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; research intends to analyze representations concerning christianization of celtic Ireland by Saint Patrick. We have as sources two Latin documents wrote in the 5th century Ireland (Confesio and Epistola ad milites Corotici). Different publications that deal with this subject often describe Patrick as cristianizer of Ireland or responsible for organizing a preexisting Christianity. We present another approach considering only the two letters written by Patrick trying to observe how it represented the Irishmen, himself and the christianization of Ireland. The plot we ve constructed understands the representation concept as a polissemic form, that if thought in middle voice, whithout concentrating on the polarization between a realistic or textualistic form of to lead the narrative, may mean a different form of working with the Patrician workmanships, introducing, thus, in its narrative nucleus, an aprroach that is different from the proposals of realistic character suggested by the Irish historiography. There is Patrick, there is Ireland and there are representations.Item Regime de memória romano: imagens do herói Héracles nos escritos de Luciano de Samósata (século II d.C.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-02-28) ARANTES JÚNIOR, Edson; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; on literature and on the analysis of texts by Lucian of Samosata, who was a Syrian author from the second century of the Christian era, the present essay aims to pose a few questions about a very influent historiographic construct: the idealization of the antonine era. To elucidate the problem, we have elaborated the concept of memory regime, which seeks to encompass the metanarrative limits that are necessary for the construction of the discourses. For such, we debated the ways in which the elite of the Roman Empire built an imperial culture, based on dialogue with the dominated cultures hence this paper debates the notion of Romanization. We have also pointed out the ways in which the discourses are validated by historical agents and some processes that involved the art of memory, a knowledge deeply rooted in the heart of roman aristocracy. We blended similar theoretical constructions with one clear example: the myth of Heracles and its diverse representations in Lucian of Samosata s writings, a mythical element whose analysis is fundamental, since the imperial propaganda of the antonine era is permeated with it. Therefore, this paper strives to show how this golden era of roman history presents conflicts even if they are in the form of representationItem Trajetórias atlânticas : percursos para a Liberdade: africanos descendentes na Capitania dos Guayazes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-04) LOIOLA, Maria Lemke; SERPA, élio Cantalício; Procópio e a reapropriação do modelo Tucidideano: a representação da peste na narrativa histórica (VI século d.C.)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-28) BAPTISTA, Lyvia Vasconcelos; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; MEMÓRIA E IDENTIDADE DE UM BAIRRO: CAMPINAS SOB AS LENTES DE HÉLIO DE OLIVEIRA(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-03-31) TITO, Keith Valéria; SANDES, Noé Freire; SANDES, N. F.The use of the photos combined to oral reports recover the historical trajectory of specific social groups. From photographs of Campinas produced by the photographer Hélio de Oliveira and the combination of these with the oral documentation, it is considered the forms of construction over the years, the feeling of belonging, training and consolidation of the identity of the residents of Campinas, municipality that, in mid-1930, has been incorporated to Goiânia, capital of the new State of Goiás, coming to be one of the neighborhoods in the subsequent decades. Key-words: Campinas, Goiânia, photographs, memory, identity, soccer, goianiense athletic club, Hélio de Oliveira.Item Aspectos positivos da administração imperial de Tibério César Augusto nos anais de Tácito(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-04-04) CAMPOS, Rafael da Costa; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; dissertation has as objective to establish an analysis about the essential positive aspects of the political administration of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus during his government (14 37 A.D), throughout the historical narrative of Publius Cornelius Tacitus (55 117? A.D) in his Annals. We show a discussion distributed in three chapters: the first chapter intends to be a presentation of biographical data of the author, of the principal characteristics which composes the formulation of his historical writing, its fundamental interests and the observation of the elements that show up in first instance the characterization that him makes of Tiberius Caesar Augustus. On the second chapter there is an analysis of the essential negative aspects about the Emperor showed up by Tacitus in his book, held up in a historiographical revision of the most important considerations composed by researchers of this subject. On the third chapter we intend to establish a counterpoint which shows positive aspects of the imperial administration of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, emphasizing the lavishness to private individuals and to the extent of City of Rome s population and provinces, just like the undertaking of public buildings, temples and others measures of administrative matter.Item Depois do começo - as composições de Renato Russo: modernidade - uma leitura da identidade cultural na geração do anos 80(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-04-14) Gomes, Cristiano Vinicius de Oliveira; Bittencourt, Libertad Borges; 1980s in Brazil was made of scenery that depicted a wide opening of a reality that was not limited only to the political issue, but created many realities able to rebuild the historiography productions. Thus, a new field of possibilities grew, rebuilding the historiography production by creating many objects, with new uses, until then neglected by the academic research. Working with music words, as a form to create ways to build the cultural identity, means to emphasizes the emergency of this methodological redefinition and realize the compound objects in creating new perspectives about the research to which it is designed. Taking this into account, the study about identity gains the dimension of realizing in Renato Russo s songs evidences of an identity construction which was not seen yet, giving the subjects many meanings by their own fragmentation.Item Foucault, o corpo e a filosofia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-06-13) BRITO, Vinícius Vieira; SALOMON, Marlon Jeison; A PEDERASTIA EM ATENAS NO PERÍODO CLÁSSICO: RELENDO AS OBRAS DE PLATÃO E ARISTÓFANES(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-06-20) SOUSA, Luana Neres de; GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; pederasty in Athens throughout the classical period is comprehensively approached in the academic environment, however it still remains a misinterpreted matter, where the future eupatridae s educational character and social formation do not receive enough attention. The main purpose of this research is the analysis of the pederasty practiced in Athens during the fifth and at the beginning of the fourth century B.C. To do so we have been studying as sources the Plato s dialogues Lysis, the Symposium and Phaedrus, and the comedy the Clouds by Aristophanes, in order to compare the way the relationship between the erastes and eromenos figured on this period. In this paper we use the concepts of imaginary and identities, which have been widely discussed by historiography since the last two decades of the twentieth century, taking part in this discussion and applying it in our studies. Beyond showing the importance of the pederastic relationships for the formation of the future Athens citizen, we emphasize the main characteristics of the pederasty in Athens based on the readings of Plato and Aristophanes.Item ENCONTROS E DESENCONTROS ENTRE OS A UWÊ UPTABI E OS WARADZU NO ESPAÇO URBANO DE BARRA DO GARÇAS- MT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-08) ROSA, Luciene de Morais; SILVA, Joana Aparecida Fernandes; purpose of this research is to understand the ethnic relationship between the A'uwê Uptabi (self-recognition the Xavante people that means real people or authentic people) and waradzu (name in Xavante language to another) in urban areas of Barra do Garças - MT. The research was conducted in qualitative tackle using interviews and official documents of archives of the national Indian Foudation (FUNAI). We seek a rapprochement between anthropology and history in order to better understanding the representations that individuals use to assign meaning to their reality. We use author whose discussions addressing the issues of identity, ethnic relations, expansion and migration in Central West Region and show up that the contact between indigenous and national society. We note that A uwê Uptabi are not invisible to the population of Barra do Garças, however there are many misconceptions about their, genenerated images of the past in which the official historiography favored mainly the migrants who have been associated with progress; as opposition , to A uwê Uptabi were fitting the idea of delay. Underlying all forms of prejudice found in the exposure of residents of Barra do Garças are lurks the issues from the past, there is always the justification that the Indians have a lot of landItem A transição incompleta: Horácio Lafer e a defesa do liberalismo na Constituinte de 1946(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-10-30) Gomes, Caius Vinicius de Oliveira; Sandes, Noé Freire;; Sandes, Noé Freire; Almeida, Antônio de; Borges, Barsanufo Gomides; Serpa, Élio CantalícioThe present paperwork aims at looking over the political debate at the 1946 constituent, from the view of the economical crisis figured by the end of the war and the consequent finish of the New State Dictatorship, aiming at understanding the impasses and dilemmas faced by the political actors upon the necessity of reorganization of the institutional frame concerning the economic policy. The liberal though was facing the hard task of redefining the huge presence of the State in the Brazilian economy e society. The debate upon the development of the industry was a guidance axle of the disputes observed in the Constituent. The study is based on Horacio’s Lafer ideas, considering him as a link between the two political experiences. The analysis of the parties, especially of the position taken upon the differences faced in the process of democracy rebuilding, was seen with attention by following the chancing process and continuation which characterized President Dutra’s administration.Item A Seicho-no-le do Brasil e o Autêntico Paraíso Terrestre : o matiz religioso da nipo-brasilidade (1966-1970)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-11-10) SILVEIRA, João Paulo de Paula; BITTENCOURT, Libertad Borges;; SERPA, élio Cantalício; present research has as object the religious institution Seicho-no-Ie do Brasil. It has a Japanese origin and it is seen as a contact zone that produces one of the variables of the Japanese Brazilian identities. It was found in Japan in 1930 by Masaharu Taniguchi and it was brought to Brazil by immigrants. Since the 1960‟s, it has lived an opening process to Brazilian public. We face that opening as a strategy that helped the involvement of sectors from Japanese colony with Brazilian society and therefore the building of Japanese-Brazilian identity based in religious utensil. The Seicho-no-Ie philosophy brings with itself elements of the Japanese official nationalism from the period before the II World War, symbolic arrangements which allowed the re-significance of forms related to Brazil, foundation myths and the nationalist speech developed by the Brazil‟s Military State. The Seicho-no-Ie do Brasil answered a necessity of involvement of the Japanese colony with the national society. In defining Brazil as True World Paradise , the religious expression dressed Brazil of representations from the Japanese culture, specialty related to hierarchy and cooperation with the government.Item O Rosário de Aninha: os sentidos da devoção rosarina na escritura de Anna Joaquina(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-11-28) CARVALHO, Euzebio Fernandes de; SILVA, Maria da Conceição; analyze the rosaryan devotion in the City of Goiás from the Memorial of Memory, written between 1881 and 1930, by Anna Joaquina Marques. During the colonization of Brazil, the devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary gained importance near the enslaved Africans, becoming one of the biggest catholic devotions, in number of loyal ones and in quantity of churches erected to this devotion. Nevertheless, the catholic reform (Ultramountainism) provoked the resign of devotion of rosary. In the last decades of the century XIX, in the backwoods of Central Brazil, the Dominican mission, associated to the administrations of the bishops of the diocese Sant'Anna of Goiás, Cláudio José Ponce de Leão and Eduardo Duarte Silva, the traditional and from the backwoods religiosity was reformed. New devotions were stimulated, others criticized and banished. So, the Catholic Church acted straightly in religious practice of the population, subjecting to his administration the churches administered you them brotherhoods and the principal religious celebrations. We observe the consequences of the ultramontane reforms in religious daily practices of the vilaboenses choosing like key of analysis to devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary of the Blacks, at the level of the experiences of the subjects, through the scripture of Anna Joaquina MarquesItem Experiência e história no jovem Benjamin: 1913- 1918(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-03) SOUZA NETO, Manoel Gustavo; SILVA, Luiz Sérgio Duarte da; present study goes through the main texts written by Walter Benjamin between the years of 19 13 and 19 18. The intention is to identify the primary form of some elements that would be the base for the Benjaminian History Theory through the years. However, this study is not more than a first step in this direction. The objective is to list the main concepts of his early writings not to give it a final form, but to create a panoramic view of the ideas configuration in which they were formed. The text is composed of two parts. In the first one we try to present the History Theory and the Culture Criticism as inseparable. This dependence would be done through the idea of interruption that crosses, explicitly or implicitly, a11 Benjamin's writing of that period connecting the reflections about Politics and History to the ones about the different ways of the time and culture representation. In the second part we deal with the relations between time and language, mainly between language, experience and theory of knowledge, using three small Benjamin's texts. The expectation is that, in the end, we have produced a route that offers the reader an image of the History Theory that Benjamin projected in the early years of his philosophical and literary activit y.