Las Honradas e Las Impuras: Identidade de Gênero na Literatura Cubana de Miguel de Carrión
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This work aims to identify and analyze the Gender Identity in cuban literature from Miguel de Carrión, between the period of 1895 to 1919, in the works Las Honradas, of 1917, and Las Impuras, of 1919. In these novels the author of line naturalist, described from his point of view social problems and moral inequities that affected the bourgeois family, and especially the role of women in that society that was in processing, for trying to consolidate the Cuban Republic. In that period, also the feminist movement Cuban was in accelerated development, taking among others issues such as the law of divorce for the political and social debate. For the viability of this work were needed other reviews such as sexuality, as explored in novels, and the feminist movement in the period in which the author wrote the works. Accordingly, the objective of this work is discussing, along with other issues, as the author, through his works, intended to give greater social orientation to its target audience, namely, women belonging to the Cuban bourgeoisie, which were also the party the feminist movement.
OLIVEIRA, Sandra Maria de. Las Honradas e Las Impuras: Identity, gender in Cuban Lilterature from Miguel de Carrión. 2007. 123 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, goiânia, 2007.