Montes Claros: espaço e conteúdos da vida cotidiana

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research involves the production of space and the daily life of Montes Claros village area. The Village is located in Orizona-GO and it is a community that has in its socio-spatial formation many villages and an intense rural life. Just in 2010, according to the IBGE census, the urban population surpassed the rural, getting very close from one another. There are more than seven villages and diverse associations of rural workers in the community, which encourages the interest for the case study of one of the villages. Montes Claros, the only town considered to the secondary district of Orizona, has four streets, two perpendicular to the others. One of them ends up in a house and the others, for those who prefer, are part of two also unpaved state highways, often used by milk trucks, pick-up trucks, family cars and motorcycles, besides riders and carriages. The village features a chessboard design, with a central church, three commercial houses, a police station and a post office, a municipal school and about 40 houses. The cemetery is located not so far from there, where the deceased of the village and the surrounding farms rest in peace. The bibliographic reference of this work is based on the reflection on toponymy, the relation city and contryside, rural and urban, small towns, villages, districts and rural communities. Fieldwork was performed by observation and semi-structured interviews with the intention to understand the social cartography of the place by the construction of the trajectories and itineraries of the daily life of the residents. Montes Claros is produced by the movements of desire and by coercion, the patrimony is an inherited place, which has deep meaning and familiar sense. Besides, the dynamic and daily relations with cities that offer banking, school and hospital services, the villages of this municipality have an intense relationship with each other, as for the events, as for the exchanges and sales of family farming production. The village and its places preserve the community dynamics and the solidarity present in the religious festivities and in the family ties and the still permanent heredity in the daily conversations related to the common life, or even at the moment of death. The permanence of the inhabitants, most of them aged, is related to the desire to live together in social life, which is noticed in very close relations and the maintenance of peasant morality, identified in backyards, kitchens, the way of celebrating, feeding, serving or celebrating death. Fear of violence (assaults, fights, drug use) and scarcity of water, death of insects and some species of native flora as well, as the closure by large producers of monocultures afflicts those who do not wish to leave their place.



MENDES, L. R. Montes Claros: espaço e conteúdos da vida cotidiana. 2017. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.