Condições De Produção De Textos E Reescrita Orientada Por Bilhetes
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This work suggests issues related to production conditions and the rewriting of texts geared
for tickets, at school, such questions are found in the productions of elementary school
students. My goal is to analyze what are the interferences that such conditions of textual
production, carry on writing and the role they play in guiding the tickets rewrite these
students. Study subjects are teachers and students. The students were enrolled at the time
the 9th grade of elementary school. A teacher and a teacher worked at the time, the
effective teacher and researcher. The generation of data was in late 2009, the months of
November and December. Procedures of analysis, qualitative methods have been
developed which was the basic element of Evidential Paradigm Ginszburg (1989 and 1990)
for its recovery in the uniqueness of this data and research is focused on finding the
evidence. Hypotheses have been raised that conducted the investigation. The stay in school
enabled me to collect the textual productions, collecting the materials used in the classes of
text production; record seven classes for the production work and rewriting of texts, make
notes in field diaries; enforce a semistructured interview with the teacher and an
exploratory questionnaire to students. The look that guides this theoretical research is
centered on language in place and the interaction between subjects, advocated by Bakhtin
(2003, 2006). Among other scholars who depart this same look and fields like Textual
Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, it has been Foucault (2002), Geraldi (1997, 2001,
2004, 2006), Indursky (2006), Koch (2004, 2006, 2006a, 2006b, 2007, 2007a, 2007b),
Orlandi (2006, 2007, 2007a, 2008, 2008a), Pêcheaux (1997) and Ruiz (2001) whose
investigations cut across the paths of language, text and discourse in its relation to teaching
and learning of English. This research is justified by the need to better understand the
conditions of textual production-oriented and rewriting tickets, as well as its role in the
formation of Bullies in the public schools. The conclusions point to the need to create
conditions for production of the text for students to recognize themselves as subjects of
speech, thus recognizing the social character of language.
LISBOA, Jussara Regina de Souza. Condições De Produção De Textos E
Reescrita Orientada Por Bilhetes. 2011. 208 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.