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    A variação na expressão do dativo em variedades lingüísticas rurais goianas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-08) Nascimento, André Marques do; Silva, Maria do Socorro Pimentel da;; Silva, Maria do Socorro Pimentel da; Casseb-Galvão, Vânia Cristina; Gomes, Christina Abreu
    The regularity underlying variation in the use of dative complements of ditransitive verbs in speech samples of rural communities from Goiás is investigated in this work. Through quantitative sociolinguistic approach, it aims to verify which linguistic and social factors act in the alternance among a~para~Ø forms to express dative content besides bringing this variable phenomenon into relation to the discussion concerning to the structural origins of Brazilian Portuguese. The results indicate a change in progress in direction to the categorical use of the preposition para in the samples analyzed. Apparent time analysis shows that a and Ø forms tend to disappear in the speech of the communities observed. By means of quantification, which was analyzed by VARBRUL 2S programs, the indication of the linguistic variables adjacency of indirect object in relation to verb and morphology of direct object as statistically influent in the occurrence of Ø was obtained. This form occurs more often in linguistic environments which are more prototypical of dative constructions. Through principles such as prototypicity, iconicity and economy of linguistic forms it is argued that variation in focus has a functional origin, once the variant Ø is favored by contexts in which the preposition represents predictable and recoverable information. Preference for preposition para is explained by its semantic transparence in expression of dative content and by its neutrality in relation to a, which is more formal, and Ø, which is socially stigmatized and occurs more often in speech of illiterate individuals. European Portuguese diachronic data show that para and Ø forms were already present in this language structure. This fact confirms the hypothesis that origin of synchronic variation observed in rural communities from Goiás is not the result of linguistic contact with African languages in Brazil by means of an earlier process of irregular linguistic transmission. On the contrary, it is argued that synchronic variation reflects the natural shift of Portuguese since its archaic stage. This hypothesis is sustained by the fact that para and Ø forms are present in data of acquisition of Portuguese as a second language by speakers of different first languages.
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    Um estudo sobre o papel das mídias sociais como instrumento de mediação para o ensino e a aprendizagem da língua brasileira de sinais (Libras)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-31) Oliveira, Benelzo Batista; Cândido, Gláucia Vieira;; Cândido, Gláucia Vieira; Lima, Hildomar José de; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro
    Considering the importance of the use of social media, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, among others, in consolidating teaching and learning, this research aims to carry out an investigative study on the use of social media as platforms for teaching the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). More specifically, it discusses how deaf and hearing people interested in learning sign language make use of the internet. It also approaches online education with a focus on the technologies used in teaching and learning Libras by deaf teachers, sign language interpreters and students. This work seeks to answer the following question: how can technologies help in the pedagogical practice of teaching Libras? To do so, it discusses the place that the deaf occupy on the internet, as well as addresses online education, focusing on the technologies used in the teaching of Libras, based on studies such as Dorziat and Figueiredo (2003), Santos and Pequeno (2011), Costa and Miota (2011) and Lopes (2017). The research methodology has a qualitative approach and uses bibliographic and exploratory deepening instruments. It is hoped that the results achieved can encourage the importance of further research on the use of technologies, especially social networks, in the education of the deaf.
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    O eu e a outra da colonização em Jane Eyre e Vasto mar de sargaços
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-16) Vieira, Luísa de Assis; Brito, Tarsilla Couto de;; Brito, Tarsilla Couto de; Rezende, Tânia Ferreira; Costa, Júlia Morena Silva da
    This dissertation proposes the reading of the English novel Jane Eyre (1847) and the Caribbean novel Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), with the aim of tracing an analysis of the colonized female representation of the character Bertha Mason/Antoinette Cosway throughout the two works. We start from the analysis that the narration of the protagonist Jane reinforces the stereotype of the colonized woman and corroborates for the reader to build the image of a crazy, violent and dehumanized Bertha. On the other hand, the Dominican writer Jean Rhys constructs a novel whose central narrative is made by the voice of Bertha/Antoinette, so that the immigrant guarantees her space of speech and can tell what was confined in the attic of Thornfield Hall. The methodology used to carry out the work was comparative literature. To support the proposed analysis, the text addresses scientific productions on the subject, namely: Gabriela Souza Pinto (2017); Danielle Marques (2010); Ana Maria Zukoski, and Wilma dos Santos Coqueiro (2017). It also makes use of theoretical-critical productions and studies on identity, colonialism and postcolonial studies, such as Portrait of the Colonized Preceded by the Portrait of the Colonizer (MEMMI, 2007); The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the NineteenthCentury Literary Imagination (GILBERT & GUBAR, 2000); and The Empire Writes Back: Theory and practice in postcolonial literatures (ASHCROFT et al., 2002). Ultimately, we present arguments that Jane Eyre's narration dehumanizes Bertha, and that in Vast Sea of Sargassos, Antoinette tells the reader what lies behind Bertha Mason's dehumanization.
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    Intra-ações na educação digital onlife: uma leitura pós-humanista de uma sala de aula de francês
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Silva, Iury Aragonez da; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha;; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha; Takaki, Nara Hiroko; Rocha, Claudia Hilsdorf
    This thesis aims to discuss some French language education experiences in a classroom with Brazilian students of a language center of a public university, located in the state of Goiás. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the study was conducted remotely from September to December 2021, with 12 students from a French 6 group. To problematize the experiences shared throughout the course, I rely on posthumanism, grounded on the notion that matter and discourse are co-constitutive (Barad, 2003, 2007). As I see it, a (new) materialist orientation (Canagarajah, 2018a) destabilizes our understandings of the events that (re)configure the world by broadening the focus beyond human relations, enabling new ways of apprehending language and language education. Based on this, I turn to posthumanist applied linguistics (Canagarajah, 2018a, 2018b; Pennycook, 2018a, 2018b; Sousa, 2022), which seeks to problematize languagematter-discourse-power from a new materialist viewpoint, that is, considering an assemblage of human and nonhuman actants. In the scope of post-qualitative inquiry (St. Pierre, 2014a, 2014b, 2018), the materials of this perguntação (Matos, 2021) comprise: a questionnaire, classes recorded in audio and video via Google Meet, a field diary, and students’ written, oral and polysemiotic productions. Through diffractive readings (Barad, 2012) of these apparatuses, I sought to problematize how people, teaching materials, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), subjectivities, emotions, and spacetime intra-acted to foster the emergence of polysemiotic repertoires (Magalhães; Silva, 2022) connected to the French language in a context of onlife digital education (Moreira; Schlemmer, 2020). According to the students’ perceptions of their corpovivências (Almeida, 2023), what glowed was the understanding of the digital classroom as a smooth space (Deleuze; Guattari, 1997) that messes up language production while allowing for the exercise of intranomy (Sousa, 2022) in the coconstruction of repertoires in assemblage with nonhuman actants and in different spacetimes. In addition, the events we experienced point to the need for an embodied language education that comprehends that meanings emerge in a polysemiotic way, going beyond the mental processing of rules that results in the primacy of verbal forms of expression. I hope that this work may contribute to strengthen a rhizomatic conception (Canagarajah, 2018a) of language as matter and encourage a less anthropocentric view of languaging.
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    A visão de professores surdos sobre o processo de produção de materiais didáticos para o ensino de libras para ouvintes no formato de vídeos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-07-31) Silva, Cleidiane Alves da; Faria, Juliana Guimarães;; Faria, Juliana Guimarães; Taveira, Cristiane Correia; Lima, Hildomar José de
    Thisresearch proposal which theme is : The production of videos by deaf teachersin the production of didactic material for the teaching of Libras to listeners. It aims to analyze the view of deaf teachers of the Libras courses offered at Centro de Capacitação de Profissionais da Educação e de Atendimento às Pessoas com Surdez de Goiânia-Goiás (CASGoiânia) on the process of production of didactic material for the teaching of Libras in the format of videos, and its limits and possibilities. The research has a qualitative approach, of the exploratory type, since this makes it possible to obtain in a more significant way, the objectives of the research for the suggestion of new pedagogical procedures. As methodological procedures, bibliographic research and field research are adopted, with interviews with deaf teachers who teach at CAS-Goiânia. The theoretical framework is composed by the authors: Gesser (2006, 2009,2012), Medeiros and Gräff (2012), Gomes and Basso (2014), Lacerda (2009) and Segalla (2010), among others, with reflections on deaf culture, Libras, teaching of Libras and didactic material. As a result, it was identified that the vision of deaf teachers includes: videos need to have images; it is important to have subtitles in Portuguese; the use of stories so that Libras is contextualized; there are some difficulties with the Portuguese during the video production process; And different types of technologies are important for them to be able to produce good materials.
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    Políticas linguísticas e saúde ocupacional do tradutor e intérprete educacional do Maranhão
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-11) Azevedo, Lícia Maria Cardoso; Faria, Juliana Guimarães;; Faria, Juliana Guimarães; Zaqueu, Lívia da Conceição Costa; Santos, Patrícia Tuxi dos
    Libras language policies and the occupational health of translators and interpreters (Tils) of Brazilian sign language (Libras) is the subject of this study, which seeks to verify the consequences of Libras language policies and their impacts on proposing actions that ensure the conditions suitable for Tils, who work in the educational space, in the light of occupational health. The working conditions of the Tils were investigated, establishing relationships with the linguistic policy and linguistic planning adopted in São Luís, in the State of Maranhão, for the use and dissemination of Libras. This is a research with a predominantly qualitative approach, of the exploratory type, which uses data collection instruments, such as public notices, questionnaires and interviews aimed at Tils, who work in basic and secondary education, in the four municipalities that make up Greater São Luís-MA, with a sample of 150 participants. This research pointed out the relationships between current language policies and the occupational health of Tils, by evidencing the absence of direct mentions to this issue in current legislation and in the daily interpretive practices of these professionals. The study pointed out, from the collected data, a significant number of occurrences of LER/DORT among Tils who work in the state education network of Maranhão. It is hoped that this research can raise studies and reflections for the design of language policies that are more consistent with the gestural-visual nature of Libras and that can guarantee the occupational health of translators and interpreters, without prejudice to the linguistic accessibility of deaf students.
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    Análise semiótica do procedimento de textualização em Língua Brasileira de Sinais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-12) Barbosa, Suelismar Mariano Florêncio; Milani, Sebastião Elias;; Milani, Sebastião Elias; Andrade, Maria Lúcia da Cunha Victório de Oliveira; Faria, Edna Silva
    The object of this study is the text expressed in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). As a corpus of analysis, we selected the short story O Boto Cor-de-rosa Surdo (The deaf pink dolphin) from the book entitled Onze histórias e um segredo: desvendando as lendas amazônicas (Eleven stories and a secret: unraveling Amazonian legends) (Sales, 2016). The aim of the research is to understand how the enunciating subject mobilizes textualization strategies in Libras in order to favor his persuasive project, guiding the overall meaning of the discourses manifested in this language, through effects of meanings articulated between the planes of expression and content. Based on Greimas (1973, 1975a, 1975b, 2017), Fontanille (2019), Fontanille and Zilberberg (2001) and Zilberberg (2006a; 2006b; 2007; 2011), the modulations made to the tense dynamics at both the discursive and textual levels of the short story selected as the corpus of application are described. The aim is to identify how the enunciator makes affective categories from the content level compatible with figures of speech, thus establishing semisymbolic structures. The aim is to discuss how these effects of meaning generate the enunciator's access to the values conveyed by the text. The repercussions of Greimas' semiotic project contribute to broadening investigations into the semantic aspects manifested in the signaled text. To this end, a qualitative, exploratory bibliographical study was carried out, whose data was examined using French semiotic methodology. The results of this study contribute mainly on two theoretical fronts. French semiotics reaffirms the viability of analyzing discourses expressed in sign languages. In addition, it offers studies focused on sign language linguistics the possibility of considering semiotics as a coherent and exhaustive theoretical-methodological framework for analyzing the rhythmic-accentual structures inherent in these languages. In addition, it is possible to identify three practical implications that concern the work of the professional translator and interpreter of Libras, the analysis of the practices and ways of life present in the cultural identity of the deaf community and, finally, the production of teaching resources and materials for learning the language and its literature. In this way, the aim is to establish a rapprochement between Libras and Semiotics, observing how the repercussions of Greimas' semiotic project contribute to broadening investigations into the semantic aspects manifested in signed text.
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    Medo e fuga da morte em A máscara da morte rubra e O poço e o pêndulo, de Edgar Allan Poe
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Nogueira, Sabryna Thais Silva; Santana, Jorge Alves;; Santana, Jorge Alves; Camargo, Flávio Pereira; Vedoin, Gilson
    This study investigates the symbols present in two tales from Edgar Allan Poe’s book Histórias extraordinárias (2010), and how they signal the mechanism of escape from death, as well as the fear of the passage of time. The tales The Mask of Death Red and The Pit and the Pendulum, which transmit the proposed theme in a rich and clear way, were chosen for the realization of this research. The situations and characters of the stories help us to better understand the theme of death and how it is developed in the individual and social imaginary, being always subject to additions of new symbols given that the imaginary is not alien to its surroundings and its updates. In this sense, this study sheds light on how literature makes it possible to overcome images of reality, amplifying singular and subjective perceptions, creating new senses and amplifying the real. As a theoretical basis, the studies of Gilbert Durand (2012) and his theory of the imaginary will be called, especially his concept of daytime image regime. In addition to studies on symbolic and death in authors such as Jean Delumeau (2009), Jean Chevalier (2001), Philippe Aries (2000) among others.
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    "Nós (não) podemos fazer isso!”: fios emaranhados das trajetórias feministas e antifeministas do cartaz “Rosie, a rebitadora”
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-03-28) Silva, Carolina Fernanda Soares; Pinto, Joana Plaza;; Pinto, Joana Plaza; Sousa, Kátia Menezes de; Melo, Glenda Cristina Valim de
    This dissertation aims to feature the textual trajectories (BAUMAN; BRIGGS, 2006 [1990]; SILVERSTEIN; URBAN, 1996; BLOMMAERT, 2008; KELL, 2015) of the poster “Rosie the Riveter”, produced in the context of the Second World War, transiting in and through feminist and antifeminist spaces. Besides, I identify the gender performativity and sexism in the recontextualization processes that engender these trajectories. Considering the online/offline hybridity (BLOMMAERT et al, 2019) of contemporary relationships, the methodology is digital ethnography (HINE, 2000; 2015; VARIS, 2014), with the contribution of the search engine Google and the social media Facebook and conceptions regarding the use of memes in these environments (VARIS; BLOMMAERT, 2015). The bibliography I rely on for understanding the moment of WWII are Honey (1984) and Aguierre (2018). To understand gender and feminism issues, I use Butler (1990; 2004), Hemmings (2009), hooks (2018 [200]), Bogado and Costa (2018) and Akotirene (2019). Faludi (2001) and Vaggione and Biroli (2020) are the main authors for understanding antifeminist disputes over time. Having citationality (NAKASSIS, 2019) as an analytical tool for the interpretation of what is modified in the circulations of texts, I conclude that the discourses under analysis form a web of connections and meanings (KELL, 2015).
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    Mayombe e A geração da utopia, de Pepetela: romances históricos sobre a ascensão e queda da utopia angolana
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-25) Castro, Helder da Rocha; Silva, Rogério Max Canedo;; Silva, Rogério Max Canedo; Paula, Marcelo Ferraz de; Silva, Marcos Vinícius Caetano da
    The master's thesis “Mayombe e A Geração da Utopia, de Pepetela: romances históricos sobre a ascensão e queda da utopia angolana” proposes a study on Angolan Literature from the appropriate novels referred in the title. Pepetela, its author, used the format of fictional narrative of historical extraction to give representative voice to the Angolan people against colonialist subjugation, but also to its resulting consequences, in a post-colonial moment. It seeks to verify how the process of formation of the “new Angola” was reflected in the literary production of this famous writer, which was constituted at a territorial, political, and cultural level, by the driving force of its history. It was essential to achieve the objectives of our research the use of studies on the historical novel contained in The historical novel (2011), by Giörgy Lukács; the book Portanto... Pepetela (2013), group of texts organized by Rita Chaves and Tânia Macedo, in research on Pepetela's life and work; the book De Voos e Ilhas (2008), work with essays written by Benjamin Abdala Junior on Pepetelian aesthetics; and reflections on utopia and dystopia based on The Wretched of the Earth (1968), by Frantz Fanon, and The Principle of Hope – Level I (1954), by Ernst Bloch.
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    Ideologias de linguagem e justiça: um estudo do caso Kaingang
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Silva, Ana Luiza Martins; Nascimento, André Marques do;; Nascimento, André Marques do; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Fraga, Letícia
    This work focuses on the right to use indigenous languages in criminal proceedings in Brazil, specifically, based on the analysis of a judicial process in progress at the 1st Federal Court of Erechim/RS, in which all defendants are indigenous people of the Kaingang people. The general objective of the research was to identify and problematize conceptions and ideologies of language mobilized for the rejection of the linguistic right of the defendants to translate the process and of interpreters in court, a situation that materializes the disjunction between the discourse of the law and its materialization in judicial processes and the consequent restriction of the possibilities of defense and communication of indigenous defendants. As a theoretical foundation, it articulated fields such as linguistic rights, language policies and language ideologies, in order to understand the counterpoints between the legal provisions that guarantee the right to language, translation and interpreters and their effective implementation. For this, it used the case study methodology and had as empirical material for analysis the texts of judicial decisions and other publicly available parts of the process. From the analysis of the empirical material, we realize that the Law agents based their speeches on nationalist, monolingual and graphocentric language ideologies, which reify a discrete, monolithic and static conception of language, which erases the complexity of real intercultural relations. Reflecting the heterogeneity of the society in which they circulate, the articulation of these language ideologies is triggered contingently and from divergent interests. In the case of the defense teams of the Kaingang defendants, the ideologies mobilize senses of authenticity and strategic essentialism to defend the linguistic rights of the indigenous defendants. These same ideologies operate, from the perspective of the Judiciary that judges the defendants' defense request, mobilizing assimilationist and integrationist meanings to support the assessment that the defendants speak Portuguese and, consequently, do not need the linguistic right of translation and interpreter in the course of the process. In addition to these findings, this case study allows us to problematize in a broader scope, which concern the field of law itself, in a complex and heterogeneous society, unequivocally founded on a racist and unequal structure.
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    Ensino-aprendizagem de língua inglesa com o apoio de histórias em quadrinhos numa perspectiva do letramento digital
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-09) Teixeira, Amanda de Paula Guimarães; Figueredo, Carla Janaina;; Figueredo, Carla Janaina; Faria, Juliana Guimarães; Gonçalves, Letícia de Souza
    Learning an additional language involves processes that must provide interaction situations in the language and consider sociocultural aspects that directly influence it. These aspects are important in the development of activities that promote interaction between student-student and teacher-student. The relevance of these aspects consists in making English language classes, in elementary school, a teaching-learning environment that makes it possible to form a multiliterate student with the ability to interact in different contexts of language use. The main objective of this dissertation is to observe and analyze, through a case study, the effects of collaborative and interactive activities among students of a 9th-grade elementary school class during English language learning with the support of comics as a didatic tool from a perspective of digital literacy and multiliteracies. Data were collected through the researcher's notes and observations in the classroom, through a questionnaire, and through class recordings. As a theoretical basis for these discussions, Vygotsky's sociocultural theory will be used, as well as the premises of Collaborative Learning. The guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for English language teaching and the concepts of multiliteracies and digital literacy will also be considered. In general, the results obtained show that collaborative learning promotes the exchange of knowledge among students, and makes them more confident and comfortable when carrying out a task since discussions take place in a more simplified language. As for the development of digital literacy, the data show that although students are inserted in a more technological society, this does not make them know how to use digital tools in a literate way. That said, it is possible to conclude that developing classes and tasks that develop the skills of handling technological and digital tools of learners is of paramount importance for the construction of meaningful education in the contemporary digital world.
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    A avaliação no ensino comunicativo de língua inglesa: uma análise de testes escritos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2002-06-17) Lopes, Cristiane Rosa; Dalacorte, Maria Cristina Faria;; Dalacorte, Maria Cristina Faria; Paiva, Vera Lúcia Menezes de Oliveira e; Figueiredo, Francisco José Quaresma de
    This study aims at identifyng the main characteristics of written tests used by a private English school in the evaluation of the students’ learning process. It also aims at verifyng whether theses characteristics are in accordance with teaching method adopted by this school, which is the communicative approach. Finally, it analyses the probable backwash effect that the use of these tests have in the classroom practice. This research is based on language teaching and testing theories, mainly related to the communicative approach, and also the theories on types and qualities of language tests and backwash effect. In this study, I adopted the principles of the qualitative research method in order to collect and analyse the data. The results point out that there is an incompatibility between the communicative testing paradigms and the characteristics I have identified in these tests. The also indicate that this incompatibility compromises the evaluation process of the students and also the teaching practice that precedes the tests.
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    No poço do dragões: o imaginário dracônico na Gales medieval
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Campos, Matheus de Paula; Araújo, Márcia Maria de Melo;; Fonseca, Pedro Carlos Louzada;; Fonseca, Pedro Carlos Louzada; Corbacho Quintela, Antonio; Souza, Jamesson Buarque de; Araújo, Márcia Maria de Melo
    In the present research, we investigate the imagination of medieval dragons, navigating through certain literary paths in which the dragon gains some prominence: the Scriptures, hagiographies, bestiaries and encyclopedias, and other literatures, for that, studying the animal symbolism in the Middle Ages, the notions of magic, marvelous and monstrous as well as imagination for the Middle Ages. From there, we apply our analyzes to three sources: the Welsh text The Adventure of Lludd and Llefelys, c. 13th century, History of the Kings of Great Britain, by Geoffrey of Monmouth, 12th century, and History of the Britons, c. 9th century. The common point among the texts, for this research, is the episode about the fight between two dragons, a native and a foreigner. Our hypothesis is that the dragon, as a potent symbolic figure, represents the desire of the Welsh courts to eliminate the invaders and their own eagerness to recover the status of sovereignty in the Islands. Thus, the draconic imagery is read, in Wales, in order to adapt to the expectations and needs of that public.
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    Imagens surrealistas nas obras Poesia completa de Pio Vargas e Congresso espiritual dos ranúnculos de Fabrício Clemente
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-08) Monteiro, Amanda Cristinny Santos; Souza, Jamesson Buarque de;; Souza, Jamesson Buarque de; David, Nismária Alves; Ribeiro, Renata Rocha
    This research project proposes a study on the Surrealist European Vanguard in Brazilian poetry from the point of view of authorship studies, observing how and why certain poets followed Surrealism in poetry. Therefore, it will be taken into account to analyze two poetic works of contemporary writers from Goiás, the Complete Poetry of Pio Vargas, published in 2014 and the book Congresso Espiritual dos Ranúculos of 2013, in the perspective of selecting poems in which the influence of Surrealism is evidenced as a contribution in the production of poets from Goiás. It is widely publicized in all historical studies of the literature produced in Goiás that Modernism arrives in the State with delay and timidly, but it is necessary to take into account that this literary movement had as one of the precepts the non-imposition, therefore, it was not mandatory . However, little is investigated about how this adherence occurs and which tendencies of the modernist Vanguard represent the lines of force of Goiás poetry from the end of the last century to the present day. Thus, the intention of the research is to show that, although there are not many poets considered surrealist in Brazilian literature, those mentioned above adopted the surrealist way of representing reality, guaranteeing a prominent place in national poetry. The study aims, with the support of theories about the constitution of images, to discuss a form of representation that relates elements of the subject's reality with a dream, which is one of the possibilities of representing the real in lyric poetry.
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    Os corpos literários de Guadalupe Nettel
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-28) Gonçalves, Karollayne Martins; Brito, Tarsilla Couto de;; Brito, Tarsilla Couto de; Ribeiro, Renata Rocha; Lousa, Pilar Lago e
    The present study intends to promote literary reflections concerning the female body and to investigate how the representation of the body occurs in the contemporary novel O corpo em que nasci (2013), by the Mexican writer Guadalupe Nettel. From bibliographic research, inscribed in the perspective of cultural studies, we seek to understand how the main character's body conception is built taking into consideration the issues that concern the patriarchal culture, the literary tradition, and the written experience from the female point of view. Besides that, this study understands itself as part of the critical reception of a female authorship book and discusses the problems related to women's writings. To achieve the proposed goals, this study is based on, mainly, the critical and theoretical assumptions of Elizabeth Grosz (2000), Teresa de Lauretis (1994), Guacira Lopes Louro (2010), Judith Butler (2010), Gerda Lerner (2019), Helèné Cixous (2017), Adrienne Rich (2017), Norma Telles (1992), Sandra Gilbert e Susan Gubar (2017), Gloria Anzaldúa (2017), Nelly Richard (2002), Édouard Glissant (2021) and Silvia Federici (2017), who present the concepts of female writing, disciplined body, gender performativity, and abjection.
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    Wamreme - a revitalização da escrita da língua a'uwẽ uptabi
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-26) Abtsi'ré, Almir Henõrĩ; Borges, Mônica Veloso;; Rezende, Tânia Ferreira;; Nascimento, André Marques do; Borges, Mônica Veloso; Rezende, Tânia Ferreira; Rubim, Altaci  Corrêa
    Nosotros, A'uwẽ Uptabi, pueblo Xavante para los no indígenas, necesitamos descubrir las riquezas que tenemos en nuestra cultura y ser conscientes de nuestra propia historia pasada y presente y nuestra responsabilidad hacia el futuro. Adquirir las palabras olvidadas que los ancianos conocen del pasado y ser registradas para que el mundo vea que A'uwẽ existe. Los hablantes necesitan frecuentar su lengua materna escrita y los sonidos de las palabras. Es importante poner en palabras el aprecio cultural por los niños. La escritura sirve para fortalecer los usos de los sonidos y la oralidad de la lengua materna. El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar la escritura de la lengua materna A'uwẽ Uptabi, por parte de un investigador A'uwẽ, desde la perspectiva de los propios hablantes. Los objetivos específicos de la investigación son que los estudiantes, al profundizar en diferentes aspectos de la cultura lingüística a través de diferentes disciplinas, valoren su propia cultura e idioma y se sientan orgullosos de ser A'uwẽ Uptabi. Para llegar a los niños en la escuela, se desarrollará una aplicación para facilitar la enseñanza de la lengua materna en la escuela. La importancia de esta investigación está, por supuesto, en el propio académico A'Uwẽ Uptabi, quien habla el idioma de la investigación, para registrar y documentar todas las descripciones de la lengua de su propio pueblo, para dar visibilidad a las personas no indígenas. que existen formas correctas en el uso de su propio idioma. Volviendo atrás, revisando la convención ortográfica con tres patrones de estructura con mayores, defensor del grupo y comunidad a la que pertenece, por el lenguaje poderoso que tenemos que hablar, reabrir cada notificación al mundo y conocer la lengua materna.
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    Medo e fuga da morte em A máscara da morte rubra e O poço e o pêndulo, de Edgar Allan Poe
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-14) Nogueira, Sabryna Thais Silva; Santana, Jorge Alves;; Santana, Jorge Alves; Camargo, Flávio Pereira; Vedoin, Gilson
    This study investigates the symbols present in two tales from Edgar Allan Poe’s book Histórias extraordinárias (2010), and how they signal the mechanism of escape from death, as well as the fear of the passage of time. The tales The Mask of Death Red and The Pit and the Pendulum, which transmit the proposed theme in a rich and clear way, were chosen for the realization of this research. The situations and characters of the stories help us to better understand the theme of death and how it is developed in the individual and social imaginary, being always subject to additions of new symbols given that the imaginary is not alien to its surroundings and its updates. In this sense, this study sheds light on how literature makes it possible to overcome images of reality, amplifying singular and subjective perceptions, creating new senses and amplifying the real. As a theoretical basis, the studies of Gilbert Durand (2012) and his theory of the imaginary will be called, especially his concept of daytime image regime. In addition to studies on symbolic and death in authors such as Jean Delumeau (2009), Jean Chevalier (2001), Philippe Aries (2000) among others.
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    Aspectos linguísticos, discursivos e cognitivos do português escrito em cartazes de rua
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-30) Silva, Amanda Borges; Silva, Leosmar Aparecido da;; Silva, Leosmar Aparecido Da; Rezende, Tânia Ferreira; Sousa, Fernanda Cunha
    The period of social isolation caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus, which occurred between 2020 and 2022, in addition to the effects on world health, also has consequences for the economy, as thousands of people lost their sources of income and were forced to take to the streets, in order to get help. To communicate with passers-by and drivers, they use posters, tickets and pamphlets (efficient supports to transmit the message quickly, making your interlocutor understand it in seconds). Therefore, this dissertation aims to study the linguistic, discursive and cognitive aspects of Portuguese written on posters produced and/or disseminated by people who are in a situation of economic and social vulnerability. The main corpus of this dissertation are 50 photographs of posters, collected during this period in traffic lights, bank doors, supermarket and bakery doors, squares and fairs in Goiânia. The complementary corpus is composed of another 50 photographs collected on social networks such as Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and journalistic sites from the same period. For data analysis, the studies of cognitive linguistics, studies on polyphony and argumentation were carried out. The results showed that, in relation to linguistic aspects, there are patterns of utterances in most of the street signs. They both present ideational contents and enunciative marks typical of interpersonal interaction. The utterances evoke frames, gestalt and compression as a way of accessing the interlocutor's knowledge of the world and persuading him to help in some way. Regarding the discursive aspects, the presence of discursive voices (BAKTHIN, 2008) and argumentation in the texts (PERELMAN; TYTECA, 1996) were observed, which act, respectively, as forms of dialogue with other discourses and as a way of persuasion.
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    Utilização do YouTube no ensino e aprendizagem de Libras: formação voltada para tradutores e intérpretes
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-19) Duarte, Lívia Alves; Barbosa, Diego Maurício;; Faria, Juliana Guimarães;; Faria, Juliana Guimarães; Barbosa, Diego Mauricio; Lima, Hildomar José de; Costa, Patrícia Rodrigues
    This research seeks to understand how and if YouTube is being used in the teaching and learning of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in the education of translators and interpreters of Libras-Portuguese, specifically, the one offered in the state of Goiás. Two institutions are part of this research: the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), which offers an undergraduate course in Languages: Translation and Interpretation in Libras/Portuguese (BA), and the Centro de Capacitação de Profissionais da Educação e Atendimento às Pessoas com Surdez de Goiânia (CAS-Goiânia), which offers continuing education courses. The research problem is: from the perspective of teachers, students and graduates of these courses, is YouTube being used in the learning and development of Libras in the education of translators and interpreters of Libras-Portuguese? In search of answers to the problem presented, the general objective was set as follows: to analyze whether YouTube is being used in the learning and development of Libras in the education of translators and interpreters of Libras into Portuguese from the perspective of teachers, students and graduates of the courses of the institutions in question. The research uses a qualitative methodological approach of exploratory and descriptive nature (GIL, 2008). The data were collected through a questionnaire with open and closed questions, and then organized by means of categorization and description (GIL, 2008), using the content analysis technique (BARDIN, 2002). The results indicated that the use of YouTube in the teaching of Libras for education and interpreters of the Libras-Portuguese language pair already occurs, sometimes as the main focus of the exposure of content, but mainly as support material inside and outside the classroom. It is expected that the results will contribute positively to future research in the education offered for translators and interpreters of Libras into Portuguese in Brazil.