Cidadania das pessoas com deficiência visual no Estado de Goiás ADVEG: trajetória, organização e discurso
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This study is the result of an investigation carried out in the Master of Education program and it
is linked to the research area of Teacher Training at the School of Education of Universidade
Federal de Goiás. It focuses on Associação dos Deficientes Visuais do Estado de Goiás
(ADVEG) (Association for the Visually Handicapped of Goiás State) in order to analyze the
meaning attributed to the concept of citizenship. The study is based on the assumption that
actions performed by the visually handicapped contribute to the formation of a political culture
that is capable of promoting changes in their lives. This is especially true with regards to the
emergence of citizen rights, a new concept of justice, and democratic practices. Theoretical
references were extracted from the works of Almeida (1992; 2003), Cruz (2004; 2005), Dagnino
(1994; 2002; 2004; 2006), Arendt (1989; 2001; 2007a; 2007b; 2007c; 2007d), and Gohn (1999;
2002; 2003; 2007a; 2007b). By recovering historical aspects of social movements, this research
investigated characteristics of the trajectory of organization of visually handicapped people. The
aim was to understand the dynamics of this trajectory and, above all, to reveal how this social
condition is constructed, as far as the role these people attribute to citizenship is concerned. This
study case consists of a qualitative empirical research involving twenty members of ADVEG and
it employed semi-structured interviews, observations, and documental analysis in the city of
Goiânia. Results indicate that the inclusion of visually handicapped people in the job market
remains limited, which reveals a sense of citizenship composed of rights under the perspective
of legal achievements previously defined by legislation. This is seldom put into practice, but it
is linked to a strategy conveyed by dominant classes and by the State; this strategy aims at a
social inclusion policy as a juridical and political condition that is crucial for the implementation
of the reigning economic model
ALMEIDA, Rejane Cleide Medeiros de. Citizenship of visualy handicapped people of Goiás State Trajectory, organization. 2009. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.