Educação ambiental no Zoológico de Goiânia: contribuições para a formação do sujeito ecológico?
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The critical Environmental Education is gaining space in the research area due to the fact that it makes it possible to do a better reading of the environmental crisis. In this critical slope, the environmental understanding goes beyond natural resources, and covers the complex relationships between nature and society. According to Carvalho (2008), the main objective of the Environmental Education is to develop the ecological being, who is characterized by an ideal type, with an identity that is under construction, one who is able to translate the ideals of the social relations that revolve around environmental issues. Considering that the legislation regarding the Environmental Education suggests that it should happen either in formal and in informal education, research has shown that most activities are offered by informal schools. We can say that throughout these last years, such informal spaces have changed in order to offer and adjust their activities to the visiting public. In this context, the objective of this research was to get in touch with the activities regarding Environmental Education that are carried on at Goiania‟s zoo, as well as meet the professionals involved in the execution and elaboration of such project. Besides that, the profile and conceptions regarding Environmental Education have been surveyed. In the end, the analysis and observation in order to understand how the activities carried on at Goiania‟s Zoo can contribute to develop the ecological being.
This research can be categorized as a case study, since this method is used in order to understand the individual, group, social, organizational and political phenomena. Besides that, it is a study where issues such as how and why are proposed, combined with the fact that the researcher has little control over the contemporary phenomenon to be unveiled.
At the end of this research we have concluded that the Goiânia‟s zoo staff have their conceptions based on the conservationist and naturalistic schools of thought, thus the activities done aim at rebuilding a relationship with nature and adopting conservative behavior towards it. Therefore, such activities carried on at the Goiânia‟s zoo do not give any contribution towards the development of the so-called ecological being.
FONSECA, Fabíola Simões Rodrigues da. Environmental Education in Goiânia s zoo: contributions towards an ecological being awareness?. 2010. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.