Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática (PRPG)

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    O ensino de ciências e suas relações com a pós-verdade na política brasileira durante a pandemia da covid-19
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-08) Vieira, Frederico Lopes; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi;; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi; Cunha, Jefferson Adriany Ribeiro da; Furtado, Wagner Wilson
    One of the major challenges in teaching science in the past decade lies in the fact that objective truth, that factual truth, has transformed into a "narrative." In other words, this truth no longer belongs to a group of people specialized in the subject; it is now individual and strongly linked to the personal beliefs and ideologies of each individual, in a so-called "Post-Truth Era" (KEYES, 2004). This work sought to understand how post-truth discourses have affected and are connected to science education, and what role science education plays in a radical political context with extremist biases, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. We categorized the phenomenon of post- truth into a larger set, with its subsets, such as: misinformation, denialism, infodemic, disinformation, and fake news. Over 4 chapters, we aimed to broaden and bring a new perspective to the concept of post-truth. With the help of the Iramuteq software, we were able to analyze more deeply the denialist speeches of state authorities who governed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Using excerpts from the final text of the Covid-19 Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (CPI), we generated graphs in the software that divided the speeches into classes and groups, helping us to better understand the dynamics of post-truth speeches and the reasons for so much misinformation. Alongside a bibliographic review of articles from renowned education research journals, we selected abstracts from 24 articles from 5 Education and Research Journals in Education. With this, we were able to compare post-truth discourses and the speeches of researchers in the field. In the end, a correlation was made between these two analyses and science education, and how it can be further explored to avoid further waves of science denial and skepticism. These analyses indicated that post- truth discourses are strongly linked to groups profiting from social media engagements, seeking power and political influence beyond money. We also observed that science education has never focused on political education; although it analyzes nature, this education does not link nature and politics, and we understand that the two are interconnected. It was from this lack of connection that discourses denying and discrediting science were able to spread. With a language well-suited to social media, with false and biased news that do not require reflective depth, let alone complex explanations, post-truth gained ground, precisely in a context of a global pandemic, causing deaths and suffering beyond imagination.
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    O ensino de matemática da escola família agrícola de Goiás (EFAGO): um estudo de caso na perspectiva dos alunos e da professora do terceiro ano do ensino médio
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-15) Jesus, Carlos Augusto Cardoso de; Souza, Roberto Barcelos;; Souza, Roberto Barcelos; Daude, Rodrigo Bastos; Pimenta, Adelino Candido
    This work aims to analyze the perceptions of a mathematics teacher and third year high school students about the sociocultural contributions of mathematics teaching at EFAGO, and how teaching is dialoguing with school documents. This concern arose from the perception of the peasants' need to use methodologies capable of promoting greater significance in their mathematical learning. For D'Ambrosio (1997) school education must combine theory and practice, therefore, teaching must have a deep connection with the sociocultural context of young people, mathematics resulting from this connection brings more meaning to students. Based on this objective, we question: does the teaching adopted at EFAGO dialogue with the sociocultural knowledge of the students and, consequently, makes the learning of mathematics meaningful? We understand this research as qualitative, being a case study. As data construction tools, we believe that the application of questionnaires and interviews, in addition to the construction of a field diary, enable data triangulation, which may increase the chances of success. To produce such contributions and reflections, we based ourselves on Begnami's (2019) theories on the pedagogy of alternation; mathematics teaching with Fiorentini (1995) and D'Ambrosio (1998), rural education with Caldart (2004), formal, non-formal and informal education with Gohn (2010).
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    Avaliações em larga escala implementadas pela SEDUC GO: ações pedagógicas e orientações técnicas que subsidiaram a produção dos instrumentos da avaliação de matemática
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-25) Machado, Inácio de Araújo; Furtado, Wagner Wilson;; Furtado, Wagner Wilson; Villas Boas, Benigna Maria de Freitas; Chaves, Sandramara Matias
    This work, entitled “Large-scale assessments implemented by Seduc GO: Pedagogical actions and technical guidelines that supported the production of Mathematics assessment instruments”, is linked to the research axis “Pedagogical practices for teaching and learning Science and Mathematics and the evaluation processes" referring to the research line "Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics" of the Graduate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics, at the Federal University of Goiás. It aims to analyze systemic evaluations (Diagnostic Evaluation and the Directed Sample Evaluation) of Mathematics applied by the state network of Goiás in the 5th year of Elementary School I, 9th year of Elementary School II and in the 3rd year of High School from 2011 to 2018, in order to understand and record the relevant milestones which comprised (i) the process of implementing these assessments, (ii) the criteria used to structure them and (iii) the technical elements related to the theoretical-methodological foundation adopted by the team of designers. For this, based on the assumptions of qualitative research and the theoretical framework of classroom assessment, school assessment and systems assessment, we investigated Diagnostic Assessment (2011-2014) and Directed Sample Assessment (2015 – 2018), the general guidelines that were sent to the applicator teacher, the instruments to help correct the tests and the circular letters sent by the State Department of Education of Goiás, among others. The paths taken during the work favored us to reflect and understand the objectives and origins of these evaluations. In addition, through this research, we were able to identify characteristics and technical elements related to the Mathematics items that made up these assessments and understand their correction dynamics, through the instruments that were sent by the department for this purpose.
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    Estudos sobre a participação guiada no ensino de química para alunos com deficiência visual
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-29) Silva, Renata de Moraes e; Benite, Claudio Roberto Machado;; Benite, Claudio Roberto Machado; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva; Silva, Juvan Pereira da
    The text presented is the report of a master's degree research linked to the Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning line (Axis - Science and Mathematics Teaching and Inclusive Education) of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education. The research aims to reflect on the contributions of experimentation through guided participation (PG) in the process of teaching and learning Chemistry for students with visual impairments (VI). Rogoff's (1998) guided participation was used as a theoretical framework, whose analysis considers how individuals, groups or communities transform as they together constitute and are constituted by a sociocultural activity. The entire analysis is based on Historical-Cultural Theory, focusing on mediation for the social construction of knowledge. As a methodological path, participatory research sought contributions in order to develop new strategies for teaching students with visual impairments. This study was carried out in partnership with the Pedagogical Support Center for Assistance to People with Visual Impairment (CAP/CEBRAV), in Goiânia. Eight pedagogical interventions (PI) were carried out that covered the contents of Chemical Kinetics. The planning of the experiments was designed to use the students' other senses: touch, smell, hearing and taste as a means of observing the experiment, so that they could participate in an autonomous and independent way. One of the IPs carried out was the “Production of scented cinnamon oil”, which allowed us to have a discussion covering social issues relating to the history of the spice and environmental discussions involving pharmaceutical and herbal formulations. The results reveal that in PG, learning occurred with familiarization with techniques and manipulation of equipment, through participation in practical activities and teacher mediation, dialoguing with the experimentation with an investigative bias by Carvalho (2021) which provided autonomy in carrying out the experiment. Therefore, the use of experimentation with an investigative bias mediated by the PG, favored the appropriation of knowledge and the development of skills to reduce the barriers that prevent these students from participating in experimental classes, resulting in their autonomy. In this way, the use of guided participation in DV classes guides a Chemistry teaching proposal that provides new possibilities for the more autonomous participation of these students, contributing to the teaching-learning process.
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    Discalculia: estado da arte em congressos de educação matemática
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Ribeiro, Hellen Marques Pinto; Alvarenga, Karly Barbosa;; Alvarenga, Karly Barbosa; Lara, Isabel Cristina Machado de; Nery, Érica Santana Silveira
    This study has the main objective of mapping and analyzing articles related to Developmental Dyscalculia in national and international Mathematics Education events from 2006 to 2021. It is a qualitative study with numerical subsidies, bibliography of type of State of the Art. The mapping was carried out electronically in the databases of: Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática, Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação, Encontro Nacional de Educação Matemática Inclusiva, Encontro Brasileiro de Estudantes de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática, Congresso Internacional de Educação Matemática and Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa. The descriptors used were dyscalculia, disorder and learning difficulty in mathematics; as a result, a corpus with 22 articles was formed. A descriptive and interpretative analysis of the data was carried out, supported by Content Analysis, in order to learn about the mains concepts, ideas, gaps, trends and perspectives on the subject in question. Four emerging categories were established, which are: Research Methodology, Participants, Conceptualizations and Teaching. And from these, ten subcategories were elaborated namely: Theoretical Research, Practical Research, Teaching Perception, Tracking, Psychopedagogical Interventions, Conceptual Discussions, Inclusive Discourses, Cognitive Perceptions, Teaching Strategies and Diagnostic Strategies. For the theoretical basics Kosc’s work was used. The mapped publications are, for the most part, theoretical studies related to concepts and definitions inherent to the disorder itself, cognitive and inclusive perceptions, and the analysis of other scientific productions. Those of a practical nature refer to Field Research and Case Studies. The investigations showed that, after individual psychopedagogical interventions, students with this type of disorder showed advances in learning. The analysis showed that there is a need for more research, mainly empirical, as well as on brain functioning, diagnostic strategies and learning. Furthermore, the Developmental Dyscalculia can have consequences on the individual’s personal and professional life, and studies from this perspective are still incipient, requiring further in-depth and discernment. Thus, this State of the Art contributed to understanding aspects peculiar to this topic and made it possible to indicate directions and delimitations for future research.
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    O que fundamenta a proposta dos CEPIs em Goiás?
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-22) Gontijo, Matheus Costa; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa;; Echeverria, Agustina Rosa; Maciel, David; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo Echalar
    La educación en tiempo integral ha avanzado significativamente en el Estado de Goiás con la implementación de los Centros de Enseñanza en Período Integral (CEPIs). La implementación de ese modelo está de acuerdo con los objetivos establecidos en el Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE) (BRASIL, 2014) y a los del Plano Estadual de Educación (PEE) (GOIÁS, 2015) que determinan la expansión de la enseñanza integral cuyo objetivo es “Ofrecer educación en tiempo integral en, como mínimo, 50 % (cincuenta por ciento) de las escuelas públicas, de forma a atender, pelo menos, 25 % (veinticinco por ciento) de los (as) alumnos (as)de la educación básica.” (BRASIL, 2014). En ese marco, el gobierno de Ronaldo Caiado (2019 -) ha invertido cada vez más en la implementación de esa modalidad de enseñanza. En este trabajo tuvimos el objetivo de elucidar lo que fundamenta la propuesta de los CEPIs en el Estado de Goiás por medio del análisis documental de su Programa y de documentos que referencian ese modelo educacional, así como los principales documentos que establecen las directrices para la educación en países de capitalismo dependiente. También apuntamos en la discusión, como esa propuesta y su fundamentación establecen el lugar de la Enseñanza de Ciencias dentro de su programa. Ese análisis partió de la óptica del materialismo histórico con foco en la influencia de los aparatos privados de hegemonía de la clase dominante en la educación pública a través de lo público no-estatal y su relación con el Estado y la sociedad civil, con el recorte de las tres últimas décadas, período marcado por el proceso conocido como empresariamiento de la educación. Discutimos la influencia de los sectores de la sociedad civil en la educación, entendida como estrategia para atender las demandas del capital y su reproducción a partir de la coerción y del consenso. En nuestra análisis concluimos que la propuesta de los CEPIs está alineada con las principales orientaciones internacionales de los organismos multilaterales y que, con el apoyo de los aparatos privados de hegemonía y de los intelectuales de la burguesía o cooptados por ella, esa propuesta profundiza la captura de la subjetividad de los sujetos por la lógica del mercado en el marco del neoliberalismo, configurándose como una propuesta que 13 refuerza el mantenimiento y la reproducción del capitalismo y la subsunción de la educación a los idearios neoliberales de mercado.
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    Compreensão sócio-histórica da sexualidade: reflexões para a formação de professores de ciências e biologia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-29) Paiva, Erick Henrique Siqueira; Coelho, Leandro Jorge;; Mendes, Michel;; Mendes, Michel; Pereira, Zilene Moreira; Coelho, Leandro Jorge; Silva, Ricardo Desidério da
    This study aims to reflect on the socio-historical understanding of sexuality in the training of Science and Biology teachers, in order to contribute to overcoming reductionist perspectives. The research is organized in three parts. The first contains an analysis of the approach to sexuality in initial training courses for Science and Biology teachers at Brazilian federal universities. Subsequently, there is a systematization of the relations between the socio-historical contexts and the constitutive elements of sexuality. Finally, there are reflections on the socio-historical understanding of sexuality in the training of these teachers, as a way of overcoming reductionist perspectives. The theoretical-methodological framework is Historical-Dialectic Materialism and, as categories of analysis, the phenomenon required historicity, totality and contradictions, in addition to the interrelation of logical and historical dimensions. As for the procedures, the research included documental analysis and bibliographical study. The documental analysis was based on the Course Pedagogical Projects (PPC) of the Degrees in Biological Sciences (LCB) of Brazilian federal universities, which triggered the identification and grouping of the curricular components in five Thematic Axes, which emphasize different approaches, being Education , Human Rights, Fundamental Concepts, Biology and Health and Social History. In the bibliographical study, it was possible to systematize and synthesize the experiences of sexuality in the course of human history. As a result, the first specific objective allowed analyzing the approach to sexuality in the PPC of the LCB. This provided subsidies to problematize their approaches towards the formation of these graduates, especially in the presence of reductionist perspectives verified in the Thematic Axes. The second specific objective aimed to identify the relationships between the socio-historical contexts and the constituent elements of sexuality, in order to then reflect on the training of these teachers. Therefore, to understand sexuality today, it was necessary to look at how it was in the past. This process allowed for the systematization and synthesis of the construction and transformation movement of this knowledge throughout history. In short, this approach expresses its relevance and the need to be linked to the training of Science and Biology teachers, as it makes it possible to understand the development and identify the essence of the phenomenon. This represents a rich framework of knowledge to be shared with students, in addition to promoting the development of a critical and contextualized attitude, indispensable to the teaching praxis that aims at an inclusive and emancipatory education.
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    Os conteúdos da física na trajetória dos exames supletivos no estado de Goiás (1973 – 1988)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-07-05) Moreira, Ana Santana; Queiroz, José Rildo de Oliveira;; Paranhos, Rones de Deus;; Paranhos, Rones de Deus; Guimarães, Simone Sendin Moreira; Machado, Maria Margarida; Ustra, Sandro Rogério Vargas
    The text presented here constitutes the report of a master's research linked to the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics line (Axis - Pedagogical practices for the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics and the evaluation processes) of the Graduate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics. The research is also linked to the Living Memory Center - Documentation and Reference in Youth and Adult Education, Popular Education and Social Movements of the Midwest (CMV) and the Science Teaching Research Network in Youth and Adult Education. This is a documentary and historiographical research, in which the object is the Suppletive Exams (ES) of the state of Goiás. The justification for the temporal establishment is the beginning of the application of the exams in the federative unit in 1973 and the enactment of the Federal Constitution of 1988. The objective of the research is to understand the characteristics of the contents of Physics in the trajectory of Supplementary exams applied in Goiás (1973 - 1988). Specifically, the research aims to: a) Characterize the trajectory of Supplementary Exams in Goiás to understand the conception of adult education intertwined in this exam; b) Analyze the tests of the Supplementary Exams to investigate the content and form relationship present in the questions of Physics. The epistemological foundation of the investigation is dialectical logic, which seeks to understand what is beyond the apparent in the process of knowledge construction. The analyzes of historical sources indicate that the trajectory of ES in the state of Goiás can be characterized by a strong trace of discontinuity linked to various aspects of organization and administration. The investigation points out that there were external and internal aspects that influenced the contents and the way the questions were presented. The context of Physics Teaching in Brazil, the Technicist Tendency and the Educational Policies in effect at the time were external aspects considered in this study. The internal aspects were the form of organization of the contents, conceptual elements and nonspecificity in relation to the public. The analysis of the Physics tests shows that the contents followed the same sequence as the textbooks that were responsible for the didactic-pedagogical organization in schools. In relation to these contents, the ES tests mark the predominance of the Mechanics area. Regarding the form, the recurrence of pragmatic-functional and mathematical-operational issues was identified. This reflects the formative project of the period marked by technical rationality and reproduction of concepts unrelated to the candidate's real context.
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    O jogo mancala Ayò na escola pluricultural Odé Kayodê: diálogos entre a etnomatemática e a decolonialidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-12-15) Campelo, Adriana Ferreira Rebouças; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado;; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado; Ferreira, Rogério; Nazareno, Elias
    This entire thesis expressed the intention to understand and identify the Ethnomathematics knowledge present in the African game Mancala/Ayó in Escola Pluricultural Odé Kayodê that could be mixed with the intercultural and decolonial perspective and to analyze through the use of the referred game which mathematical learnings are presented by children from Escola Pluricultural Odé Kayodê. Based on it, we decided to apply the Mancala Ayò/Ori game as an educational method that values Ethnomathematic knowledge of African and Afro-Brazilian matrix reflected in the school context of the Escola Pluricultural Odé Kayodê Pluricultural of the Espaço Cultural Vila Esperança, expanding our view and creating no hegemonic forms. The choice to investigate the African Mancala/Ayò game came up with the following question: how are the Ethnomathematics knowledge present in the African Mancala/Ayó game constructed and understood? By means of the use of the game, which mathematical learnings can we notice in the children of Escola Pluricultural Odé Kayodê? How do they deal with a decolonial perspective? The groups of conversation with children were crucial to our understanding, where conversation stood out as a methodological path. In this specific point the children groups of conversation worked as a potentiator of intercultural dialogued based on Ethnomathematics and on the operationalization planning of the methodological matrix, based on decolonial praxis, driven by contemplation, conversation and reflection. The proposal of Ethnomathematics intends to understand the mathematical knowledge and practice of marginalized cultures, recognizing that all cultural groups perform and do mathematics, and that within universities there is one among many other mathematics. It is well known that recognizing the presence of mathematics in an African game is contributing to the construction of our identity, valuing those who were marginalized from the knowledge construction process. Articulating in a continuous remaking, echoing the decolonial and intercultural making, as processes that intelace, reverberating forces, initiatives and ethical perspective that instigate us to question, transform, rearticulate and build.
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    Contribuições semióticas acerca do uso de imagens no ensino de ciências para surdos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-02-24) Rezende, Luiz Gustavo Gomes; Benite, Claudio Roberto Machado;; Benite, Claudio Roberto Machado; Pereira, Lidiane de Lemos Soares; Paranhos, Rones de Deus
    In general, few researches on the teaching of natural sciences are found related to the education of the Deaf. In teaching these sciences, symbols, signs, and icons are used to explain scientific situations based on concepts. With that comes the need for the development of pedagogical practices different from the common, focusing on meeting the particularities of learning of the Deaf student. This investigation was carried out in a specialized public institution in the city of Goiânia - GO, the Centro Especial Elysio Campos, affiliated to the state network and maintained by the Associação dos Surdos de Goiânia, with the target audience of 2nd grade high school students. The methodological course consisted of Le Boterf's 'Participant Research' (1980) whose main characteristic is the active participation of the population studied in the search for ways to minimize their problems. In this way, meetings were held with the institution's science teachers to identify the research problem: the difficulty of teaching science to Deaf students due to the specificities of sign languages within the scope of the areas of expertise. Consequently, the question arises: what would be the obstacles presented by the teaching of natural sciences for the learning of Deaf students in Basic Education? In this sense, this investigation aims to discuss the potential of imagery in the learning of Deaf people. Our data indicate that the use of imagery linked to teaching is essential, as well as the use of an evaluation method that provides feedback, generate a better learning of the school contents developed. In this scenario, it is necessary to search for improvements in science teaching for the Deaf with research, insertion of new pedagogical elements and teacher training.
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    Astronomia no documento curricular para Goiás-ampliado: desafios e possibilidades para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-19) Fernandes, Victória Hévelyn Pires; Sobreira, Paulo Henrique Azevedo;; Rosa, Dalva Eterna Gonçalves;; Rosa, Dalva Eterna Gonçalves; Echeverría, Agustina Rosa; Silva, Carlos Cardoso; Langhi, Rodolfo
    This study aimed to examine the contents related to Astronomy present in the Curriculum Document for Goiás Expanded, using a qualitative approach through exploratory document analysis. Data were collected and organized through filing techniques, and qualitative and quantitative surveys, in addition to the creation of codes and spreadsheets, using Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD). During the first ATD movement, 12 initial categories were identified, based on the literature review. Three intermediate categories related to teacher education, didactic resources and techniques, and knowledge of Astronomy were developed from these categories. As a result, two final categories were identified: challenges and possibilities for astronomy education. During the second movement of the ATD, 30 initial categories were identified from the reading of 2,714 skills proposed in the Expanded DC-GO, of which 442 were related to Astronomy. These skills were organized into three intermediate categories: conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal, and two final categories: explicit and implicit contents of Astronomy. The results indicate that the contents of Astronomy are present in the reference curriculum documentation for the city of Goiânia. The analysis of the production in the area suggests that changes are necessary regarding the initial and continued formation of teachers who teach Astronomy.
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    Abordagem histórica do conceito de organismo vegetal na formação de professores de biologia: elementos para superação da impercepção botânica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Freire, Joyce Caroline; Guimarães, Simone Sendin Moreira;; Guimarães, Simone Sendin Moreira; Paranhos, Rones de Deus; Gonçalves, Leticia de Almeida
    Throughout the career, the Science and Biology teacher comes into contact with several challenges. One of them is Botany teaching, a discipline that is usually taught by means of memorization, that is, in a decontextualized manner and by dealing with many names that are difficult to pronounce. This research was based on two aspects, namely: (i) how discussions about plant organisms are carried out in teacher training courses and (ii) how the recovery of the historicity of a concept could expand the domain of the theoretical system related to the Botany area. In this sense, the study aims to reconstruct the logical-historical path of the concept of organism by focusing on plants and questioning their role in the training of Biology teachers. To organize the discussions, the investigation is constituted of three moments. In the first chapter, a bibliographic survey was carried out, using two databases, in an attempt to understand the scenario of Brazilian academic publications with regard to Botany and has to do with teacher education in relation to the History of Science/Biology. In the second chapter, the historical survey of the concept of organism is presented, specifically the plants, in order to understand what the contextual and historical contributions that permeate the concept’s history are. Finally, in the third chapter, it is analysed the Pedagogical Political Projects of the Biological Sciences courses, from Teacher Education courses of three public institutions in the State of Goiás. It is noticed that the production related to the history of Botany is still in its infancy compared to other major areas of Biology. In addition, there are few publications related to teacher education. In relation to the historical survey, the relevance of Botany for the organisation of biological thought and the possibilities of an approach that considers these elements in/for teacher training is perceived. Finally, the analysis of the PPCs indicated that, quantitatively, the courses invest in an “animal” and not a “vegetable” biological discussion. It is argued that looking at the History of Botany from the point of view of research and education can help to overcome its lack of perception.
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    Água no sistema solar: uma proposta para formação de professores dos anos iniciais sob a perspectiva do conceito de dialogicidade em Paulo Freire
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-04-23) Oliveira, Laysla Caroline Rosa de; Genovese, Cinthia Leticia de Carvalho Roversi;; Genovese, Cinthia Letícia de Carvalho Roversi; Araújo, Michell Pedruzzi Mendes; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi
    This research aims to study the contributions and challenges arising from a mini-course on Astronomy and Astrobiology aimed at the initial training of teachers of the early years, from the perspective of socioscientific questions and the concept of dialogicity in Paulo Freire. The research, in turn, brings relevant information about the discoveries and scientific evidences about the presence of water in planets and satellites of our Solar System, since this information can be important to be addressed in the Natural Sciences area. The methodology used is qualitative research, with the case study as the research plan. Thus, documentary analyses were performed on the class plans and the students' speeches, during the implementation of the mini-course, held in a Higher Education Institution (IES).The results indicated that the students had more difficulties in relation to the scientific contentes approached than with the methodological concepts proposed. It is concluded that the challenges are great, being them a long formative path to be worked, in relation to the contents of Astrobiology, linked to that of Astronomy in the early years of Elementary School. Thus, it is expected that new research will be done to insert socioscientific questions (QSC) in the early years of Elementary School. This is because QSC makes it possible to develop curiosity, exploration, and stimulation to formulate questions and hypotheses, in order to broaden the understanding of the necessary scientific knowledge related to the phenomena of nature present in our Solar System.
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    Estudo sobre apropriação cultural científica numa perspectiva afrocêntrica em aulas de química
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-18) Lima, Michel Marques de; Benite, Anna Maria Canavarro;; Benite, Anna Maria Canavarro; Amauro, Nicea Quintino; Shuvartz, Marilda
    This study is based on the afrocentric perspective and has as it’s general objective to investigate how it is possible to use afrocentricity as a tool in the construction of an afrocentric proposal for the chemistry teaching that is in line with the demands of Law 10.639/03 and related documents. We captured the data using filmic resources and transcribed the audios dividing them into turns. The extracts analyzes were divided according to the technique of Conversation Analysis and discussed using the afrocentric lens. The results show possibilities of apprehending chemical concepts in afrocentric classes and that it is possible to build counter-hegemonic pedagogical resources in chemistry teaching, and these can come to meet the political demands of black population.
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    A formação de professores que ensinam matemática e os dispositivos móveis: um olhar sobre dissertações e teses brasileiras publicadas no interstício 2011-2019
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-27) Alves, Kelen Michela Silva; Moraes, Moema Gomes;; Moraes, Moema Gomes; Araújo, Cláudia Helena dos Santos; Rosa, Dalva Eterna Gonçalves; Civardi, Jaqueline Araújo
    The present research is linked to the line of research Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics, of the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education, of the Federal University of Goiás. The use of mobile technological resources to establish connections with other devices or systems to create opportunities for the organization and acquisition of information and knowledge has spread in several training spaces. In the search to understand this insertion in the educational environment, this research aimed to unveil and analyze how Brazilian theses and dissertations, in the teaching area, approach the use of mobile devices, in the context of teacher training for mathematics teaching, in the interstice from 2011 to 2019. For this, teaching was observed as a historically constructed profession, encompassing public policy initiatives for teacher training and the insertion of mobile devices in the educational field. Based on Honoré (1980), Nóvoa (1992), Garcia (1999), Alarcão (1998), Imbernón (2011), and Brzezinski (2011, 2016), the process of composing studies on teacher education presented as a field of disciplinary. Nóvoa (1992), Tanuri (2000), Saviani (2005, 2009), Gatti and Barreto (2009), Diniz-Pereira (2013), and Gatti et al. (2019) helped the studies to address the process of teacher training in Brazil. Fiorentini and Lorenzato (2009), Fiorentini (2009), and Santos (2017) contributed to the reflection on teacher training in the field of mathematics education; Moraes (1993, 1997), Bonilla and Pretto (2000), Moraes (2002a, 2002b, 2012), Almeida (2008), Shiroma and Evangelista (2015) and Bueno (2017) to address information technology policies for teacher education for the use of technologies. In addition, concerning the relationship between technologies and education, Vieira Pinto (2005), Peixoto (2008, 2012, 2015), Moraes (2016) and Peixoto and Moraes (2017) were taken as references. It was supported methodologically, by Romanowski (2002), Romanowski and Ens (2006), and Ferreira (2002) for the documental study called the State of Knowledge, with a view to mapping and analyzing the pedagogical-didactic discourses present in the academic productions available in the Thesis and Dissertation Bank of Capes and the Brazilian Digital Bank of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). Using the descriptors "Applications", "Apps", "Smartphones", "Tablets", "Mobile devices", "Portable", "Mobile", "Laptops", "Notebook" and "Cellular devices" associated with the terms "Teacher Training" and “Teaching in Mathematics” constituted the research corpus through twenty pieces of research, being ten academic master's research, five doctoral research, and five professional master's researches. Qualitative studies of the corpus helped to observe the complexity of the relationships established between teacher training and the use of mobile devices, which three categories were perceptible: emphasis on mobile devices, emphasis on teacher training, and articulation between teacher training and the mobile devices. The references that supported these discussions emerged a posteriori, through data extracted from the corpus. Discussions present in research on technological devices sometimes present them as a determining factor to transform society, culture, politics, and the economy; sometimes they recognize mobile devices as a social construct, as an expression of human activity, which has its contradictions, problems, and possibilities in the educational field.
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    Inovação no ensino de ciências no Brasil: para que finalidades educativas?
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-30) Alves Filho, Marcos Antonio; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo;; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Oliveira, Natalia Carvalhaes de; Silva, Katharine Ninive Pinto
    Although the discourse on the need to innovate education is explicit in the mainstream media, justified mainly by the supposed failure of the school institution, the discussions on innovation in education began to gain strength in the early twentieth century, being considered a fundamental process for economic development. As far as education is concerned, the discussion about innovation is linked to the idea of modernization, through the use of technologies and adaptations of productive models in school environments. In the context of the construction of the phenomenon in science teaching and based on the materialist-historical-dialectical (MHD) approach, this research starts from the following research problem: what is the theoretical perspective(s) that support academic research on innovation in science teaching in Brazil? Therefore, this research aimed to understand the theoretical basis of research on innovation in Science Education in Brazil. To this end, this research based its discussion on innovation on Ferretti (1989), Goldberg (1989), Saviani (1989), Ferreira (2013); to base our discussion on school purposes we refer to Lenoir (2013) and Libâneo (2019) and, finally, to discuss the relationship between education and technology in Peixoto (2012, 2015). The research in question carried out a bibliographic study, of the state of knowledge type. To compose the corpus of this research were selected theses from Postgraduate Programs (PPG) in the area of Science Teaching, which were in operation, from a search in the Platform Sucupira of CAPES in the area of teaching. After selecting the programs, the library of each program was consulted in the search for defended theses that contained in the title, abstract or key words the following descriptors: innovation; innovating; innovate; innova; innovator. In the search for productions that discuss innovation in science teaching, 24 theses were found, in the period from 2009 to 2020. We can highlight that the discussions about innovation are guided, in general, by two educational purposes: conservative, which has as ideological basis the conservatism and reformism, and progressive, which is ideologically based on the revolutionary perspective. The research that composes the corpus of our study, in its great majority, reproduces the neoproductivist logic of education, directed sometimes by the constitution of competencies for the formation of the citizen of the 21st century, and sometimes by the centrality of the subject in the teaching and learning processes. It is worth noting that an innovative orientation of teaching that transforms the educational process must necessarily be affiliated with an educational project that resists the hegemonic project.
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    O ensino de matemática na escola quilombola de Nilópolis/GO: enfoques e reflexões sob a perspectiva da etnomatemática
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-30) Guerra, Jesìbias Oliveira Pacheco; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado;; Ribeiro, José Pedro Machado; Machado, Vânia Lúcia; Souza, Roberto Barcelos
    This work is a participatory social research that took place in two aspects: the autonomy of the remaining quilombos of Cachoeira Dourada/GO, when they conquered the self-affirmation with the Palmares Foundation, to certify themselves as Quilombola Córrego do Inhambu Community (CQCI) ; and the interest of the subjects of the Vicente School, in rethinking their pedagogical practices and the school curriculum, in the sense of offering a teaching that correlates the plural diversities present in the school context, with the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) of the school in line with the laws affirmations in force. In this bias, the general objective sought to: understand in the light of Ethnomathematics and decoloniality, how the school, teachers and the quilombola community organize teaching at the Vicente School, after self-definition as Quilombola School, and how the teaching of Mathematics it is contemplated in the PPP and in the conceptions of both the school subjects and the CQCI. The data collection instruments were: document analysis, in loco observation, field diary and semi-structured interview. Thus, it was possible to triangulate the collected data and describe the observed phenomena in sections, resisting the neutrality character. The theoretical framework, from the perspective of the authors D'Ambrósio, Walh, Grosfoguel and Maldonado-Torres, corroborated the understanding of the phenomena: Ethnomathematics, transdisciplinarity, coloniality and decoloniality, contributing to a critical-reflexive analysis of the epistemological and sociocultural knowledge of the school context , highlighting their different ways of producing knowledge, and that this production manifests itself in a contextual, critical, reflective and constantly moving way. We realize that ethnomathematical ideas and decolonial thinking appear timid both in dialogue and in school activities, this certainly stems from the lack of continuing education with the subjects of the Vicente School, after the school's certification as a quilombola. It is important to emphasize that the school teachers are waiting for the creation of a discipline in the diversified curriculum of the Municipal Education Department of Cachoeira Dourada/GO, to strengthen democratic actions in the school's PPP. The members of the CQCI, on the other hand, seek to integrate their actions into the physical and pedagogical body of the school, in order to strengthen their political, social, cultural and religious achievements and to make the quilombola project grow in the southern region of Goiás. We understand in this space-time that the methodological and instrumental strategies of the teachers' praxis, focusing on a reference curriculum, cannot meet the demands of offering a Quilombola School education, in the molds of Resolution CNE/CEB 8/2012, but there are interest of the teaching staff in offering schooling based on dialogue, respect and the differences of the other.
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    Simulações computacionais no ensino de Física: contribuições da Filosofia da tecnologia à alfabetização científica e tecnológica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-01) Oliveira, Ângelo Antônio Santos de; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi Genoves;; Genovese, Cinthia Letícia de Carvalho Roversi; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Genovese, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi
    In Science Education, there is a tendency to assume that the qualities of different technologies are transferable to educational contexts. In this sense, the research seeks to understand the relationships between the foundations and uses of simulations and Physics Teaching. The study based on theoretical discussions of the Philosophy of Technology, on the works of several authors (MITCHAM, 1994; FEENBERG, 2010; 2015; 2017; PEIXOTO, 2012; 2015; FREITAS; SEGATTO, 2014; CUPANI, 2016), and specifically on the Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology (2010; 2015; 2017). The research, with an exploratory character, was based on a Bibliographic Review in national journals on the use of computer simulations in Research in Physics Teaching. Using the studies surveyed, we sought to relate the concepts highlighted by Scientific and Technological Literacy (ACT) to the theoretical foundation and the results obtained by the researchers of the analyses. Starting on the systematic reading of the works, the texts were selected so that they were categorized into two corpora of analysis. The first document was built from the excerpts related to the theoretical references that support the studies, while the second one assembled with the results and discussions presented by the authors. In this sense, computer simulations were used from an instrumental perspective, where their qualities, associated with mathematical modeling and graphic design, are seen as tools to achieve Meaningful Learning. This perception also reveals an anthropocentric dimension of activities mediated by computer simulation, with students being the central element in the relationship with technology. In the approximation of the simulations with the AC and ACT approaches, the lack of theoretical characterizations of the technology was noticed, perceived in the linear conception, first science is done, then technology is produced. In this sense, the approach defined by Auler (2003), configures an excellent opening to treat technologies as themes. This way, computer simulations worked in the relationship between social choice and technical specification. These two qualities are used to conceptualize what Feenberg (2015) understands as the technical code of technology.
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    Jogos no ensino de Biologia: uma análise dos trabalhos científicos no ENEBIO e no ENPEC (1997 a 2019)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-24) Mata, Viviane Ribeiro da; Soares, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa;; Soares, Márlon Hebert Flora Barbosa; Moraes, Fernando Aparecido de; Mesquita, Nyuara Araújo da Silva
    This work is a qualitative approach research, characterized as to data collection procedures as a state-of-the-art bibliographic research on the use of games in Biology Teaching in two traditional scientific events in Science/Biology teaching. The literature review is based on the studies of Gilles Brougére and Roger Caillois. As to its nature, it is a basic-theoretical research because it enables the establishment of new knowledge that can be used in other research. The study aims to know, describe and present the scenario of research, dedicated to the study of the use of games in Biology Teaching, published in two meetings of the area being these the National Meeting of Biology Teaching (ENEBIO) from 2005 to 2018 and the National Meeting of Research in Science Teaching (ENPEC) from 1997 to 2019. The present work sought to answer the following question: What are the characteristics and directions present in the publications of the 2005 to 2018 editions of ENEBIO and 1997 to 2019 editions of ENPEC that used games to teach Biology contents? It was established as an object of study the games in Biology Teaching, being selected papers that presented activities involving games related to Biology contents. After collecting and processing the data, it was possible to verify that the number of studies on the teaching of biology and games is still small. From the analysis it was possible to conclude that there is a movement towards valuing and encouraging the use of games in the teaching of biology, but these are still discrete in terms of the number of published works. It was also possible to verify a positive position by the researchers in relation to the adoption of games as a way to favor the learning of Biology content. Due to the low number of publications found in the researched papers in the seven editions of ENEBIO (2005 - 2018) and in the twelve editions of ENPEC (1997- 2019), there is a need for the development of further research in the area in order to bring more reflections, considerations and contributions regarding the use of games with the aim of favoring the teaching and learning of Biology content, as well as to collaborate with the growth of the area. Within the time frame established for this research, it was noticed that both in the papers published in ENEBIO and those present in ENPEC, the Teaching of Biology and games are presented as an unstable area in terms of growth. It is perceived, therefore, the importance and the need for a greater organization of the area in order to encourage more research to achieve its stability and growth.
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    Trabalho pedagógico em tempos de pandemia: um olhar a partir das licenciaturas em Ciências Biológicas do estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-29) Oliveira, Júlia Cavasin; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo;; Echalar, Adda Daniela Lima Figueiredo; Araújo, Cláudia Helena dos Santos; Vilela, Marcos Vinícius Ferreira
    The pedagogical work with the use of technologies must be understood from the relations between technologies and education. During the pandemic period dominated a technocentric view in which the objective was to reflect on the equipment and methodologies, to the detriment of how the conditions of this educational process were carried out, according to the reality put. This research sought to understand: to what extent the pedagogical work of teachers of Biological Sciences Degree (LCBio) in the Federal Universities of the state of Goiás was reorganized to work with digital technologies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? Based on the historical-dialectical materialism (MHD), we have the following data collection procedures: an exploratory research on the LCbio of Goiás, a documentary analysis of decrees, ordinances and positions of associations, study groups and, mainly, institutions listed regarding this return to school. Finally, a field research that was divided into two moments: the sending of an electronic form to these teachers and a subsequent semi-structured interview. A total of 189 teachers were contacted, of which 28 answered the electronic form and four teachers participated in the interviews. All teachers are doctors, effective and approximately 90% of respondents have at least seven years of teaching. In general, teachers claim to dominate the use of technologies, understand that they were in an emergency education system and not linked to distance education, as well as acquired digital resources and infrastructure for work in the home office. What can be inferred is that there was no institutional orientation with clear guidelines on pedagogical work with technologies during the pandemic in these universities, so that pedagogical decisions were left to the teachers and their academic units. Regarding the teaching work with technologies, we had some techno-centered as well as critical positions. The concern with the students and to carry out the teaching within what was possible in the pandemic conjuncture were striking elements. Finally, the organization of pedagogical work in times of pandemic intensified issues in the field of rights (to education, to digital inclusion with continuous access of the subjects to the teaching and learning process) and didactics already widely problematized by academia.