Influência dos programas de reorientação da formação em saúde no processo de trabalho na atenção básica
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Introduction: Reorientation in health professional’s education background that meet the needs of the new civil servants profile required by the National Health Department (SUS) represents a challenge both to the Ministry of Health (MS) and Ministry of Education (MEC) as the one responsible for training these professionals. To overcome this situation, the concerned departments established an agreement: The National Program for Reorientation in Health Professionals Educational Background (Pró-Saúde) and the Educational Work in Health Program (Pet-Saúde). Goiás Federal University is part of this program since the beginning, trying to integrate health students in basic health practice events. This study aims to analyses before and after influences of the process under managers and professionals managers from the Family Health Strategy Program (ESF) form Goiânia’s county, Goiás, Brazil. Methodology: Descriptive Quantity Study carried on with 174 (one hundred seventy four) people from ESF in 09 (nine) Family Health Centres (CSF) in the east, north and Campinas-Centre of the town. Data was gathered together through enquiries split in two parts: one including demographic, work and educational background and a second one consisting of Likert scale, with R=0, 92 reliability rate; 4 dimensions and 32 points to be analyzed. The 04 (four) dimensions consisted in D.1= work and work in health concepts; D.2= Work in Basic Health process understanding; D.3= work process and educational/work partnership; D.4= work process activities influenced by Pet-Saúde. The applied criterion Likert’s Scale was graded from 0 to 1,99 (unsatisfied), 2 to 2,99 (almost satisfied) and 3 to 4 (satisfied). Results: The majority of ESF professionals are female (89,08%), over 30 years old (92,52%), working directly with students (78,18%) and post graduated: nurses, general physicians and surgeon dentists (84,58%). The average for every dimension was: D1=3,56; D2=3,53; D3=2,87 and D4=2,88. In an analyzes axis, working directly with students improves in a positive way the understanding of the researched work process. Conclusion: ESF professionals and managers have a good understanding of the work process and health work process as well as the other related activities that accord to the Basic Health National Policy (PNAB). Although a critical perception linked to the before and after partnership between these different departments and their ESF improvement contribution need an extra target’s assessment as well as work and university narrowing strategies. Pet-Saúde professionals positive assessment for all analyzed dimensions suggests that this situation raises the establishment of a work-study partnership possibility.
FREITAS, D. A. S. Influência dos programas de reorientação da formação em saúde no processo de trabalho na atenção básica. 2015. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.