Fonética e fonologia do Jaminawa do Brasil (pano)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This work aims to study the Yaminahua language of Brazil, affiliated to the linguistics
family Panoan. The people Yaminahua of Brazil live in the state of Acre and are distributed as
follows: most of ethnicity living in native village near the urban area, while small
communities living in the cities. Our main goal in the current in this study is to present a
preliminary description of the phonetics and phonology based on phonemic theory and,
moreover, presents studies on the syllabic structure and how the distribution of stress occurs
at the word level based on nonlinear phonology. Furthermore, we present considerations
about the linguistics family Panoan, including some of the major classifications of this
language family. We also make observations about Yaminahua ethnicity in general, beyond
special considerations about the people Yaminahua of Brazil. The research corpus consists of
data collected from field surveys undertaken in October 2011 and July 2012 in native villages
and cities in Acre, with voluntary collaboration of eight native speakers of the target language
who speak Portuguese.
CRUVINEL, Agmar Alves. Fonética e fonologia do Jaminawa do Brasil (pano). 2013. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013