O jornalismo de dados e a credibilidade jornalística: estudo de caso sobre o núcleo DeltaFolha, do jornal Folha de São Paulo
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This research investigates how the dynamics of data journalism production relate to the pillars of journalistic credibility. To this end, the work resorted to studies and knowledge related to Theories of Journalism, Sociology and Philosophy, as well as the methodological references of Information Science and Content Analysis. As an object of research, the DeltaFolha nucleus was defined, an online editorial of the Folha de São Paulo newspaper that periodically publishes reports produced based on data journalism practices. For the construction of the research corpus, a set of 412 news and reports produced by the nucleus was extracted, including texts and images, materials that were investigated through qualitative content analysis and analysis of the comprehensibility of the visualizations. In the results, it was observed that the set of texts that form the corpus presents different strategies to generate a sense of truth, with extensive data analysis and a high degree of public interest. In data-based articles, the approach of topics with a high social impact was recurrent, with data linked to political facts, public health, rights and citizenship. The nucleus also demonstrated a high degree of autonomy, with data investigated and crossed in an authorial way in most cases. In addition, the exploration of extensive databases, with tens of thousands of information, was recurrent. Also, in most articles, the journalistic production in co-authorship of two or three professionals was identified. It was also observed the care in explaining, even superficially, the methods used by journalists for data analysis. In the specific analysis of visual resources, such as graphs, infographics and visualizations, a notable effort was identified to build resources that complemented the textual descriptions of the investigated data, with the presentation of complex and, sometimes, extensive art. Some visualizations had the ability to immerse the reader in the historical facts described, as in the cases of timelines that addressed important facts of national politics. A negative point noted was that, sometimes, the visual resources presented too much information, which made it difficult to understand.
SANTOS, I. G. O jornalismo de dados e a credibilidade jornalística: estudo de caso sobre o núcleo DeltaFolha, do jornal Folha de São Paulo. 2023. 224 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Faculdade de Comunicação e Informaçao, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.