Comportamento ecofisiológico de espécies arbóreas nativas do Cerrado e exóticas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


It was used the "transpirometer of balance" for planting of five tree species to evaluate the physiological behaviour regarding: total transpiration, stomatal conductance and transpiration leaf, growth, partition of phytomass, study the fluorescence of chlorophyll a e anatomical study of leaves of the species : Tabebuia serratifolia Nichols (Ipê yellow), Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. Ex Hayne (Jatobá), Myroxilum balsamum (Linn) Harms (Balsamo), Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn and Eucalyptus citriodora Hook (eucalyptus). The equipment consisted of a hydraulic system, composed of three elements: a reservoir of water (R1), another with a buoy (R2) to control the level of water in vessels (V) where the tree species were planted. The soil was analyzed by LASF / UFG-AGRO. It recommended, for pot, dolomitic lime (50g) and 88g of NPK (4-14-8). This study is subdivided parcels of split plot in time (split-plot in time), at a significance level of 5%, analyzed by SAS / STAT. E. camaldulensis and E. citriodora showed similar transpiration. Ipê, jatobá and balsamo showed no significant difference between them. The porometric measures suggested that the species obey strict control stomatic, with the closing of the stomates in the light of high evaporative demand of the air, changing the rates transpiration and stomatal conductance along the hours of the day. Evaluations biophysical showed that the growth in height, diameter and leaf area of E. camaldulensis was superior to other species. To partition of biomass, this species showed significant difference in dry stems, leaves and roots. The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv / Fm) was statistically similar to the species E. citriodora, E. camaldulensis, ipê and balsamo, with a significant difference between the ratio (Fv / Fm), E. camaldulensis and jatobá, suggesting that the jatobá showed greater susceptibility of photosystem II in this experiment because of the high brightness. The study of the anatomy leaf showed that E. camaldulensis and E. citriodora have leaves amphistomatic with stomatestype anomocytic, ipê and balsamo have leaves hypostomatics with stomates anomocytic. Jatobá leaves hypostomatics with paracytic stomates. Given the results, it is suggested that the leaf anatomy influenced the rate transpiration resulting in differences in growth and biomass of partition. Ipê, jatobá and balsamo had more layers of lacunary parenchyma than eucalyptus, adaptive characteristics that allow those species colonize places of lesser brightness. All species showed secretory cavities. The stomatic density estimated average of each species indicated proximity of the values found in sclerophylly plants (100-500/mm ²). This work showed the importance of the physiological responses of the tree species, on the consumption of water, helping in the definition of strategies for management of natural environments, guided information for reflorestations with native and exotic species in the savanna in Goias states.



SOUZA, Cynthia Domingues de. Behavior Ecophysiology of native tree species of the Cerrado and exotic tree species. 2008. 176 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.