As inter-relações entre língua, corpo e cultura na roda de capoeira sob o viés da ecolinguística

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis has a general objective - describing and analyzing interrelations between language, body and culture into the communicative interaction of “roda de capoeira” through the point of view of Ecolinguistcs. According to Couto (2016), the Ecolinguistcs is an ecological perspective to the studies of language and, because of it, this perceives the language like another human being’s interaction with his mates, made where he lives. This way, the Ecolinguistcs studies the interactions between language, people and territory in three environments: mental, social and natural, inserted at linguistic ecosystem. In this theoretical field, the study of “roda de capoeira” is based on the assumption that the capoeira players forms a speaking community which interacts linguistcly in a territory, because every capoeira group has his headquarters where the capoeira players always come together to practice their art and do the “rodas de capoeira”. According to Reis (1997), capoeira is, simultaneously, dance, game and fight. A “roda de capoeira” is made by instruments (reco-reco, agogô, pandeiro, berimbau and atabaque); by songs; by the moves of the bodies to make the strikes, being the “ginga” (the rhythm of capoeira) the basis for all of them; and some game codes made between the capoeira players at moment of “roda”. Because of these characteristics, the linguistic interaction of the “roda de capoeira” integrates linguistic and extralinguistc, proxemics and cinesics elements, which makes a typical language of capoeira. To understand it, it’s needed to describe and to analyze the relations between language, body and culture, through a point of view that recognizes these phenomenons like autonomous and, at the same time, interdependent in the communication. This thesis intends to study these relations, problematizing the current conceptions of language, body and culture, and, starting with them, proposing a study about the cultural ecosystem. So, it was made a study about this relations based on the problematization of the language, body and culture's more usual concepts, and, starting from these, making a study of this cultural ecosystem. This last one includes the linguistics ecosystem (COUTO, 2016) and allows the understanding about how the communicative interaction is influenced by the inter-relation of the body, with the language and the culture. This research concluded that each capoeira group makes a speak community which interacts linguistically in its territory, because each group has its own place where the people usually get together to practice and do the "rodas de capoeira". This community keepsand updates the culture through its communicative interaction in its mental, social and natural environments. This interaction is, indeed, the "roda". So, this way, the capoeira shows the body is the main bond between the language and the culture inside a speak community.



DOURADO-PINHEIRO, Z. As inter-relações entre língua, corpo e cultura na roda de capoeira sob o viés da ecolinguística. 2017. 138 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.