As possibilidades de participação política dos centros de mães internacionais

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research analizes the positive effects of Mother Centers on the political participation of the women and their contribution for the elaboration of the public political agenda. The case study compares the experiences of women of Mothers Centers in seven countries, with historical, geographical and different socio-political contexts, and their reflexions about their own political participation and collaborations. The research shows how Mother Centers are institutionalized and intermediate spaces between citizens and the government, building bridges of communication for the transmission of political interests and preferences. The analysis of the survey was conducted across a broad theoretical framework on participatory political participation and theories about Social Capital (amongst others: Miguel, 2003; Borba, 2012; Castro e Novaes, 2002; Norris, 2007; Phillips, 1995; Putnam, 2006). Thus, the research aims to be a positive contribution to the new theories of political participation extends seeking a participatory involvement of citizens and civil society in a proactive and democratic setting.



STEIN, M. As possibilidades de participação política dos centros de mães internacionais. 2014.100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Politica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.