Práticas e representações da cultura popular sertaneja: um contador de causos , Geraldinho Nogueira

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The study presents the country culture in Goiás, the practices and representations, from a biographic study of Geraldo Nogueira. To conduct the study, we analyzed the hick from its offices in the speeches made by several writers, since reports of Saint-Hilaire in his travels through the interior of Brazil, the concept of how lazy and ignorant redneck in Jeca Tatu Monteiro Lobato, to finally point out the different types of hillbillies characterized by Cornelio Pires. In the rural environment, there are many fun events that characterize the lifestyle of man hillbilly. The rites of popular proverbs, the religious parties, the country music, reaffirm the social bonds of community. In this context, the stories told by these men reveal the integration and interaction in an environment of work, worship and fun. The study of the environment, man's mentality and of the stories allow Geraldinho can be understood not simply as a comedian, but an authentic representative of popular culture that dominated country music much of the history of Goiás and has profound relevance in the understanding of current events (or survival) of that popular culture.



CASTRO, Carolina do Carmo. Practices and representations of popular culture hinterland: a number of "stories, Geraldinho Nogueira. 2010. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.