Monitoramento de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera, Tephritidae) em cinco municípios no estado de Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) are important insect pests in world fruit
orchards; responsible for significant yield losses, and an obstacle to the fruit market due to
quarantine restrictions imposed by importing countries. The knowledge of their population
dynamics in a specific region is an important factor in insect pest management programs.
Fruit flies were monitored by surveys conducted in five counties of the state of Goiás,
aiming to increase the knowledge of the species, the faunistic index, the population
fluctuation, as well as to elaborate a pictorial identification key for the species catalogued.
Collecting expeditions were conducted weekly, using traps model McPhail, with corn
hydrolyzed protein at 5% as food attractant. The most common species population
fluctuation was assessed by the FTD (fly/trap/day) index. Surveys took place from
November 2004 to October 2009 in cucurbit crops and family orchards; and from
September 2008 to August 2009 in fragments of the native vegetation of the Cerrado
(Brazilian Savanna), at the Vale do São Patrício - GO region, in four counties belonging to
the area of Mitigating Risk System (MRS) of A. grandis. This study was also carried out in
a guava commercial orchard in the Cristalina county GO, from November 2008 to
October 2009. In the Vale do São Patrício 173 Anastrepha females were captured, and 14
species identified as belonging to five infrageneric groups. The largest number of flies
captured took place in the Uruana county (37%), followed by Itapuranga (30%), Carmo do
Rio Verde (26%), and Jaraguá (7%) counties. A. manihati species was the most common
(34%), followed by A. obliqua (19.65%), and A. pickeli (13.87) A. dissimilis, A. quiinae
and A. pickeli were recorded for the first time in the state of Goiás. A. grandis was
captured for the first time in the counties of Uruana and Jaraguá with FDI within the
contents accepted for cucurbits fruit export. In the Vale do São Patricio region the genus
Anastrepha occurred in all seasons, with population peaks coinciding with the
fructification period of most of the host species of the Cerrado fauna. At the guava
commercial orchard of Cristalina 170,812 male and female individuals of C. capitata, and
1, 654 female individuals of Anastrepha were captured. C. capitata was the most abundant,
with 98.24% of the total, while genus Anastrepha was the least, with 1.76%, and seven
species identified, in which A. fraterculus (1.46%) and A. sororcula (0.175%) were the
most common. C. capitata and A. fraterculus were associated with the class super of
dominance, abundance, frequency and constancy. The seven species of Anastrepha
sampled in this work matched the 1.09 index of diversity. C. capitata and A. fraterculus
population peaks coincided with the guava production season, with a population outburst
occurring in January 2009. C. capitata population levels remained relatively high during
the collecting period, except from March to July 2009, with peaks in December 2008.
There was a significant correlation of C. capitata and A. fraterculus population fluctuation
with weather. A pictorial identification key was elaborated for the 22 species of fruit flies
recorded in Goiás: A. amita, A. bahiensis, A. bistrigata, A. dissimilis, A. distincta, A.
fraterculus, A. grandis, A. leptozona, A. manihoti, A. montei, A. obliqua, A.
pseudoparallela, A. pickeli, A. quiinae, A. serpentina, A. sororcula, A. striata, A. turpiniae, A. zenildae, A. zerny, Ceratitis Capitata and Anastrepha sp. (new species - R. A. Zucchi
personal information).
RABELO, Lilian Rosana Silva. Monitoring fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) in five municipalities
of the state of Goiás Brazil. 2010. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.