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Item Respostas da variedade CTC-4 de cana-de-açúcar em função de dados agroclimáticos e espectrais em Santo Antônio de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-29) Quirino, Dayanna Teodoro; Sanches, Ieda Del’Arco;; Evangelista, Adão Wagner Pego;; Casaroli, Derblai;; Casaroli, Derblai; Alves Júnior, José; Barros, Juliana RamalhoSugarcane is one of the crops that has relevance in the Brazilian economy due to its diversified utility. Consequently, the availability of accurate information on biometric behavior, crop tolerance and crop productivity can assist in the decision-making of variety roll-out in the region. Information about the climatic conditions of a region associated with mathematical models of agricultural productivity estimation is important for the sugar and alcohol sector, helping to organize the operations in the plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate sugarcane responses to central-western agrometeorological variables as well as to compare four methods to estimate sugarcane productivity in the municipality of Santo Antonio de Goias. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Santo Antônio de Goiás, whose productive area belongs to the CentroÁlcool S.A. plant. The sugarcane variety CTC-04 was used in a productive area of 193 ha, with cultivation in dry conditions. The evaluations were carried out in the cane-plant and cane-soca cycle (1st and 2nd soca), referring to the harvests of 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. The biometric variables were: height, diameter, number of green leaves and index of leaf area in relation to time and climatic variables. Evapotranspiration was obtained by the FAO standard Penman-Monteith method, the daily climatological water balance was calculated by the methodology proposed by Thornthwaite and Mather. The estimation of productivity of the sugarcane crop was estimated by four models: Agroecological Zone (ZAE), model proposed by Scarpari, model proposed by Martins and Landell and Spectral Agrometeorological. The precipitation volume in the years of 2014, 2015 and 2016 in the dry and rainy periods registered a volume lower than predicted in the climatological normal. The average air temperature remained within the expected range. The water balance of the crop recorded in crop seasons 13/14, 14/15 and 15/16 an accumulated water deficit of 857.91 mm, 772.38 mm, 599.81 mm respectively. The biometric behavior of sugarcane cultivated in Santo Antônio de Goiás presented an average rate ofstem height and diameter in the crops of 13/14, 14/15 and 15/16 of 0.49 cm day -1, 0.022 mm, 1.14 cm dia-1 0.04 mm and 0.75 cm dia, 0.04 mm respectively. The average number of green leaves was 7 leaves for crops 13/14 and 14/15 and 8 in the 15/16 crop. The CTC-04 variety showed a better productivity index in rainfed cultivation in the cane-plant cycle. Among the models analyzed to estimate the sugarcane yield, Spectral Agrometeorological showed superior capacity in relation to the others to estimate sugarcane productivity. In addition, its implementation is low cost and allows throughout the crop to monitor the average climatic conditions by phenological stage, identifying the potential losses in productivity caused by water deficiency. The model proposed by Scarpari presented a better estimate of sugarcane productivity in the cane-plant cycle. The model proposed by Martins and Landell overestimated the actual productivity of the crop probably because it does not count on a penalization of the occurrence of climate restriction.Item Produtividade de soja in sílico no bioma Cerrado em função do fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Nicolau Neto, Publius Lentulus Artiaga; Casaroli, Derblai;; Battisti, Rafael;; Battisti, Rafael; Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan; Barbosa, Alexandrius de MoraesSoybean complex has stood out in the growth of the Brazilian economy. One factor that has contributed to this success in production is agroclimate risk zoning, which recommend sowing dates and areas for Brazil with lower climate risk. In this context, during the growing season, crop is subject to water stresses and higher oscillations of air temperature, which result in a decrease in yield and grain quality. Climatic events such as El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cause serious social and economic impacts, and are characterized with events of floods, storms, frosts and prolonged droughts. Crop and environment has a multiple interactions and crop modeling comes as a science based on a simple representation of a system capable of represent these interactions. This way, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the ENOS on simulated soybean yield in different Brazilian regions, sowing dates, maturation groups and soil type. For this, the CSM-CROPGRO-Soybean model was used to simulate yield for 14 locations in Brazil. Climatic data from 1961 to 2016 was obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology and complemented from NASAPOWER until 2020, totaling 60 growing seasons of simulation. The simulation were performed using three soil types and three maturation groups, obtained from works that carried out the calibration of the model. Sowing dates were based on agroclimatic risk zoning, considering the maximum sowing window, divided into each ten days. The yield was correlated with the qualitative classification of ENOS (El Niño, La Niña and neutral phase). El Niño and La Niña phase occurred in 35% of growing season each, totaling 42 events in 60 years. In Cerrado biome, the majority of municipalities indicating a better performance with a late cycle, considering the greater sowing window. The greatest yield gains were obtained in growing seasons with neutral and La Niña phase, resulting in higher yield when compared to El Niño phase. This way, the sowing dates and crop cycle can help to reduce climate risk, independent of ENOS phase, but with soybean showing higher potential yield in growing seasons under neutral and La Niña.Item Uso de microrganismos multifuncionais na cultura do feijoeiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-23) Rezende, Cássia Cristina; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de;; Lanna, Anna Cristina;; Nascente, Adriano Stephan;; Nascente, Adriano Stephan; Lacerda, Mabio Chrisley; Moraes, Moemy Gomes deCommon beans are a product with high economic and social importance in Brazil from the food point of view. Currently, the challenge is to reduce the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, seeking more sustainable production with social, environmental and economic gains. In this regard, the use of biotechnological alternatives such as multifunctional microorganisms (MM) are considered an option for improving agricultural practices. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the use of multifunctional microorganisms, isolated or in mixture, in gas exchange, production of shoots, root and total biomass, accumulation of nutrients in the shoots, roots and grains, components of grain production and productivity in common bean culture. Two experiments were carried out under controlled conditions (greenhouse), in the first and second half of 2019. In both experiments, the experimental design was completely randomized, with 26 treatments and three replications. The treatments consisted of the application of MM and their combinations in pairs, with nine rhizobacteria isolated BRM 32109, BRM 32110 and 1301 (Bacillus sp.), BRM 32111 and BRM 32112 (Pseudomonas sp.), BRM 32113 (Burkholderia sp.), BRM 32114 (Serratia sp.), 1381 (Azospirillum sp.) And Ab-V5 (Azospirillum brasilense), a T-26 edaphic fungal isolate (Trichoderma koningiopsis) and a control (without MM). These MM were applied in three moments: microbiolization of the seeds, watering of the soil seven days after sowing (DAS) and spraying of the plants 21 DAS. The difference between the experiments was the common bean cultivar used, BRS Uai in the first and BRS FC 402 in the second. Based on the results, it can be inferred that some of the tested microorganisms, applied alone or in combination, provided significant increases in gas exchange, production of shoot, root and total biomass, accumulation of nutrients and grain yield in the common bean crop. In the first experiment, isolates 1301 and T-26, in addition to the combinations Ab-V5 + T-26, BRM 32114 + BRM 32110 and 1381 + T-26 provided better results, since they allowed a 36.5% increase in grain production , higher biomass accumulation (78.0%) and higher N, P and K content (42.6; 67.8 and 25.7%, respectively) in the shoot of common beans. In the second experiment, the isolates Ab-V5 and BRM 32112, in addition to the combinations BRM 32114 + T-26, 1301 + BRM 32110 and BRM 32114 + BRM 32110 were the outstanding treatments, providing increases in gas exchange (stomatal conductance - 79, 1% and transpiration - 10.0%), in the content of macronutrients (N - 63.3% and P - 56.7%, in the shoots and P - 42.7%, in the roots) and in the agronomic performance, providing twice the grain yield. Therefore, the results allow to infer that the use of MMs is a good strategy to provide increases in the yield of common bean grains. However, studies must be carried out in the field to confirm the good results obtained under controlled conditions.Item Desempenho agronômico do arroz de terras altas em condições controladas, promovido por microrganismos multifuncionais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-02-20) Fernandes, João Pedro Tavares; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de;; Nascente, Adriano Stephan;; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de; Nascente, Adriano Stephan; Lobo, Valácia Lemes da Silva; Lacerda, Mábio ChrisleyRice is among the three most consumed cereals in the world, it is the staple food for more than 50% of the world population and an important source of carbohydrates. In Brazil, upland rice, dependent on rainwater, is grown mostly in the Midwest and North regions. Aiming at a sustainable production, which provides greater productivity, with the use of less quantity of inputs, it is necessary to improve cultivation techniques, thus meeting the growing demand for food. In this sense, the use of multifunctional microorganisms can be a strategic alternative for this sustainable production. This is because, these microorganisms provide several direct and indirect benefits to plants, such as the production of hormones, siderophores, phosphate solubilizers, improved nutrient absorption and gas exchange and bioprotection against biotic and abiotic stresses, factors that result in greater productivity crop grain. The use of a mix of multifunctional microorganisms can have a greater beneficial effect when compared to the use of these same microorganisms used in isolation. However, there are still few studies on the use of a mix of multifunctional microorganisms in upland rice culture. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of the use of multifunctional microorganisms, isolated or in mix on the performance of upland rice culture. For this, three experiments were conducted, in a completely randomized design, where the variables of biomass production, gas exchange, accumulated nutrient content in the plant, components of production and grain yield, total root length, root diameter, volume were evaluated roots and root dry matter in rice plants. In experiment 1, the treatments consisted of the rhizobacterias Bacillus sp. (BRM 32109, BRM 32110 and 1301), Azospirillum sp. (1381), Azospirillum brasilense (Ab-V5), Pseudomonas fluorescens (BRM 32111), Pseudomonas sp. (BRM 32112), Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM 32113), Serratia sp. (BRM 32114) and a pool of Trichoderma asperellum (UFRA. T06 + UFRA. T09 + UFRA. T12 + UFRA. T52), applied alone or in a mix of two, three, four and five microorganisms, totaling 26 treatments. However, the mix of various microorganisms did not provide significant increases in the development of rice plants, due to possible competition between them. Thus, the second experiment was carried out in which the microorganisms were applied alone and combined in pairs, totaling 26 treatments. In the third experiment, the rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens were tested. (BRM32111), Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM 32113), Serratia sp. (BRM32114), Bacillus sp. (1301), Azospirillum brasilense (Ab-V5) and Azospirillum sp. (1381), in the root development of rice seedlings. In all experiments, the control treatment (without microorganisms) was used. Based on the experiments, it appears that the most effective treatments were: Experiment I, microorganisms Ab-V5 + Bacillus sp., Bacillus spp. + Azospirillum sp., Pool of Trichoderma asperellum and Serratia sp. + Trichoderma asperellum pool, which provided the largest increases in the total biomass production of upland rice plants with values of 26.8, 25.4, 23.3 and 21.3%, higher than the control treatment, respectively. Experiment II, the microorganisms 1301 + Ab-V5 and BRM 32114 + Trichoderma asperellum pool, since they provided an average increase of 123 and 88% in the number of panicles and 206 and 167% in the grain yield of rice of highlands, respectively, compared to the control treatment. And in experiment III, the microorganism Azospirillum sp. (1381) provided better performance of the components: root length, root volume and dry root weight in rice seedlings, corresponding to 86.34, 111.53 and 29.41%, respectively superior to the control treatment. Based on the results obtained, it is highlighted that the use of multifunctional microorganisms can significantly improve the performance of the upland rice culture, with emphasis on the good results obtained with the use of the mix in pairs of these microorganisms. However, despite the positive results in controlled conditions, further research is needed, evaluating the possible beneficial effects also in field conditions.Item Microrganismos indutores de crescimento no desempenho de plantas de arroz irrigado tropical(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-28) Sousa, Israel Mendes; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de;; Nascente, Adriano Stephan;; Nascente, Adriano Stephan; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de; Lôbo, Valácia Lemes da Silva; Lacerda, Mábio ChrisleyRice is a staple food for the half of world population. It is rich source of carbohydrates, thus, represent important source of energy for the maintenance of human metabolism, mainly in underdeveloped and developing countries. Due to the population increases in rice consuming countries, it is estimated that by 2030 there should be an approximately 20% increase in rice production for supply the demand for this food. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and fungi of genera Trichoderma spp. are beneficial microorganisms, which, associated to plant species can induce the growth and hence increase crops production. Therefore, the use of plant growth inducing microorganisms represents an important alternative to improve vegetable species production and, ensure food security in a sustainable way. The aim of this work was to determinate the effect of kinds and forms of application of microorganisms in the agronomic performance of tropical lowland rice plants. Experiments were carried out in the completely randomized design (CRD), where, it was evaluated biomass production, physiological characteristics through gas exchanges, nutrient content in plants and, seedling root length of tropical lowland rice. The treatments were of six rhizobacteria isolates: BRM32109 e BRM32110 (Bacillus sp.); BRM32111 (Pseudomonas fluorescens); BRM32112 (Pseudomonas sp.); BRM32113 (Burkholderia pyrrocinia) e BRM32114 (Serratia sp.) and, one pool with four Trichoderma asperellum isolates (UFRA.T06 + UFRA.T09 + UFRA.T12 + UFRA.T52). Data were submitted of variance analyses and to means LSD’s test (p≤0.05). To compare treatments with microorganism and control plants the data were submitted to Dunnett’s test (p≤0.05). Based on results, it can be inferred that the use of beneficial microorganisms in tropical lowland rice plants may represent alternative to improve the crop yield. Overall, the application of beneficial microorganisms improved the performance of tropical lowland rice plants compared to control plants, through of higher biomass, gas exchange improvement, uptake nutrients and seedling root length. However, in the different experiments the behavior of microorganisms differed. It is know that the interaction between microorganisms and plants is dependent on some specifications, such as, vegetable specie/cultivar, soil kind, environmental conditions and concentration of microorganisms on the colonization region. Thus, beside of positive results, there is a need for further investigations of effect and mainly interaction of these different beneficial microorganisms in different lowland rice cultivars in field trials.Item Seleção de descritores morfoagronômicos e potencial genético de linhagens de tomate de crescimento determinado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-02-28) Nascimento, Mariana Vieira; Abreu-Tarazi, Monita Fiori de;; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis;; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis; Nogueira, Ana Paula Oliveira; Calil, Francine Neves; Silveira, Érika Carla daThe tomato comes from South America, more specifically from the Andean region, its domestication happened first in Mexico and later in Europe. This process of domestication brought the loss of genetic variability and the narrowing of the genetic basis of the cultivated tomato. Germplasm banks consist of a conservation method that provides food security. The studies with morphological descriptors provide the knowledge of the variability of accesses and allow a better management of germplasm banks, favoring the identification of suitable parents for population formation through plant breeding. The present study had as objective to suggest minimum morphoagronomic descriptors with measurable characteristics evaluated from the growth tomato lines determined from the breeding program of Vivati Plant Breeding. The experimental design was composed of 85 complete block lines with three replications. The experiment consisted of three blocks, eighty five plots (each plot corresponding to a different lineage) and twelve plots per plot. The two central plants of each plot were analyzed. The evaluations were carried out through the germplasm bank of Vivati plant breending, using adapted morphological descriptors described in the guidelines for the implementation of the MAPA distinguishing, homogeneity and stability (DHS) assays. Of the 39 suggested morphoagronomic descriptors, 43.6% of the descriptors were discarded, a fact that does not cause loss of information, reduces costs and dynamizes management of germplasm classification. The PXT-601 and PXT-610 strains were distinguished as superior genotypes by direct selection methods and selection indexes and may possibly be recommended for continuity in the company groundwater improvement program of Vivati Plant Breeding.Item Adubação orgânica e mineral na introdução do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica l.) em sistema agroflorestal: atributos químicos do solo e desempenho agronômico(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-05-26) Moreira, Ranieri Ramadham Lino de Souza; Leandro, Wilson Mozena;; Collier, Leonardo Santos;; Collier, Leonardo Santos; Silva, Átila Reis da; Brasil, Eliana Paula FernandesShaded cultivation of coffee (Coffea sp.) is a common practice from its center of origin, being currently used to add value to agroforestry systems, with slow maturation and selective harvesting of grains, shading can provide a better quality drink. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different sources of fertilizers, of organic and mineral nature, on the chemical attributes of the soil, in addition to monitoring the initial development of coffee cultureintercropped with banana (Musa sp.) and baruzeiro (Dipteryx alata ), into na agroforestry in the cerrado of Goiás. The work was carried out at the agronomy school of the Federal University of Goiás, located in Goiânia, Goiás, in a LATOSSOLO VERMELHO acriférrico típico. The experimental design was a randomized block, with 5 blocks and 5 treatments, with the control without maintenance fertilizer, an organic compound of its own formulation, cattle manure, chicken litter and commercial phosphate mineral fertilizer. The Arabica variety, cultivar MGS Paraiso 2, was used, and the soil was corrected and fertilized in a pit, with chemical analyzes of the soil before and at the end of the experiment. The following coffee development analyzes were performed: height, stem diameter, number of branches and evaluation with a chlorophyll meter. Plant height, fruit production and diameter at breast height (DBH) were measured in baru trees and the circumference of the pseudostem in banana plants. There was no significant difference between treatments for height, stem diameter and chlorophyll for coffee plants. The control treatment did not meet the demand for the number of branches criterion, which is directly linked to coffee productivity. The baruzeiro and banana trees were indifferent to the handling carried out on the coffee trees. The initial development of coffee was not hindered by a system intercropped and shaded, and also did not respond to organic fertilization during the study period.Item Eficácia de Cordyceps javanica sozinho ou em combinação com inseticidas químicos no controle de Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 e persistência em folhas de soja(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-08-30) Boaventura, Heloiza Alves; Quintela, Eliane Dias;; Quintela, Eliane Dias; Rezende, Janayne Maria; Fernandes, Éverton Kort KampThe whitefly Bemisia tabaci causes direct damage by sap suction and toxin injection, and indirect damage by fumagine and transmission of more than 300 species of viruses to plants. Cordyceps javanica has been found to cause natural epizootic diseases and is an alternative for the management of resistant whitefly populations. The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the susceptibility of all B. tabaci nymphal stages to three C. javanica isolates by observing the effect of different climatic conditions on screened virulence; (2) evaluate the efficiency and persistence of C. javanica and the association of the fungus with chemical insecticides in the control of whitefly. No differences in susceptibility were observed between C. javanica isolates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs; mortalities ranged from 63.7-87.8% to 5 × 107 conidia mL-1. The 4th instar was less susceptible to isolates (≤15.5% mortality). However, adults who emerged from 4th instar nymphs were highly susceptible (adult mortality and ringworm ranged from 75.6 to 93.2%). In our study, temperature was more detrimental to Cordyceps virulence in Bemisia nymphs than relative humidity. The BRM 27666 isolate was selected for field efficiency tests because of its ability to grow extensively on the leaf surface and produce a high amount of conidia under wet conditions. In all experiments, a pressurized CO2 spray with dropleg bars was used (they spray the leaves upwards). The percentage of sporulated nymphs ranged from 47 - 59.1% to 25.4 - 41.3% for unformulated (3 applications of 1 × 1012 conidia ha-1) and formulated (1 application of 2 × 1011 conidia ha-1), respectively, after 28 days. Nymph mortality increased after joint action with parasitoids (67.9 - 81.6%) in fungal treatments. The persistence of C. javanica conidia was significantly reduced at 48 h. After combining the fungus with the chemical insecticides, the percentage of mycosis ranged from 20.2 to 35% after 26 days, except the fungus + pyriproxyfen (≤9.4%). In general, after the joint action of natural enemies, the mortality of nymphs in fungal treatments ranged from 90.3 to 98.1%. The high potential of C. javanica in whitefly control has been demonstrated in our field and screenhouse experiments. Based on this, C. javanica BRM 27666 was selected as a promising isolate in whitefly control. A C. javanica conidia-based mycoinsecticide has been developed and is under registration in Brazil for the control of whitefly in several crops.Item Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja em função do pré- resfriamento e do ambiente de armazenamento(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-07-31) Luccas, Anna Carla Souza; Teles, Héria de Freitas;; Gomes Júnior, Francisco Guilhien;; Seleguini, Alexsander;; Seleguini, Alexsander; Teles, Héria de Freitas; Cunha, Patrícia Pinheiro da; Brasil, Edward MadureiraThe main challenge of storing soybeans for a certain period of time is to conserve the most of its initial physiological feature. The storage for long periods without temperature and humidity control undermines germination and vigor due to the elevated process of deterioration. Therefore, alternatives for proper storage of high physiological potential seeds are being pursued. In this sense, with the appearance of seed cooling technologies before bagging and during storage, the objective of this study was to investigate the possible reactions of the seeds after dynamic artificial cooling (before bagging), which were stored both at room temperature and under controlled temperature to assess the seeds conditions. Four lots of the cultivar NA 7337 RR with sieves of 5.5 mm and 6.5 mm, cooled to 12°C and 13°C by dynamic process before bagging were used. Seed samples were collected after 0, 45, 90, 135, 180 days of storage in two different environments: common warehouse (without temperature control) and refrigerated warehouse (with temperature control). The seeds were submitted to evaluated parameters: germination, accelerated aging, seedling emergence in sand, germination speed index, electrical conductivity, tetrazolium, weight of 1000 seeds, humidity and computerized image analysis. It was concluded that the dynamic artificial pre-cooling before bagging is important in the conservation of soybean seed quality, but it must be associated to a storage room with controlled temperature and humidity.Item Variabilidade genética e resistência de fungicidas em populações de Corynespora cassiicola provenientes de soja(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-11) Jesus, Jéssica Maria Israel de; Cunha, Marcos Gomes da;; Cunha, Marcos Gomes da; Coelho, Alexandre Siqueira Guedes; Lima, Milton Luiz da PazThe fungus Corynespora cassiicola (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Wei belongs to the phylum Ascomycota and has been reported as a pathogen in more than 402 plant species. Among the hosts of C. cassiicola is the soybean of which is the causal agent of the target spot and root rot of Corynespora. The intensive use of fungicides to control diseases in soybean (mainly Asian rust) impacts populations of pathogens, and monitoring is necessary to detect the emergence of isolates resistant to the main fungicides. The efficient control of diseases depends on several factors, among them the correct identification and the knowledge about the genetic variability of the phytopathogen. The objective of this study was to: i) identify the isolates using molecular techniques and evaluate the genetic diversity of 203 C. cassiicola isolates obtained from soybean plants using molecular markers ISSR; ii) to determine the EC50 and EC98 of seven fungicides used in the control of Asian rust against "wild" isolates of C. cassiicola; iii) to evaluate (from EC50 and EC98) the sensitivity of C. cassiicola isolates collected from areas where systematic applications of fungicides for the control of Asian rust have been carried out; iv) to study the possible differences between C. cassiicola isolates from leaves and roots of soybean through the morphological and molecular characterization, genetic variability from ISSR molecular markers and cross pathogenicity between both groups of isolates; v) determine the EC50 and EC98 for the isolates from leaves and roots of soybean. All 203 leaf isolates with symptoms of target spot were identified as C. cassiicola. The genetic diversity of C. cassiicola was analyzed with nine ISSR primers, with 100% polymorphism. The Mantel test showed a positive correlation (r = 0.91) between the geographic distance and the genetic distance. Through AMOVA, it was possible to observe a medium structure for the state and high for the municipality of origin, suggesting gene flow among the populations of C. cassiicola from soybean crops. For the determination of the EC's 50 and 98, there was variation in sensitivity among the "wild" isolates of C. cassiicola, indicating an existing variability in this fungal species. The pathogen showed variability in sensitivity to the fungicidal groups triazoles (DMI) and strobilurins (QoI), which shows a high risk of selection for resistance. In the studies related to the differentiation between isolates from leaves and soybean root (target spot and Corynespora root rot), it was possible to observe great differentiation between both groups of isolates. In the molecular characterization there was a difference between the results of the primers specific for C. cassiicola (CCF-1 / CCR-1 and GA4F / GA4R) and also in the sequencing for the two genes (ITS and β-tubulin). The genetic diversity with ISSR primers obtained a percentage of polymorphism of 97.2%. The genetic dissimilarity values, calculated according to the complement of Dice index ranged from 0 to 0.797, reflecting a high genetic variability among the groups of C. cassiicola isolates. Through AMOVA, it was possible to observe a high structure between the two groups of isolates, referring to the plant tissue from which they come (root and leaf). The cross-pathogenicity test demonstrated the ability of the two groups of isolates to infect both plant tissues (leaf and root), but presenting differences in the speed and intensity of symptoms. In the evaluation of the sensitivity of the isolates to fungicides, it was possible to observe that the root sensitivity to fungicides, and the EC50 and EC98 doses estimated for this group were also lower than those determined for leaf isolates. From the results obtained in this study, it is possible to say that the two groups of isolates from soybean (leaf and root) do not belong to the same fungal species.Item Biocontrole de Meloidogyne javanica por fungo micorrízico orquidoide (Waitea circinata) em tomateiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-05-16) Mendes, Bruno Leonardo; Rocha, Mara Rúbia da;; Araíujo, Leila Garcês de;; Araújo, Leila Garcês de; Rocha, Mara Rúbia da; Nascimento, Abadia dos Reis; Faleiro, Valéria de OliveiraSeveral phytopathogenic microorganisms attack the tomato crop, among them, root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica, that is virulent and generates losses for producers. The use of conventional synthetic nematicides generates negative effects on the environment and human health, since the residual effect of these products is high in soil and fruit. Therefore, it is interesting to insert sustainable control methods into integrated management of M. javanica, such as biological control. Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi (OMF) Waitea circinata has antagonistic action against leaf blast in rice crop, wherefore, this study aimed to evaluate the potential of the OMF W. circinata in antagonism to the M. javanica. We evaluated the effect of concentrations 5 g, 10 g, 15 g, 20 g and 25 g mycelium/L water of the mycelial suspension of W. circinata on the mortality and hatching of second stage juveniles (J2). The parasitic capacity of the OMF mycelium also were evaluate. After pathogenicity tests of the OMF suspension and mycelium on tomato plants cv. Santa Cruz Kada, experiments were conducted in a greenhouse to evaluate the effect of the W. circinata suspension on the nematode reproductive factor (RF) and nematode population density (PD). Were also evaluated the effect of fungus suspension on agronomic characteristics such as shoot length (SL), root length (RL) and fresh root mass (FRM). The concentration of 25 g of mycelium/L of water guaranteed 60% mortality of J2 in relation to the control treatment and presented positive linear regression. The mycelial suspension reduced 86% hatching of J2 and the mycelium was able to parasitize the M. javanica eggs. RF and PD were adjusted for negative linear regression, the concentration of 25 g/L of water stood out reducing by 30% and 90% the RF and PD, respectively. The data of agronomic characters had the same response pattern and adjusted for quadratic linear regression. Principal component analysis (PCA) corroborated regressions data and explained 71.05% of variability, the component 1 and component 2 explain for 47.16% and 23.89%, respectively. This is the first report of an orchid mycorrhizal fungus as a nematode antagonist. Therefore, after promising results, we can conclude that Waitea circinata is a fungus that can be used in the integrated management of Meloidogyne javanica.Item Cultivos de pimentões sob telas fotosseletivas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-05-30) Rosa, Juliano Queiroz Santana; Farias, João Gaspar;; Ferreira, Regis de Castro;; Farias, João Gaspar; Costa, Edilson; Casaroli, Derblai; Ferreira, Regis de CastroSweet pepper is among the ten most important vegetable crops in Brazil, the production concentrating in the Southeast and Central-West regions, where Goiás State is the largest producer. Sweet pepper is traditionally cultivates at open field, but protected cultivation allows for increasing productivity as well as out of season production. Among the technologies available for shading are the photoselective screens, which attenuate the solar radiation by way of transmitting better quality incident solar radiation spectra for the photosynthesis process. Limited research has been developed on this subject in the Goiás State. A study was proposed, carried out at Goiânia, Goiás State, Brazil (16o35’73”S, 49o16’54”W, 716m), under two objectives: 1) Evaluation of sweet peppers seedling production under red and blue photoselective screens, a thermo-reflective screen, and a tunnel plastic greenhouse; 2) Evaluation of the vegetative development and yield of two sweet pepper cultivars (yellow and red), grown under blue and red photoselective screenhouses, and at open field. In the first experiment sowing was made in 128-cell trays filled with commercial growing media, in completely randomized design, with 16 plots per treatment and 12 seedlings per plot. All data variance were analyzed and compared by the Scott-Knott test at 5% significance. Solar global radiation (GR), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), temperature, and air relative humidity were continuously registered. Data show that in May and June temperature has greater influence in seedling development than GR and PAR. The conclusion of the study is that better quality seedlings are obtained in greenhouses covered with low density polyethylene as compared to those grown under 40% shading blue or red photoselective or thermoreflective screens. In the second experiment the Eppo (yellow) and Margarita (red) hybrids were grown in 16m x 12m x 2,2m 40% shading screenhouses. The control treatment was open sky beds. For each cultivar 140 seedlings were planted per environment, making up six independent populations. Stalk diameter and length and leaves number, area, and mass were measured. At 120 days from transplanting fruit number, mass, length, and diameter were measured, as well as the number of fruits lost by sun scald. Data show that photoselective red and blue screens increased stalk growth and decreased the number of leaves and fruits. No statistical differences were observed for leaf area, showing that there is compensation between leaf number and area. Total fruit production per plant decreased from open sky to red screen to blue screen. However, fruit losses by sun scald reached 35% at open sky and 6% under screens. Commercial fruit production per plant was higher under red screen, followed by open sky and blue screen. The conclusion is that, for the red and yellow sweetpeppers and environments studied, 40% shading red screen results in better plant growth and a small (4%) increase in commercial fruit production as compared to blue screen and open sky.Item Aspectos fenológicos, associação micorrízica e germinação in vitro de Cyrtopodium vernum Rchb.f. & Warm (Orchidaceae)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-02-19) Gonçalves, Fábio José; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de;; Sibov, Sérgio Tadeu;; Pires, Larissa Leandro; Lobo Junior, Murilo; Sibov, Sérgio TadeuCyrtopodium vernum Rchb. f. Warm (Orchidaceae) is a species widely distributed in Brazilian savannah, mainly in Cerrado Rupestre. C. vernum is a terrestrial plant, growing in sand soil, dry environment and it grows in full sun. Due to beauty of its flowers and its inflorescence, C. vernum presents high ornamental and commercial potential. However, few information are available on aspects of development, budding or germination of this species that can be used for the production of plants in scale for use in commercial production. Thus, the present study objectified to characterize the fenology, the morphology and the reproductive aspects of this species and to establish protocols for symbiotic and asymbiotic germination in vitro. The plants studied grows at the Biological Reserve Prof. Jose Ângelo Rizzo, a forest remainder of 500 ha of Cerrado biome, whose predominant vegetation is the type Cerrado Rupestre, located in the Serra Dourada, city of Mossâmedes-GO. From the months of July of 2007 through August of 2008 monthly visits had been carried out for accompaniment and collects data of 63 plants, distributed in four subpopulations. For the establishment of the germination protocols in vitro of C. vernum established the symbiotic culture, pairs the isolated fungic contends the mycorrhizae Epulorhiza sp., obtained from roots of C. vernum, with the seeds of C. vernum in medium FA, and the asimbyotic culture, where the seeds had been cultivated in culture mediums that are regularly used for seed orchids germination, being the complete MS medium, the MS medium with reduction to the half of the concentration of macronutrients (½ MS) and the Knudson medium (KC). Also histological slides of these roots were made for verification the mycorrhizae symbiotic interactions in the roots. The analysis of the behavior of C. vernum allowed to verify that this species presents the beginning of the budding with the beginning of rainy season and that the bloom is narrowly related with the action of the fire. Soon after the bloom, still in the rainy period, plants of C. vernum starts to invest its energy in the production of vegetative parts, as new pseudobulbs and leves. The establishment of the symbiotic germination in vitro did not disclose resulted satisfactory because no protocorms formation were obtained. However, satisfactory results had been founded in the asymbiotic germination in vitro, being the ½ MS medium superior to the KC and the complete MS medium for the time, germination of seeds and establishment of protocorms. However, the development of new plants did not occur in none of the three medium, indicating the necessity of the fitohormone use to induce the differentiation and organogenesis.Item Avaliação de SNPs associados à descoloração de feijões especiais destinados à exportação e consumo interno(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-04-29) Sousa, Aline Rodrigues de; Vianello, Rosana Pereira;; Soares Júnior, Manoel Soares;; Soares Júnior, Manoel Soares; Rodrigues, Luana Alves; Souza, Nara Oliveira SilvaThe common bean has grains of different colors, shapes and sizes. There are special beans, with large, colorful beans. These beans may show color loss during thermal processing, an important problem for industrialization and commercialization. It has not yet been possible to elucidate the variation in sensitivity to thermal processing during industrialization, which causes color loss in the cooked grain and depreciates its physical quality. Thus, the objective of the research was to characterize and validate SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) markers for the discoloration characteristic in special bean varieties. For the sequencing and evaluation of the SNPs, 21 bean genotypes were used first, eight of Andean origin and 13 of Mesoamerican origin. Then another 20 genotypes of Andean origin were planted, thus totaling 41 genotypes (28 Andean and 13 Mesoamerican) in the final analysis. The genotypes were evaluated for polymorphism of SNPs and fading of post-cooking grains, aiming to expand the base of evaluated genetic materials. Thus, seeds of 41 special bean genotypes were sown in a greenhouse for multiplication. Young trifoliate leaves were collected for DNA extraction, which were used for the sequencing and alignment of the 21 genotypes, in order to find the SNPs associated with grain color loss. Seven regions were sequenced containing target SNPs, previously identified in the literature as associated with discoloration in Andean black bean germplasm. The grains were evaluated for the color difference parameter (ΔE) before and after cooking. by a method similar to the industrial process for canning pre-cooked grain. The results of the sequencing revealed four SNPs for the seven regions evaluated. The ΔE values varied between 4.23 and 22.49 for Andean beans (lowest value for Montcalm), and from 5.63 (BRS FP 403) to 9.35 (BRS Campeiro) for Mesoamericans. Only for Andean beans, associations of the SNP with the lowest values of ∆Ε were identified. For these SNPs, TaqMan probes were developed, which were evaluated with an extended sampling of beans characterized in terms of ∆Ε. Two SNPs were identified with great potential for indirect selection of bean genotypes associated with lower values of ∆Ε, confirmed by simple linear regression (p-value ≤ 0.01). These SNPs will be incorporated into the marker-assisted selection routine within the bean breeding program for the selection of Andean genotypes with less grain discoloration in industrial thermal processing.Item Área de preservação permanente em processo de revegetação com espécies arbóreas e adubos verdes(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-02-02) Ferreira, Eva de Melo; Leandro, Wilson Mozena;; Leandro, Wilson Mozena; Correchel, Vladia; Calil, Francine Neves; Oliveira Júnior, Juarez Patrício deThis work was carried out Agronomy School of the Federal University of Goiás, where there is a dam that has its water used for the purpose of industrial supply, human and also for the creation of exotic fish, not belonging to the Cerrado fauna. In 2011 the revegetation was initiated with native tree species, among these: baru (Dipteryx alata), pequi (Caryocar brasiliense), mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia), murici (Byrsonima crassifólia), nóde- porco (Physocalymma scaberrimum), and apeiba (Apeiba albiflora). Before the land was occupied with the cultivation of vegetables, annual crops and forages. In association with some tree species were used green manures, which among other things promote soil unpacking and nutrient cycling through the roots. The main objective of this study was to diagnose the situation of the study area, including water body that is fueled by Córrego Samambaia. Measurements were made of height and diameter of tree species for twelve months. In addition there collecting dam water samples where analyzed parameters pH, conductivity, total P and heavy metals. In July of 2014 and December of that year, analyzes were made of turbidity, color, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO). The parameters were evaluated according to the recommendations in the Standard Methods For Examination of Water & Wastewater (APHA, 2012) and these were performed in the Soil Analysis Laboratory, Substrate and Plant Nutrition (Lassnut) in the Agronomy School, and the use of Sanitation Laboratory of the School of Civil Engineering, both from the Federal University of Goiás. It also carried out physico-chemical analysis of soil. These were performed at Lassnut and also at the Soil Physics Laboratory EA-UFG. Monitoring carried out in September 2013 to August 2014, some plants had good response in relation to the use of green manures, but others had high mortality during the study, as the case of the pequi. The competition between alien and native was reduced, which increased overall survival. Elements such as Mn showed no significant difference in all treatments during evaluation’s period. The replacement of leguminous plants where there has been death is one of the alternatives to reduce compression levels. Macro and micro pores values were similar, but for texture area showed differences. For penetration resistance tests (PR) made in an area with green manure and one without legumes species, the largest PR values were found in the area without green manure. The water body receives the discharge of sewage illegally occupied homes. Parameters such as electric conductivity, were stable during the twelve months of study. The results for DO and BOD are outside the recommended by CONAMA’s determination, Nº 357.Item Fontes alternativas de potássio para soqueira da cana-de-açúcar(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-01-24) Marques, Eduardo Parra; Collier, Leonardo Santos;; Collier, Leonardo Santos; Leandro, Wilson Mozena; Caione, GustavoBeing in a prominent position as the source of renewable energy in Brazil and in the world, sugar cane producers are looking for growing productivity that increasingly demand from plants that tend to deplete nutrients from the soil. Potassium being (K), the most required and important nutrient in this cultivation. Concentrated and repeated fertilisers, provide serious problems to the soil, so that the verticalization of the production occurs it is necessary to find new methodologies and technologies. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium sources and their impacts on soil fertility, productivity, physiological, technological and nutrional parameters of sugar cane, first sprout, in Cerrado edaphoclimatic conditions. Two experiments were carried out at Goiasa factory, in Goiatuba, GO, during the harvest 2019/20, being in a PLINTOSOLO HÁPLICO and the other in a LATOSSOLO VERMELHO, using the sugar cane variety SP83-2847. The treatments consisted of four sources of potassium (KCl, vinasse, rock powder and polysulfate), and a control that did not receive application of the nutrient, arranged in randomized blocks with five repetitions. The treatments were applied at the dose of 120 kg of K2O per ha, superficially, over the cane line, at 30 days after sprouting (DAS). It was evaluated: K content in the soil (up to 0.8 m) and in the plant (leaf and stalk); biometric variables (plant height, stalk diameter and number of tillers), stalk production and technological quality of stalks. In PLINTOSSOLO HÁPLICO KCl increased potassium levels to 180 DAS in the 0-0.2 m depth layer significantly. However, in the 0.2-0.4 and 0.4-0.6 m layers, at 180 DAS, the vinasse that had a significant effect. At 295 DAS the KCl in the 0.2-0.4 layer m of depth, provided an increase in the potassium content in the soil. Already in LATOSSOLO VERMELHO, at 180 DAS, were elevated in the 0-0.2 m layer by KCl and 0.2-0.4 m through vinasse. After 295 days, KCl still had an effect on layer 0-0.2m, but in the 0.2-0.4 m layer the polysulfate that started to present the best result for soil K content. The saturation of CEC by potassium, increased in all treatments in PLINTICO soil and decrease in LATOSSOLO, the same effect it happened with potassium levels in the soil at all depths. At the PLINTOSSOLO HÁPLICO occurred the biggest accumulations of potassium in the stalk for all potassium applications. And the largest exports of the nutrient were from sources polysulfate, KCl and rock powder. The use of rock powder also provided gains in the technological quality of sugarcane in first cut located in LATOSSOLO VERMELHO. The stalk production was influenced by KCl and polysulfate, in both soils, providing the highest yields.Item Avaliação de estações climáticas virtuais e do modelo ORYZAv3 para a região de arroz tropical irrigado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-25) Menezes, Caio Teodoro; Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan;; Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan; Oliveira, Henrique Fonseca Elias de; Castro, João Rodrigo deIn Brazil, there are two main rice producing regions, subtropical and tropical. In the subtropical region, production is more stable whereas in the tropical region it is still unstable. This difference is caused by environmental and social factors. One way to improve this situation is by using crop models since they can capture environmental and management interactions. This study aims to assess, first, the gridded weather database (GWD) used as an input in crop modelling. Verifying the feasibility of DailyGridded and NASA/POWER datasets in ORYZA (v3) crop model, using upland rice in the tropical region considering sandy and clay soil conditions. In the second phase, we calibrate and validate two rice crops for the tropical region so their feasibility in studies on tropical region could be checked. In the first chapter, it is observed that both GWD are more reliable only when there is no drought stress, due to uncertainties created by GWD-based rainfall. This error is higher in sandy soil conditions. In the second chapter, two rice crops, BRS Catiana and IRGA 424, are calibrated using data from two trials carried out in Goianira-GO, showing a good agreement in this step. On the validation step, we observe a yield bias as a function of latitude, with a tendency to overestimate results in places nearby the calibration area and underestimate them on locations further north. For those reasons these calibrated crops are not indicated to be used in studies regarding the tropical region.Item Desenvolvimento radicular da cana-de-açúcar em latossolo vermelho da depressão intermontana de Ceres(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-24) Medrado, Lucas de Castro; Correchel, Vladia;; Santos, Glenio Guimarães;; Santos, Glenio Guimarães; Flores, Rilner Alves; Severiano, Eduardo da CostaThe culture of sugarcane has an impacting socio-economic importance in the Brazilian economic profile, being mainly used as raw material for ethanol. With government funding and private sector investment, the crop currently occupies about 8,409,900 hectares, with the State of Goiás having the second largest cultivation area with 965,000 hectares. The State of Goiás has aspects of relief, climate and soil favorable to the extensive cultivation of sugarcane, which, together with the modernization of the field, allowed the implementation of high technology throughout its production chain. With the heavy traffic of machinery and poor handling performed on the ground, substantial losses of productivity end up, and consequently, economic losses. In order to improve the yield in the field and go beyond the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil, it is proposed to study the root system of the crop, to better understand the effects of soil management on growth and root dynamics. There are few studies and scientific references in this area, mainly due to the difficulty of studying roots in loco. With the advancement of technology, new ways of assessing root development have emerged, one of which is based on the installation of acrylic tubes in the soil, where readings will be performed with a scanner that images the soil surface, allowing to identify the development of the roots. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the growth factors, mortality and regeneration of sugarcane roots and the effects of soil management on the crop. The experiment was carried out in an experimental area at Usina Jalles Machado, in Latossolo Vermelho, located in the municipality of Goianésia. The design used was in randomized blocks, with three varieties of sugarcane (RB987935, RB985476 and RB034045) with 3 repetitions each. For the purpose of comparing soil management, deformed and undisturbed soil samples were collected, and various physical aspects of the soil were analyzed, such as soil density, macro and microporosity, gravimetric humidity, weighted average diameter and geometric mean diameter, in addition to chemical analysis in the soil. 0-0.10, 0,10-0.20, 0.20-0.40 and 0.80-0.90 m layers. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and analyzed by Tukey's test at 5% probability when significant. Soil chemistry analyzes showed that macros and micronutrients are at adequate levels of development, as well as pH. The results of soil physics, demonstrated that the evaluated layer of 0.10-0.20 m, presented higher results of soil density and resistance to penetration, which is limiting to root development. The root development of the studied varieties occurred in a homogeneous way, without great variations between them, mainly due to the homogeneity of the studied area. Initially in the dry season, the roots showed difficulties to develop, which changed when the rainy season started, regardless of the physical conditions of the soil. Under homogeneous conditions of climate, soil and management, the root system of the sugarcane varieties RB034045, RB985476 and RB987935 develop differently. Among the varieties analyzed, the average values of the attributes of growth and development of the root system of sugarcane present a more homogeneous distribution in depth.Item Análise da tendência de chuva entre 1949 e 2019 em Goiânia, GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-24) Silva, Ayramanna Carlos Souza da; Battisti, Rafael;; Battisti, Rafael; Casaroli, Derblai; Pilau, Felipe GustavoWeather variability influences the behavior of the population and many sectors of the economy. Anthropic actions directly affect global warming and, consequently, intensify the hydrological cycle, triggering a sequence of adverse effects such as increasing air temperature and changing precipitation in different regions. The analysis of the trend of historical precipitation allows determining the occurrence of local climate changes, enabling the evaluation of their consequences on hydrographic basins and, consequently, on society being a tool to solve problems of interest to engineering, such as surface runoff control and urban drainage, in addition to agricultural problems, such as crop management and mitigation systems. Climatic variability can also be caused by macroscale phenomena, such as ENSO. So, the objective of this work was to carry out the quantitative analysis and the trend of the historical series of rain from 1949 to 2019 in Goiânia, GO, on an annual, monthly and quarterly scale, through descriptive statistics and the Mann-Kendall test counting the occurrence of dry, rainy days and precipitated volumes and observing the occurrence, intensity and its relationship with ENSO. The pluviometric data were obtained on the Hidroweb database and a preliminary analysis was performed, filling in the missing data. The series was organized on the study and consistency scales, in which trends, averages and statistical tests were analyzed. The Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) of the period was obtained and the years were classified according to the occurrence, intensity and duration of the ENSO and the ONI response delay ratio in the rain intensity was determined. There was a large annual variation in the distribution of rainfall in the region, with a maximum of 2,049 mm (1982) and a minimum of 1,037 mm (1949), with a climatological average of 1,558 mm. Mann-Kendall indicated a tendency of increased rainfall of 2.31 mm year-1. In the monthly analysis, March and April showed a tendency of increasing rainfall of 2.48 and 1.87 mm month-1, respectively, from 1949 to 2019. In the quarterly analysis, the January-February-March (JFM) and April-May-June (AMJ) quarters showed a trend of increasing rainfall of 1.93 and 1.87 mm month-1, respectively. The city of Goiânia (GO) presented an average of 228 days without the occurrence of rains per year, which corresponded to 62% of the year, as for the daily volume of rain there were 200 occasions of precipitation above 60 mm day-1. When comparing the volume of rain with the ONI of the seasons of the same period and previous periods, a weak correlation was observed. Thus, there is a tendency of increasing rainfall in the annual accumulated. However, no correlation was found between the volume of rain and the occurrence of ENSO phenomena.Item Rizobactérias e silício na intensificação da mitigação do arroz de terras altas ao déficit hídrico e à brusone(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-02-24) Faria, Denner Robert; Lanna, Anna Cristina;; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de; Filippi, Marta Cristina Corsi de; Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan; Souza, Alan Carlos Alves deRice (Oryza sativa L.) is the only cereal that feeds approximately 2,4 billion people in the world per day. The productivity of the highland farming system is challenged by the occurrence of blast (Magnaporthe oryzae) and water deficit. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), as well as silicon, as they have multiple bioactivity, have the potential to mitigate water deficit and the effects of blast.The objective was to characterize nine rhizobacteria isolates, select the ones that are most resistant to high osmotic potentials combined with monosilicic acid, evaluate the effect of the best combinations in the development of rice seedling roots in vitro and in the mitigation of water deficit and blast leaf in rice plants, in vivo. Five sequential tests were performed. 1) Nine rhizobacteria isolates (Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM 32113) two Serratia sp. isolates (BRM 32114 and BRM 63522) and two Serratia marcescens (BRM 63521 and BRM 63523); Bacillus thuringiensis (BRM 32110), Bacillus cereus (BRM 32109), Pseudomonas fluorescens (BRM 32111) and Pseudomonas sp. (BRM 32112)) were characterized for the production of extracellular enzymes, siderophores, biofilm, ACC deaminase enzyme, indolacetic acid (AIA) and phosphatase, in a completely randomized design, and three repetitions. 2) The nine isolated PGPRs were grown in liquid culture medium supplemented with seven different concentrations of PEG-6000 combined with monosilicic acid, in a completely randomized design, and twelve replications. The growth rate was determined and viable cells were quantified. 3) The best isolates were used to treat the seeds of the cultivar BRS Esmeralda of upland rice. The seeds were sown in culture medium containing the seven concentrations of PEG-6000 combined with monosilicic acid, in a completely randomized design, with six replications. The root development of seedlings was evaluated with the aid of a scanner and the program WinRhizo Pro 2012b. 4) The best isolates were tested as antagonists to M. oryzae, in Petri dishes containing culture medium enriched with seven different concentrations of PEG-6000 combined with monosilicic acid, in a completely randomized design, in three replications. The colony diameter of each treatment was determined. 5) In greenhouse conditions, seeds of the cultivar BRS Esmeralda, treated with the isolate BRM 32111, were sown in plastic trays containing 3 kg of soil fertilized with calcium and magnesium silicate (9 g tray-1). At 15 days after planting, the leaves were sprayed with the same isolate and at 21 days they were subjected to four days of water deficit. Gas exchanges were evaluated at the end of this period. At 26 days, the plants were inoculated with a conidia suspension of M. oryzae. The progress of the disease was assessed for seven days. The isolates BRM 32110, BRM 3211 and BRM 63523 were the most resistant to high osmotic pressure, in addition to being producers of extracellular enzymes, siderophores, biofilm, ACC deaminase enzyme, AIA and phosphate solubilizers. And the isolate BRM 32111 was the one that most inhibited (78,36%) the mycelial growth of M. oryzae in the presence of monosilicic acid. In the development of seedlings in vitro, the same three isolates combined with monosilicic acid, were promising under high osmotic pressure, increased the length and area of roots and even more of root hair due to the expansion of very thin roots, mitigating the effects of water deficit in seedlings. Comparing the control with the highest osmotic potential, within the parameters length and total root surface area, the isolate BRM 32111 showed an increase of 93,26 and 77,32%, the isolate BRM 32110 of 203,65 and 110,24% and the isolate BRM 63523 of 139,67 and 170,13%. In the parameter length and area of very thin roots, this increase in treatments with osmotic pressures was up to 109,29 and 194,00%, (BRM 32111), 44,06 and 90,49% (BRM 32110) and 34,31 and 36,17% (BRM 63525). In a greenhouse, BRM 32111 in combination with calcium and magnesium silicate, in all treatments, an increase in transpiration and photosynthetic rates, water use efficiency, stomatal conductance, internal carbon concentration and carboxylation efficiency, in addition to reducing leaf blast severity. The nine isolates in synergism with silicon showed potential for mitigating damage caused by water deficit and blast suppression and among them BRM 32111 stood out in mitigating damage to upland rice plants in greenhouse, in vitro and in vivo.