Puerpério e processos identitários maternos diante da perda gestacional e suas implicações psicossociais na parentalidade
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This dissertation addresses the transition of maternal identity crossed by neonatal loss in the pu-erperium within the psychoanalytic theory. For qualitative research, the methodology of narrative interviews was used, in which three case studies of primiparous mothers aged between 25 and 35 years who lost their children between 0 and 27 days of life were carried out. To contemplate this theme, the bibliographical survey about parental grief and the constitution of parenthood encom-passed the discourses that precede the maternal place in modernity. In this sense, we sought to understand the historical constructions and their possible implications in the process of identi-fying women with motherhood, later related to the loss and death of their child. In this follow-up, the deficiency of protocols in women's health care and in the management of psychological inter-vention in situations of perinatal mourning was highlighted in order to demonstrate how these events can further make the psychic elaboration more complex. The pregnancy-puerperal cycle and its consequences were covered in detail along with the validation processes in our culture, as they hinder the elaboration of mourning and narcissistic reparation in the investigated cases. Thus, the research aims to contribute to expanding the field of perinatal care and highlight the urgency to systematize psychological and psychoanalytic studies that can collaborate in the im-plementation of changes in the area of women's health in order to socially legitimize grief and the recognition of the experience of motherhood.
ANDRADE, F. T. Puerpério e processos identitários maternos diante da perda gestacional e suas implicações psicossociais na parentalidade. 2021. 153 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia. 2021.