“De onde nóis vei, prá onde nós vai”: um estudo sobre o processo histórico da luta por reconhecimento étnico e titulação das terras entre as populações do quilombo do Rio das Rãs durante o século XX

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The struggle of quilombos in Brazil and America, resemble and differ as to organize and create mechanisms struggles in defense of land and ancestrally occupied territory. The economic programs created by the federal government, from the 70s, aiming the development of the nation, placed in confrontation businessmen and landowners committed to capitalist interests and the traditional communities struggling to remain and survive in land ancestors. With the advent of the Constituent and the need to ensure in the Constitution, the right of minorities, the old resemantizations return involving the concept of quilombo their role in the new Constitution of 1988 as “remnants of quilombo”. This new category assured to the remnants to seek, in the collective memory of the group mechanism to justify, to the responsible agencies, recognition and titling of quilombo communities. Thus, the struggle in the Rio das Rãs imbricated in the possessory field enters the political-party sphere yearning the desire to ethnic recognition. This change put them in contact with institutions, to organize new fronts of struggle and walk a long way in the tangled landowner and judicial systems, until the regulation of Article 68 of ADCT and the consequent creation, precarious, Decrees and Normative Instructions, procrastination of the Constitutional right. Thus, this dissertation, we present the paths taken by in the Quilombo Rio das Rãs in defense of their territory and we verify that access to the recognition and titling from the occupied land on behalf of the quilombo communities do not ensure the enjoyment of the ancestrally occupied territoriality.



SILVA, J. M. “De onde nóis vei, prá onde nós vai”: Um estudo sobre o processo histórico da luta por reconhecimento étnico e titulação das terras entre as populações do quilombo do Rio das Rãs durante o século XX. 2015. 172 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.