Vocalização dos fonemas /l/ e /r/ pós-vocálicos: Jaraguá-Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This research is an investigative study of a descriptive, comparative and interpretive
nature under the auspices of the Historical Linguistics. This study presents the
analysis of the vocalization of postvocalic /l/ and /r/ in speech community of Jaraguá,
located in the midwest of Goiás, Brazil. In the process of vocalization, the /l/ is
replaced by [y] and /r/, whose analyzed variant is [ö], with [y] and [w], providing
falling diphthongs (vowel + semivowel). The postvocalic vocalization occurs in CVC
and CV syllables within words, for example, salgada > saygada, alma > ayma, garfo
> gayfu ~ gawfu; at the end of words the process of erasure or resyllabication
predominated, as in enxoval > inxovali ~ inxová, cobertor > cubeytori ~ cubeytô. The
sample group consists of 17 speakers (male and female) above 65 years old, born
near the town, or people that have lived for more than 50 years in the place, with little
or no level of literacy. We applied the technique of data collection based on the
methodological assumptions of Ethnography, adopting a semi-structured interview.
The themes of the interviews were directed to narratives and dialogues about family,
childhood, migration, religious, cultural and professional activities, and especially
about history and the beginning of the locality. The focus is primarily phonological, so
it is used the terminology of this area of Linguistics. The theoretical section presents
the main theories and methods of Historical Linguistics from the perspectives of
Paixão de Sousa (2005-2009), Silva (1973), Coutinho (1975), Campbell (2004),
Maurer Jr. (1951), Faraco (2005), Callou e Leite (1993) and Ladefoged e Maddieson
(1996). The discussion and presentation of the Brazilian Portuguese Language and
its structural system is based on theorists such as Ilari (1990), Ilari e Basso (2006),
Mattos e Silva (2004), Camara Jr. ([1970] 2008a - [1953] 2008b), Amaral (1976),
Jakobson (1967) and others. Theoretically, the process of postvocalic vocalization is
shown and discussed on the perspectives by Camara Jr. ([1953] 2008a - [1970]
2008b), Coutinho (1975), Elia (1979), Silva (2008), Melo (1981), Moura (1993), Vieira
(1983), Silva Neto (1988) among others. Given these theoretical and methodological
assumptions, it is considered, in the analysis of data, the synchronic and diachronic
criteria of postvocalic vocalization, in the intralinguistic perspective. In a diachronic
point of view, we observe the evolution from Latin to Portuguese, and from the
synchronic point of view, the occurrences of the speech community of Jaraguá,
comparing them to recent studies from other regions of the country.
FERREIRA, Ester. Vocalization of postvocalic phonemes /l/ and /r/: Jaraguá-Goiás. 2010. 217 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.