Vertebral: um olhar feminino crítico sobre a representação da mulher flexível
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This is an autobiographical arts research, developed at the master's level in the research path Artistic Poetics and Creative Processes of the Graduate Program in Art and Visual Culture, at the Faculty of Visual Arts (FAV) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). The objective was to carry out an audiovisual production based on a critical and poetic exercise on the presence and representation of women in the circus, seeking to address the obstacles and invisible violence suffered by athletes and artists in circus performance, starting from my experience as a woman and artist. With the support of feminist critical thinking and informed by the historical study of the presence of women in the circus, I create a multimedia audiovisual performance, seeking to confront the sexist and fetishized representations of the athletes and opening space for other ways of being and seeing the female body in the circus expression. In this text, I dialogue with Latin American authors such as Bosch (2019), Losada (2021), Orellana (2020) and Varejão (2020). Complementarily, the theoretical framework is composed by Bleiberg (2005), Guhl and Koner (2017), and Qifeng (1985) to draw a historical panorama. Concerning multimedia artistic representation and cinematographic language, my audiovisual poetics is informed by the survey and analysis carried out by authors such as Martin (2003) as well as by my references and experiences as a woman, artist, circus contortionist, and multimedia audiovisual producer.