O trabalho do profissional de psicologia na atuação em cuidados paliativos: uma análise da morte e do morrer
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The following study addresses the work of psychologists in Palliative Care, who experience,
alongside both patients and relatives, moments of finitude in situations that have death as one
of the possible outcomes. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted psychologists’ roles within
multiprofessional teams which were based on a transdisciplinary approach. However, it is
noted that the theories and competences which handle death and the process of dying are yet
to be included in the national curricular directives of Psychology university programs, which
leads to questioning whether Psychology professionals are actually well-prepared to work in
the aforementioned field. This research focuses on the work of psychologists who handle
death and the process of dying within Palliative Care teams. To reach the objective
established, the experiences of psychologists in multiprofissional palliative care teams, when
working with patients and relatives, were taken into account, emphasizing the competences
and abilities required for interventions in situations which include death and the process of
dying. The methodological course was of qualitative research, using narrative interviews as
the method of choice. This allowed the apprehension of significant and subjective data
regarding historical and sociocultural aspects, which provided a privileged space for speech
and elaboration of life stories. In this study, three persons were interviewed, all three having
worked in the Palliative Care field for at least two years. Results confirmed that
psychologists’ knowledge regarding death and the process of dying is scarce, and that, to
work in the palliative care field, Psychology professionals require theoretical knowledge.
Considering said results, the present research indicates a need for inclusion of death and the
process of dying in Psychology university programs, which might contribute to forming a
holistic view of humanity.
AMARAL, J. A. O trabalho do profissional de psicologia na atuação em cuidados paliativos: uma análise da morte e do morrer. 2023. 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em psicologia) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.